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By Mike Johnson on 2011-08-19 10:00:28
How can anyone be upset about SummerSlam? I mean it was an awesome PPV on of the best they have done. I like the fact that Kevin Nash was involved. Its even better that someone other than Cena or Punk is the champion! and so what if CM Punk is playing the Austin role while HHH is the Vince role? its great to be entertained while watching a PG show. I like getting the unexpected. So why so disappointed?

Summerslam was a very good PPV, but when you end it with three month's worth of angles over the last three minutes of television, how can one not feel like the company squandered revenue and some of the goodwill they created by putting Punk in that top position.

Howdy everyone. As always, a wonderful site I enjoy visiting daily. Makes the elite membership well worth it. I’ve had a question come up as I’ve been watching WWE Classics on Demand (which I get to watch for free with my cable provider knology) In the month of August they had two old WCW PPVs, Great American Bash 90 and Beach Blast 93. I’ve noticed on the playing of these shows that the ring announcer is dubbed over with what sounds like a bad recording of a videogame announcer. Why would WWE need to do this>? It’s not like the announcer is Michael Buffer who WWE may need to pay residuals to whenever it’s aired or ring music from major artists where the rights to use the music have expired. It’s Gary Michael Cappetta of all people. Any ideas as to why?

At one point, Cappetta brought a lawsuit against WWF for the usage of his likeness and voice on videotapes, so my guess is the company wanted to avoid a similar issue.

The end of Summerslam – why? Haven’t they heard the response from the live audience over the last few weeks? Haven’t they noticed the true buzz around the business? Talking Vince’s language - $$$ - haven’t they noticed how much merchandise Punk is selling? Unless they come up with something really spectacular they destroyed all the good will they’ve built up. So Del Rio is the champion; who cares?

WWE Creative. They wanted Del Rio as champion going into the Fall.

I noticed that Sin Cara 2 once worked as a character called Mistico, which is the same name as Sin Cara 1's previous pseudonym. Do you think this might play into a Sin Cara vs Sin Cara feud of some kind based on #2 being a stalker, or something?

I don't. I think a few people have thrown out that idea but to me, it's all based on conjecture. Either the original Cara will return shortly or he will disappear.

I read where former Happy Days/Joanie Loves Chachi star Scott Baio was going to wrestle TNA star/Nomad Eric Young on Impact Wrestling sometime soon. Is this true? If so am I in The Twilight Zone? Will Rod Serling be there?

It all depends on whether the gremlin takes down the plane with you, William Shatner and John Lithgow on the way to the match.

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