I saw Joey Styles said he was returning to announcing on Thursday but he wasn't on Superstars. What happened?
Styles was referring to calling a match between Zack Ryder and an Ultimate Warrior doll on Ryder's internet show. It was a return, kind of, I guess.
I know you guys are bad mouthing Ric Flair, but at the end of the day when he passes away, no one's going to remember all the BS he's done lately they will remember him as the Nature Boy in the same way the everyone remembers Michael Jackson for the music, not for the abuse accusations. Agree or disagree?
I disagree. A lot of people think of the allegations when they think of Jackson. Sure, a lot of people forgot but many remember the whole man. Some people can forgive anything. I get emails from people that tell me to forget about Chris Benoit being a murderer and remember his great matches. Those people scare the hell out of me to be honest. I think in Flair's case, some will forget his run over the last few years and other will consider the whole package when thinking about the man and his career. As for us, we aren't badmouthing Flair. We are commenting on his actions and what we think of them. For the record, Flair is one of my all time favorites and it really saddens me to see him do some of the things that he is doing at this point in his life. I would have much rather seen him retire from WWE, take a good paying job from them and pad his legacy instead of tainting it.
Your site is awesome and I am an PWI Elite Member and I love it, keep up the great work. I had a question about CM Punk, big surprise, LOL! if CM Punk is still hot going into Wrestlemania XXVIII do you think that a CM Punk Vs. The Undertaker Match, and Punk ends Taker's streak could be a top draw match?
Sure, it would definitely be a draw under the scenario you outlined. Personally, I don't ever want to see the streak end. I think it's a cool thing that should live on forever. I hope that Taker can get healthy enough to come back and work Mania. I also hope that Punk gets back in the fold soon. Retirement is overrated Punk, get back in the ring!
Jake Roberts, Ric Flair, Hulk Hogan...all of examples of why you should get an education before getting into professional wrestling. Unless they actually went to college and just we're complete idiots when it came to finances.
Even educated people make bad decisions. In the case of those three men they are all smart. They just made bad choices. A degree in Business wouldn't have helped them but more common sense and/or self restraint would have.
With all your combined knowledge, experience and inside connections, listening and reading you get worked from day one by the Punk angle has been just as entertaining as the angle itself. Do you believe now, after the Punk WWE panel crash that involved a doorman and security opening doors for a former “disgruntled” employee with a backpack, and his cameraman in to a room full of his former employers to be a total work, and doesn’t it feel good to get worked once in a while?
We didn't get worked. His contract really did expire. He really did tell anyone that would listen that he was going to leave WWE when the time came. And he has left. Do I think the door is wide open now for a return? Hell yes. But that doesn't change the facts as they were when we reported them. I do love when angles take me in directions I didn't expect them to though. That is what makes the business fun.
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