I love your site and that's why as soon as I was outraged I came here to ask wtf! Why are we having to sit through concerts now at WWE PPV! I didn't pay money to watch this stuff. I know divas need their paychecks also but this is just a waste of my money and then crowd is extremely dead.
I was actually more ticked off at the commercials that they ran during the show. When I pay for an event, I expect it to be ad-free. As for C Lo, well they did advertise that he would be performing so you can't get too upset about it and I don't have a problem with it. They did it for publicity and announced it before the show so I could decide if I wanted to pay to see it or not. If they make it a regular thing it will become an issue but right now it's not a big deal to me.
The end of Summerslam – why? Haven’t they heard the response from the live audience over the last few weeks? Haven’t they noticed the true buzz around the business? Talking Vince’s language - $$$ - haven’t they noticed how much merchandise Punk is selling? Unless they come up with something really spectacular they destroyed all the good will they’ve built up. So Del Rio is the champion; who cares?
Well, what they did after the finish has hardly been spectacular. I totally agree with you. They had a good thing going in John Cena vs. CM Punk and they could have kept it going for at least another month or too and they blew it. I can't explain why because it doesn't make any sense to me either! Why they killed a good feud, one that had upped business and brought fans back, just to put the WWE Title on a guy that had jobbed on the previous Raw is beyond my abilities to understand.
I saw recently where Bill Goldberg called out Crimson's use of the Spear at (No so) Hardcore Justice, saying that the spear without the Jackhammer looked bad. That got me thinking... If he really feels that way, why has he never said the same thing about Edge's use of the move? Could it possibly be that a bitter Goldberg didn't have the balls to call out someone who worked hard, paid his dues, and deserved a top spot in the business in Edge, but felt secure enough to call out Crimson? Seems to me 'ol Bill is pretty bitter about the business these days... Maybe he and Warrior should get together for a huge bitch-fest... (Youtube just cringed at the thought!)
You could be right there. It could be that he is ticked that some huge, fairly green guy debuted with a to-the-moon push. He just may consider that his exclusive domain!
Is there anybody other than the TNA writers who find Eric Young funny or entertaining? Since the days of him being afraid of the pyro, I cringe when he's on screen because I know it will be more bad comedy.
I am sure some of his friends and family get a good chuckle out of him too but I am with you. It is often painful to watch the segments he is involved in. Humor is supposed to be funny.
So, WWE's really pushing their Be A STAR campaign, which is awesome...but then they have/let Jerry 'The King' Lawler cut Vickie down because she's a little stockier than the other women on TV for the company? For the kids who watch the show, talk about mixed messages!
You are right on the money there. What WWE would tell you is that the message sent by the campaign is "real" while Lawler calling Vickie fat is "entertainment". It certainly does send a mixed message, especially when Vickie has lost so much weight and looks good.
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