So Zack Ryder gets to beat Michael Cole on Raw, then gets buried by WWE on Smackdown and made a joke. What is going on there?
If you tell me we will both know. I am not saying that Ryder should be the champion or anything, but he has gotten over enough to at least be used in a mid-card role. He has created his own buzz, with no help from WWE, and got people talking about him. WWE has said that guys that step up and do that will be rewarded. Instead, they had Ezekiel Jackson kill him on Smackdown and Teddy Long make him out to be a goof. I don't get it either.
Would you say that Kelly Kelly is champion because SummerSlam is ahead & WWE wants a pretty face from Maxim 100 to be advertised all over LA until then (such as Eve from Rumble-Mania)?
I am sure that the exposure didn't hurt but I think it's more simply a case of it being her turn so she is getting a push. Let's be honest, the Divas division has exactly been about being the matches. It's about being hot and Kelly is certainly that.
I lost faith with TNA @BFG & haven't watch it since. I've just watched Destination-X PPV & build up (only x-division matches on Impact). Would it be a good idea to have a 1hr or 90min show of just the X-Division on say Saturday morning on Spike & take the Explosion show for it (call it Xplosion)?
I don't see it being a money maker for TNA. Spike TV is behind the current Impact product because they like the older guys and their name value. If they saw value in the X Division, you would be seeing more of it on Impact. Without Spike putting up the money to support the show, it wouldn't be a success.
Punk vs. Cena, combine the titles, build towards Wrestlemania. Get it, ok with it. Question becomes, (if) WWE was going to turn Cena "heel", how do they do it without ruining him long term if he ever goes "face" again? He can't start beating up the divas, because he'll never be able to live that one down as a woman beater. No one will really care if he turns on Rey Mysterio, Kofi or John Morrison (the only viable crowd favs. on RAW). So friends and myself thought of only 3 "logical" ways to do it: 1) End Undertakers streak at WrestleMania (which won't happen due to pride). 2) Lose his mind, and go ape sh*t nutzo, and beat the crap out of Austin or some of the legends for a few weeks. 3) Turn his back on the WWE Universe, ala Hulk Hogan, and blame them for losing the match at SummerSlam, or turning on him popularity wise and backing CM Punk. Any thoughts?
I don't see them turning Cena anytime soon. There is too much merchandise money to be made with him as a face. If they ever decide to do it, there are plenty of ways to do so. I think him turning on the fans "for turning on him" and cheering whoever he is going up against would be a viable way to do it.
Do you think the WWE bought back CM Punk to early? I think it would have been better if they built this up slowly (ya I know WWE "creative" never builds anything slowly). They could have had Punk crash appearances like he did at Comic-Con and maybe even wrestle on some independent show where he could have "defended" the WWE Title. Then they could have bought him back before Surivor Series and have him fued with whoever is the WWE champion at that time so they could build that feud to work until Wrestlemania and had Cena/Rock, WHC title match and Punk/? for three great matches on top.
I get what you are saying but here's the deal. Punk is hot right now and you can never be sure how quickly that kind of thing will fade. Plus, SummerSlam is one of the company's biggest PPVs of the year and it just make sense to put the best possible card on it that you can. Punk vs. Cena beats Cena vs. Alberto Del Rio by a large margin, so they did what they needed to do.
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