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By Dave Scherer on 2011-07-25 09:47:00
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After watching Money in the Bank, there seems to be a possible start to having John Laurinaitis as an on-screen character. Possibly as a foil to Mr. McMahon. Do you think this might be the case and do you think it is a good idea to have another non-wrestling character eating up TV time?

Given the really, really goofy way that the company went nuts on the writer that called him a "stooge", which fit into the WWE storylines of old, I highly doubt it.  I guess because Laurinaitis a member of senior management, they only want him on TV as an official of the company, not a comedy character.  I am fine with that too because the stooge thing has been done to death and I am hoping that by taking Vince off of TV, they are heading in a new direction with HHH as the story line head of the company.

Love your site, the only one I totally trust for the news. CM Punk got me fully back into WWE after years of no surprises. MITB was great and the ending was awesome (so much better than 'Mania) so I anxiously watched Raw for the aftermath. The tournament idea was good... until the semi-finals when Kofi and Truth get beaten, then I didn't care anymore. I was stuck, once again, in that "same old" mode (Miz is not good enough in the ring to and not threatening at all to be a serious champ but and, yes, Rey is great and consistent but I need fresh air). The surprising last segment saved the day for this time but I suspect a "Bischoff runs after Austin to bring him back and save himself" type of thing after that and I'm not thrilled (Vince is now dead twice and fire once on TV...what next?). Don't you think they've already ruined it with the next champ being Rey or Miz instead of going to have Kofi, Truth or both in the finals and, most important, one of them winning to continue on the trend of the "what the f ' is happening?... I want to watch this" because I don't care at all to see if the new champ is going to be Rey or Miz and I barely care about next week anymore?

The one thing I really hated about the tournament was that even though Miz was working on one leg, he beat two young, up and coming guys.  If Miz was at full strength, that would have been fine.  Miz at 50%?  Uh, no.  I hated that.  On the other hand, I like Miz more than you and I have seen a lot of growth in him.  If they choose to put the belt on him tonight, I get why they are doing it since he is an established former champion.  Kofi and Truth are moving up the card but I am not sure if they are quite there yet.  With that said however, I see what you mean about staleness.  I am hoping that they symbolic change of Vince McMahon to HHH as the head of WWE is accompanied by a change in product direction behind the scenes.  I have enjoyed the CM Punk angle immensely and am looking forward to tonight to see where they take the product.  I have to say, I am more optimistic about change in WWE than I have been in a long time and frankly, given their recent numbers they really need to change things up because the old way was getting stale, or already was.

With John Cena going after The Rock for leaving wrestling behind for Hollywood, I'm curious why Cena thinks it's any of his business? The Rock accomplished a lot in wrestling career - probably more than Cena has - and decided to move on. He was fortunate to be able to get out injury free and moved on to the next phase in his life, and I for one say God bless him for it. Is wrestling until you're injured to the point of not being able to wrestler any more (like Edge, for example) what guys like Cena expect? I think underneath, there might be just a little bit of jealousy there, since Rock could come back anytime he wants and still as big if not bigger than Cena, while Cena could never accomplish what The Rock has in Hollywood. For the record, I don't hate John Cena. I'm a fan of the man and I think he gets a bad rap (no pun intended), but I also think he's a bit of a douche.

I agree with you 100%.  The Rock doesn't owe me a thing.  He provided me with a ton of entertainment over the years and he got a great opportunity in Hollywood and took it.  I understand why fans miss him but he doesn't belong to us.  He has every right to pursue opportunities, just as we do.  As for Cena, I think he was just doing what Vince McMahon wanted him to do.  It could have been that Rock and Vince even had an agreement that some day he might come back and decided to stoke the fires along the way.  It could also be that Cena made a comment, which he truly believed, and it mushroomed.  Where Cena is concerned, he does truly love and live the business every day so I think he is sincere with the things he says about never leaving it.  But that doesn't mean that everyone else has to live by his standards.  I won't call him a douche though, especially without knowing the whole story.  I think he is passionate and perhaps a bit myopic.

Will Samoa Joe ever win another match?  I bet he is sorry he re-signed with TNA.

Boy, it sure seems like it will never happen doesn't it?  I would think he is less than happy with his push as well but he did shop himself around before signing with TNA again.  It's a shame too because he has a lot to offer but I think the forces in charge of TNA (and really WWE as well) prefer a guy that looks good in front of a mirror to a guy that looks good in the ring. 

Are you guys affiliated with the Pro Wrestling Insider radio show?  If so, why?  With all due respect, the host of that show is not exactly someone I expect your site to endorse.

We are not affiliated with that show in any way, shape or form, nor do we endorse it. Buck Woodward, who used to work at our site, was sometimes part of that show so we allowed him to promote his appearances on it here.  That is the extent of our relationship with that show.  

You can send us questions for the Q&A by clicking here.

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