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By Richard Trionfo on 2011-09-18 18:54:13
We are live on tape from Tampa, Florida and your announcers are Matt Martlaro and Byron Saxton.

Matt and Byron welcome us to the show and they talk about the match tonight between Dean Ambrose and Seth Rollins. Bryon says that they might be putting their careers on the line for the Florida 15 Title.

We go to Briley Pierce with Ricky Steamboat and Richie Steamboat. He asks them about the match between Seth Rollins and Dean Ambrose. Richie talks about the match and he seems excited for the match. He says that he has wrestled against Seth in the tournament and as a tag team. He says that he would put his money on Seth. Ricky says that it reminds him of his matches Ric Flair and Randy Savage. He says that they would go between 30 and 60 minutes. Ricky says that he has to disagree with Richie and go with Dean Ambrose because he is the new guy on the block and he looks a bit hungrier.

We go to some highlights from their first FCW 15 match that went to a draw.

Byron says that it is like waiting for a movie to come out and it satisfies you, but you want more.

We go to Briley Pierce with Dusty Rhodes. Dusty asks Briley if he is going to get in the ring some day. Briley asks Dusty for his thoughts on the match tonight. Dusty says that this company was founded on matches like this. You can call it ‘sports entertainment’ but it comes down to what happens in the squared circle. It is an opportunity to see two men compete in combat in a wrestling match. Dusty says that it is hard to pick a winner. He says that Jack Brisco would be proud to watch this match and he is looking forward to tonight’s match.

We go to commercial.

We are back and we take a look at the second FCW 15 match between Seth Rollins and Dean Ambrose with some highlights of the twenty minute match that saw it end in a 0-0 tie.

Briley is with Steve Keirn in the interview area and Briley asks Steve who he thinks is winning. Steve says that Dusty said it best that Jack Brisco would be proud of this match and this is what wrestling fans want to see, wrestling. He says that we don’t always see 30 minute matches. He says that Maxine did a great job setting up this match. Steve says that the best man will win and they are even. Steve says that he hopes the FCW Universe enjoys the match.

We go to commercial.

We are back and the clock has thirty minutes on it for our main event. Matt and Byron talk about their picks and they both think that Dean Ambrose will get the win.

Match Number One: Seth Rollins versus Dean Ambrose in an FCW 15 Title Match in a 30 Minute Match

Ambrose has something to say to Rollins before the bell ring. The match starts and Rollins and Ambrose stare each other down before locking up. They lock up and they go to a stalemate. They lock up again and Ambrose with a waist lock but Rollins with a standing switch and Ambrose gets to the ropes and Rollins releases the hold. They lock up again and Rollins works on the arm and wrist but Ambrose gets Rollins on his shoulders. Rollins escapes and he sets up for Avada Kedavra and Ambrose escapes and goes to the floor.

We go to commercial with about two minutes elapsed.

We are back and we are about four minutes into the match and we wee Bo Rotundo, Aksana, and Maxine watch the match.

Back in the ring Rollins with an arm bar and Rollins blocks at kick and he hits a leg sweep and gets a near fall. Rollins with an arm drag into an arm bar. Ambrose backs Rollins into the corner and Ambrose with an arm drag but Rollins holds on and rolls through. Rollins with an elbow drop to the arm and we are five minutes into the match.

Rollins continues to work on the arm and he hits a Downward Spiral onto the arm and then he ties Ambrose’s arm into the ropes. Ambrose puts Rollins in the corner and he chops Rollins. Ambrose with another chop followed by a forearm to the back and another chest. Ambrose ties Rollins in the ropes and Ambrose with a forearm to Rollins. Ambrose runs his forearm across Rollins’ eyes.

Ambrose gets a near fall. Ambrose misses a chop and Rollins gets a chance to chop Ambrose around the ring and Ambrose gets caught in the ropes and Rollins chops Ambrose and he swings in the ropes and Rollins with a baseball slide that sends Ambrose to the floor.

They continue to fight around the ring and Ambrose and Rollins exchange punches until Rollins connects with a few kicks to the midsection. Ambrose returns to the ring and he backs into the corner. Rollins with shoulders to the midsection. Rollins tries for a drop kick but Ambrose holds on to the ropes and Rollins does a back flip. Ambrose with a low kick and the referee calls for the bell.

Rollins 1 Ambrose 0 with 21:40 remaining

Amborse hits the Midnight Special to get the three count.

Rollins 1 Ambrose 1 with 21:00 remaining

Ambrose waits for Rollins to get up and Ambrose with a lariat for a three count.

Ambrose 2 Rollins 1 with 20:10 Remaining

We are now ten minutes into the match and Ambrose waits for Rollins to get up and the referee holds him back. Ambrose with another lariat but Rollins rolls to the floor. Ambrose celebrates while the referee starts his count and we go to commercial with about 19 and a half minutes to go.

We are back and we are now down to seventeen and a half minutes to go and Ambrose has Rollins in a bow and arrow. We see footage from the commercial break when Rollins barely got back into the ring in time and he kicked out of a cover by Ambrose to keep the match 2 to 1 with Ambrose in the lead.

