Do you think the X division will ever return to its former glory? The X division was one of the best things TNA had going! What are your thoughts?
I miss it too, I really do. But, TNA sources have told me that "the minute by minute ratings show" that X Division matches and wrestling overall "doesn't draw". The ratings "show" that the soap opera element is what people tune in to see. I look at it like this: You can twist numbers to say what you want them to say. I think the reason why people "don't care" about the wrestling is because TNA hasn't booked the talents in a way to make the audience care. If "wrestling" didn't draw, more people would be watching TNA than WWE. And, they aren't.
I don't get it. If Cole is in his glass bunker to protect himself from Jerry Lawler, why is he in it on Smackdown?
It's just selling the gimmick. Plus, in theory Jerry Lawler and Jim Ross could always show up at Smackdown too.
The last year or so of WWE has been very encouraging. Somewhat interesting storylines, and a renewed push to create and elevate new stars. I thought last year’s SportsEntertainaMania was one of the best in recent memory. Every match had a decent to great build to it, the action was good to GREAT, and there was very little filler/backstage nonsense like there usually is. Obviously, PPV buyrates are down across the board, and WWE made no secret that they were disappointed with what I thought was a great Wrestlemania. So what do you think the odds are that this year goes back to the same silliness and "celebrity" crossover garbage from years past and the rest of the year with Cena/HHH/Orton main events?
WWE is going to do what they do. They realize that they are short on new top talent. What they don't get, in my opinion, is that their yoyo booking is a major factor as to why that is. But still, when they need the bells and whistles and something comes along with them that fits in, they will use it. The company is at something of a crossroads right now with its need to create new top stars and they know it.
With Fortune turning against Immortal and the Jeff Hardy situation, is it just me or does TNA have a serious lack of top heels right now? It seems like almost all the guys who are believable as either champions or challengers are babyfaces right now, with only a few believable top heels (and most of those haven't been booked strongly of late anyhow). Props to them for elevating Bully Ray, but other than that, they don't seem to have much going on in the heel department. So what do you think we see? Face vs face feuds? Midcard heels elevated, and if so, who? Or a couple top guys turning heel, and if so, who?
Hulk Hogan is the top heel, brother. Because of that, they don't feel that they need any top heels. I disagree with them there. But they put all of the juice on Hogan, and he has his minions that do his bidding. It's an easy situation to change but they don't want to do that right now.
Been a fan of wrestling for years. I've watched every single WrestleMania and many other PPVs. And I understand the quality of a wrestling match can be a matter of opinion. However, I'm shocked that many of you "insider" guys were so high on the Triple H and Undertaker match. I've seen some of you to go as far as call it a five star match. Look, the match was entertaining. Totally agreed on that. But, wasn't it also insanely cheap? Big spots to pop the crowd. And then a long string of finishers with near falls. I just don't love the idea of this match being that hyped up and getting the grades its getting. Are matches like that going to be what the company is going to want from their younger guys coming up? The match lacked real solid emotional storytelling and technical wrestling. Are the days of that style gone in WWE?
You know, after reading this, I am changing my mind. That match sucked. I once had a friend tell me "if my opinion was wrong, I would change it". You remind me of that friend. I can't answer the rest of your question because you must have watched a different match than I did.
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