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By Dave Scherer on 2011-08-02 09:44:00

You can send us questions for the Q&A by clicking here.

How in the world can you say that CM Punk isn't under contract? Knowing Vince's ego and everything that went down with Bret Hart, how can you honestly say that CM Punk just walked out of the company with the title? I know this is wordy so I'll put my opinion separate; I trust your site for news and great opinions, but now I'm wondering if Vince is funding your site in an attempt to work the "smart marks"... If that's the case, shame on you. Even if Punk's contract really did expire, please don't be so naive as to dismiss the notion that he and WWE have something worked out. I love a good worked shoot as much as anyone, but I don't love "news sites" working me. Also, I realize that this sounds like me bashing you guys. However, truth be told I have been a long-time fan of PWInsider and I pretty much don't believe anything I read elsewhere, unless you guys confirm it. Thanks for all your hard work.

Yes, Vince is funding our site.  He also lets me use the private jet for vacation junkets.  Screw what those bitter ex-employees say, Vince is a great guy to work for.  Seriously, if you paid closer attention to what we have reported, you could have followed along. Instead, you are apparently wearing a helmet made of aluminum foil and spouting really bizarre conspiracy theories.  We have covered the story every step of the way, with updates as they happened.  Punk even said in an interview that he didn't agree to re-sign until the day of MITB and only a very few people knew the deal.  With that said, all of us here at the site said that night that we knew something had to be worked out once he won the match and left with the title.  If you really are a fan of the site, it would have been easy for you to follow along.  With that conspiracy solved, feel free to go back to Area 51 and find out how the aliens are doing.

Hey, What are your thoughts about the many superstars and Hall of Famers praising Zack Ryder? 

I think it's pretty cool.  I am not saying that Ryder is a main event performer, but I have seen the guy do exactly what so many higher ups in WWE have told people to do.  He has created and seized an opportunity.  He has made some buzz for himself when none was being made for him by WWE.  He has done all that he personally could and I am glad he has been rewarded with a spot on Smackdown.  

Probably too late for this question but gonna ask anyway. Why does everyone seem so twisted that the tournament is down to Miz and Mysterio? While I agree they may not be the best choices…I am of the opinion that there will be no champion crowned. I feel a more compelling angle would be for Punk, through associates (Nexus, Cabana, whoever) to keep doing things to prevent a new champion being crowned…leading to a showdown with HHH when he returns. What are your thoughts?

Well, we know what happened and it worked out well.  My main problem with Miz getting in the final was that even though he was working on one leg, he beat TWO young guys.  I have hated the way WWE has put their young talent on yoyos for the last few years and after the show ended, it felt like that was happening again.  Where Rey is concerned, while I love his work he is just too damn small for me to accept as the Heavyweight Champion.  You could also make the case that it had the same old, same old feel to it, which was a let down after the freshness of Punk's angle.  A lot of people want to see WWE shake things up, me included.  So, they complained.

Okay, so it seems to me that WWE has all the feuds backwards. The heels all have legitimate gripes with the way they are losing. They are losing in cheap ways, and the faces, act like they are just whiny babies. Also, I have a problem with a lot of faces, not being allowed to be interesting. Morrison, Kofi, Bourne, and Daniel Bryan seemingly aren't allowed to have personality past a smile. How much of that is the WWE's fault? and How much is the wrestler's? ("Entertainer")

In almost every case, the faces are speaking the words that are written for them by creative.  That doesn't mean that they could be more interesting on their own, but if what creative is writing isn't working, I think they should let the guys have more freedom in their promos so we can see if they can do better than what is written for them.

I love going PWI Insider, you guys rock. I have a question about ECW. I've always been a fan of the old ECW (not the watered down WWE's version of ECW). When they folded in 2001 it was one of the saddest moments for me as a wrestling fan. Now that I see wrestling companies like IWA and their annual King of the Death Matches tournament and CZW, I see a lot of ECW influence in it. So would it be fair to say that without ECW there wouldn't be a IWA or CZW?

I think that ECW's crazy stuff definitely had an influence on those groups, but they weren't the pioneers of crazy matches.  Paul Heyman and Tod Gordon were influenced as well by companies that came before them.  So I think it's a combination of ECW and the past that led to those groups and what they do.

You can send us questions for the Q&A by clicking here.


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