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By Dave Scherer on 2011-06-28 10:04:00
You can send us questions for the Q&A by clicking here.

If CM Punk wins the WWE title at the MITB pay-per-view, what are the chances someone cashes in so he doesn't leave the company with the belt?

I don't know what the odds are but if they used the right guy, like say John Morrison, that would be one pretty cool way to end the show.  Obviously, if Punk wins and leaves WWE, he can't take the title with him.  Having MITB get cashed in would be a cool way to go with the title, provided that they pick the right guy and John Cena doesn't end up killing him right away.

You've always said that ECW was at its peak in 1995. How do compare that to the quality of ROH today? From what I've heard, they've been putting out some really hot shows as of late.

One difference between the two lies in the fact that ECW had weekly episodic TV which helped keep everyone in the loop on storylines and develop characters.  That will change for ROH in the fall as they will be on a series of stations that is similar to the penetration that ECW had back in the mid 90s.  Another difference is that back in 95, ECW ran most of its tapings at the ECW Arena, in front of a smart crowd that was totally invested in the product and was almost cult-like in its love for the product.  This carried over to what happened in the ring and what we saw on TV.  ECW also did a good amount of brawling and characters, to go along with the great workers.  ROH has a roster of great workers and focuses more on great wrestling that ECW did.  From the in-ring standpoint, they have a great product, for sure.  I am hoping that once the show starts in the fall, more people will be exposed to what they do and jump on board.

I was wondering since WWE usually has control over their gimmicks how can Ken Anderson use the exact same gimmick in TNA that he did in WWE?

They trademark names and phrases of their talents.  I am not sure if they can trademark the dropping microphone bit but if they can, they must not have cared to do so or he wouldn't be using it. They definitely can't trademark the mannerisms that he uses and the inflection that he speaks with.  That is part of his innate personality and the way that he performs. 

How can WWE and Michael Cole push that Kelly Kelly is trying to regain the Divas Title when she never won it? And did Kelly catch heat for doing the promo where she said she was happy to win it for the first time?

That was a major league bonehead bit.  Someone really screwed the pooch there.  You can't blame Kelly for being honest.  You have to blame Cole and/or whoever fed him the bad intel for that one.

Who do you think is hotter, Kelly Kelly or Miss Assmacher?

My first inclination is to say why choose!  They are both ridiculously beautiful women.  I also appreciate that they didn't rest on their hotness and instead both have put in a lot of time an effort into learning the business.  Oh, and for those you who don't listen to the Impact Show here on the site, Assmacher is a nickname that I came up for Miss Tessmacher.  If you can't figure out how that one came about, well come on already!

You can send us questions for the Q&A by clicking here.

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