Is there a chance that Matt Cappotelli will return to Wrestling?
Given all that he has gone through with his brain cancer I don't see any possible way he would. Putting his head at that kind of risk would just be crazy. Plus, he is in his 30s now.
Do you think wrestling companies (or one in particular) will ever decide to give up on the "ref bump" during title matches approach? When you reach the point where you are actively waiting for the official to take a dive, it is bloody ridiculous. It makes a mockery of the business for this to keep happening, and "knowing" that it is going to happen (because it always does) it is even more stupid that another official does not come straight out to ringside. What do other refs do during matches, sit around discussing "great three counts they have made" whilst ignoring the action in the ring??
I hate the obvious finishes too. Every time I get some hope that the booking will change, the companies seem to rely once again on crutches. Sometimes a ref bump or a DQ is the right call but when it happens all the time it hurts the product.
What the hell was the point of bringing back JR if he's NOT doing the play-by-play commentary? The man is the best in the business by far. Why don't they play to Michael Cole's strengths (which definitely isn't commentating) and have him become a backstage heel character, like a manager mouthpiece for up and coming heels, putting his sycophantic praise of their work to good use as most of them (Miz accepted) can't talk for s**t. Cole would be far more entertaining in that role than Vicky Guerrero is.
I liked that they brought Ross and he is obviously trying to fight his way through the muck of Michael Cole that Vince McMahon loves so much. It's an uphill battle but honestly, we should just be happy that he was brought back at all.
Don't WWE employees have to sign some sort of agreement that they will not talk about what's going on within the company? With that said, how do you get your info?
Yes, they are required to sign confidentiality clauses. If I told you how we get our information, I would have to kill you. We don't want that.
WWE was doing a great job, in my opinion, when it came to the video packages they showed before John Morrison came back from injury...then they dropped him like a hot rock. I'm not sure how much his fall from grace has to do with Melina's backstage antics over the years, but I'm curious if you know anything that the public might not know on the matter of his major de-push. Also, which Superstar on the roster will have the most to gain from a few weeks worth of video packages?
Morrison has a few things working against him. One was Melina's backstage/off camera stuff. The other is that his contract is nearing an end. If he signs a new deal, I think he will get more of a push. As for video packages, a lot of talents could benefit from them but they only take you so far. WWE also needs to follow those packages with booking that puts the talents over otherwise it will just flop once it gets going.
Ok, I think I worked this out, let me run it past you. The Fonz is actually the guy behind the text message to Kevin Nash at Summerslam as Johnny Ace has promised to send protection down to Chachi who is being harassed by Eric Young. Meanwhile there is going to be a triple threat match at the next PPV between Sheamus, Bob Backlund, and Richie Cunningham to determine the first WWE Ginger Champion. Am I on the right track?
Given what we have seen over the last few months I could believe all of it except Ron Howard being involved. Other than that, I think the rest of those guys would take the payday.
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