Seeing Fuji Vice mentioned makes me wonder. Are “today’s” wrestling fans too slick or cynical, even, for shows like Tuesday Night Titans?
I think there is a a degree of that but I think the bigger issue is that most of the supposed funny stuff is often anything but. I think Fuji Vice is a classic that a lot of people today would like.
When it's part of a wrestler's schtick to give away items to fans (Rey giving away a mask, t- shirt, etc.), does the wrestler himself pay for the items, which must add up night after night, or does the WWE/Impact?
The promotion pays for the product. The only exemption would be if someone gave away something that wasn't approved by the company.
Which is better WWE or TNA?
I loved this question because what you asked is purely based on opinion. Whichever one is better is your call my friend.
I've been noticing this for a little while, and thought I'd ask. When Cena and Orton make their entrances, doesn't it seem like their respective belts aren't one of the focal points? Orton seems to drag his by his side, while Cena whips his off, slides it across the ring, and starts posing without it. Austin, Rocky, even recent champs like Miz and Punk, always seemed to give the straps their air time. If you're not going treat the belt like it's important, then why have it? It seems to reinforce the point that Orton/Cena are bigger than the belts. I don't know...maybe it's just me. Your thoughts?
I hate when the belts are treated like props. It tells the fans that they don't matter. To me, the belt should be something treated as sacred. When someone wins the Super Bowl or The BCS, the players kiss the trophy and treat it with reverence. I think wrestlers should do the same thing with the title belt.
I have a question concerning something you guys mention when you talk about imported, like Sin Cara or newly signed Averno, or developmental talents learning the "WWE style." What do you mean exactly? I mean, I can see how WWE is different than something like Japanese or lucha libre style, but as far as comparing WWE to, say, Ring of Honor or a smaller indy promotion, what are the trademarks of a WWE style? More power moves? Slower paced? What?
WWE has "their way" of doing things. When you watch Raw and then watch an ROH show, look at the differences. Even better, watch Daniel Bryan now and Bryan Danielson when he was in ROH, the best worker in the world. The differences are man. Slower pace, less impactful moves, shorter bouts and working in a bigger ring. More so than that, WWE wants to watch what the talents do and then decide what does and does not fit in with what they want on their shows.
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