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By Mike Johnson on 2011-06-05 18:25:48
On Hulk Hogan's Facebook account earlier today, the following was posted in response to a fan:

"That's good to know brother. But in reality it was a lot of you idiot fans that killed wcw with your lack of appreciation and support for everything we did for you. Funny enough a lot of you morons like TNA too. Go figure. HH"

Hogan later posted, "Something so evil to hurt me or my fans.I assure you I would never say anything so evil about the great fans that I love and have made my Career.I have nothing but love and respect for each and every HH fan.maby somebody that knows the INS and outs of computers can get to the Bottom of this and find out who is trying to hurt my fans and my career,thank you HULKAMANIACS nothing but love and respect. HH"

Hogan later added, "Hulkamaniacs - I have verified that my account was not hacked, and the posted screen shot was made by a person who was banned from this page due to abusive behavior. The screen shot was photo shopped, and the statement was NEVER made by me. You all make what we do worthwhile. HH"

So, either Hogan snapped at a fan or someone was playing games. Either way, the original quote, which was sent to us by Erick Sturrock, has been deleted.

To check out Hogan's Facebook for yourself,

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