Rollins counters the bow and arrow with a lateral press but Ambrose with a snap mare and then he works on Rollins’ neck and then he twists the neck. Rollins with a punch and chop but Ambrose with punches of his own. Ambrose with an elbow to the neck and then he hits a neck breaker and he continues to work on the neck and Ambrose gets a near fall. Ambrose kicks Rollins while he avoids Rollins’ kicks. Ambrose with a forearm but Rollins with a kick and then he misses a round kick. Amborse with a belly-to-back suplex set into a front driver for a near fall and we have hit the halfway point of the match.

Ambrose taunts Rollins and he punches Rollins to send him back to the mat. Ambrose with a running knee to Rollins while Ambrose appears to be a little too cocky at this time because there are fourteen minutes left in the match. Rollins slaps Ambrose and Ambrose tries for Midnight Special but Rollins with a sunset flip for a three count.

Rollins 2 Ambrose 2 with 13:45 remaining

Rollins with forearms followed by a suplex to Ambrose. Rollins gets ready for the running elbow but Ambrose stops Rollins in the corner. Rollins with a flatline into the turnbuckles followed by a forearm into the corner. Rollins misses the curb stomp but Rollins with a kick and then he sends Ambrose to the floor and Seth with a flip dive to the floor and both men are down.

We are eighteen minutes into the match and Rollins and Ambrose struggle to get to their feet. Rollins sends Ambrose back into the ring and Rollins goes to the apron for the springboard clothesline but Ambrose moves. Rollins is sent into the turnbuckles but Ambrose misses a charge into the corner. Ambrose sends Rollins to the apron and Rollins with an enzuigiri. Rollins hits the springboard clothesline and gets a two count.

Rollins sets for Avada Kedavra and Ambrose gets to the apron. Ambrose with a shoulder and then he tries to suplex Rollins to the floor. He gets Rollins to the apron and Rollins sends Ambrose into the ring. Ambrose with a boot to Rollins and then Ambrose suplexes Rollins over the top rope to the floor and both men go to the floor as we are now at the twenty minute mark of the match. We go to commercial.

We are back and we have eight minutes to go in the match and both men are on their knees in the center of the ring. Rollins and Ambrose exchange punches while they teeter back and forth. Ambrose with a head butt but Rollins with a forearm. They exchange punches and both men are getting their third or fourth winds and then it turns into an exchange of forearms. Ambrose with a slap and Rollins with an enzuigiri. Both men are down on the mat. Rollins rolls over to get a near fall but Ambrose gets his shoulder up before the three count.

Rollins gets to his feet first and Rollins hits a quebrada for a near fall. Ambrose holds his abdomen after that move. Rollins with Kawada kicks to Ambrose followed by a back heel kick and the curb stomp but Ambrose kicks out at two.

We are down to the final five minutes of the match and Rollins shows his frustration over not being able to get the third fall in the match. The crowd chants for a Phoenix Splash and Rollins goes up top and he misses the Phoenix Splash when Ambrose rolls out of the way. Ambrose struggles to get to his feet while Rollins is motionless in the ring. Ambrose takes too long and Rollins is able to kick out at two.

Ambrose struggles to get to his feet and he uses the ropes to support himself. Ambrose goes for the Cloverleaf and Rollins with punches to Ambrose. Ambrose with a boot to the abdomen and he grinds the boot. Ambrose with another stomp to the abdomen and then Ambrose mounts Rollins and he punches Seth.

Ambrose puts Rollins in the Cloverleaf with two minutes to go in the match. Rollins struggles to get to the ropes to force Ambrose to release the hold. Rollins fights for the energy to get to the ropes and he gets to the ropes with just over 80 seconds remaining.

Ambrose pounds the mat to get psyched up as we are in the final minute of the match. Ambrose mocks Rollins in the corner and then he tries for Avada Kedavra but Rollins blocks it. Rollins with the Midnight Special and Ambrose kicks out at two.

We are down to the final twenty seconds and Rollins with Avada Kedavra but Ambrose kicks out with two seconds to go and the time limit runs out.

Time Limit Draw 2 Falls Apart

Maxine gets on the mic and she says that she did not make this match for a draw and she wants a definite winner. We are going to Sudden Death with the next fall winning.


Rollins with an inside cradle for a near fall. Rollins and Ambrose with forearms and Ambrose adds some knees. Ambrose with punches and forearms to Rollins in the corner and then he chokes him. Ambrose with a running knee to Rollins’ head and Ambrose gets a near fall.

Ambrose goes to the apron but Rollins with an enzuigiri and Ambrose goes to the floor. Rollins with a tope and then they return to the ring. Rollins with two forearms into th corner but Ambrose with a clothesline into the corner. Rollins with avada kedavra but Ambrose bounces off the ropes and hits a lariat. Ambrose with Midnight Special but Rollins kicks out at two.

Rollins crawls to the apron and Ambrose tries to figure out what to do. Ambrose goes up top while Rollins is on the apron. Rollins with an enzuigiri and then they fight on the turnbuckles. Ambrose sets for Midnight Special from the turnbuckles but Rollins escapes and he hits the buckle bomb and Rollins with Avada Kedavra but Ambrose gets to his feet. Rollins with another Avada Kedavra followed by God’s Last Gift for the three count.

Winner: Seth Rollins (3 Falls to 2)

We see the highlights from the overtime period and we go to credits.

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