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By Mike Johnson on 2011-05-02 15:30:59
In an update on the Ric Flair vs. legal issue, Flair still has not made his agreed upon payment to Highspots and, by the letter of the law, is now in contempt of court for failing to adhere to a binding court ruling.

Highspots can now petition the Court of Mecklenburg County for additional legal remedies in order to get Flair to adhere to their settlement agreement, including jail time or garnishing his wages.

When contacting today for comment, I was told that they are considering releasing the deposition Flair gave in the case as it was recorded on both video and in text form, so that the public would see that Flair "admitted" claims against him were true.

The vs. Flair issue arose after the company lent Flair a sum of money, which was never paid back. Flair was scheduled to pay the debt off via appearances and signed merchandise, but allegedly failed to live up to that agreement., which claimed Flair gave them possession of the original NWA World championship as collateral, held onto ownership of the belt and at one point was going to auction it off, until it was revealed that there was already a lien on the belt from another debtor Flair owed money to. announced the two sides had come to an agreement last February, but since then, Flair has not made any payments that were agreed upon in the court approved settlement.

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