How much worse can it get for Ric Flair? He seems to bleed every other time he is on my TV. He had issues with doing business the right way with ROH. Now he is balking on paying Highspots back. This can't end well can it?
I don't possibly see how it can end well. For years, friends of his were concerned with his lavish life style. The fear was that at some point the huge income would no longer be there and Flair would be unable to adjust. Throw in the alimony payments he has to make and the situation just gets worse. The money situations with ROH and Highspots are truly embarrassing for him and are tainting my opinion of a person that I used to really admire. He is certainly old enough to know better. Now that he is getting up there in the years I do worry about his future. I can't see him being able to get buy on social security payments, especially when he has to come up with 35 grand to pay Highspots by the end of next month or face up to 90 days in jail for breaking his word to pay them back. It's just sad what he has become.
Do you feel Randy Orton is turning into the new Super Cena with his now 5 moves of doom (clothesline, clothesline, slam, angle slam & the banging on the ground for a rko)?
It is starting to look that way, not just in the move set but in how he is being booked to be the Smackdown Superman. For whatever reason, WWE creative is in the "we need a top babyface on each brand and no one else that will matter all that much" mode. I think it's a big mistake on their part but they don't really care what I think.
This is a long shot right now, but WHAT IF WWE does end up buying TNA at some point down the road, and Vince is still in the big office in Connecticut. If any of you guys somehow got into his inner circle and if he was genuinely listening to your advice, what would you tell him in how to handle incorporating the TNA talent after what happened with the Invasion angle with WCW/ECW?
If WWE buys TNA, my hunch it will be after the company goes out of business, for the film library instead of when it's still a viable company. But if he did buy them while they were active, I would hope that he would learn from how the WCW invasion storyline was mishandled. In the case of the boys from Atlanta, Vince had fought a long, hard war against the "Ted Turner company" so once he got control of WCW, he ran it into the ground to prove his company's senority. I always have felt that he did that to punctuate his winning the war, obviously at the expense of a lot of revenue that could have been generated had the former WCW guys been portrayed as equals to the WWE talent. With TNA, he doesn't have that history so one could hope that he would make better use of those assets if he acquired them. But given how he books his own talent and doesn't really get them over, save a few guys, I tend to think that the outlook wouldn't be rosy for the TNA guys either.
Whilst on the subject of logic in wrestling, why do wrestlers only seem to wear a cup if it seems they know they are going to be cracked in the gonads?
Obviously the answer is that there is no logic in wrestling, we are just supposed to accept whatever they tell us. But I still has to run the question simply because you used the words "whilst" and "gonads" in the same sentence.
Can you please settle a silly debate between my brother and I? He insists that Sheamus is an albino and he "knows" this because he claims Sheamus' eyelashes are white while I think he is just simply a ginger. Any info you can provide us would be greatly appreciated.
I have never been told that he is an albino and I don't believe he is one. I have no idea what a ginger is so I can't comment on that.
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