I think TNA should at least do PPVs in different locations but, business wise does it make sense for Dixie to be talked into needing to take iMPACT on the road? I know the iMPACT! Zone can be dead crowd-wise at times but, TV in that venue makes business sense. Also I know ECW traveled but, there mainstay was The Arena and, those fans didn't die out. I know it was a different time but, isn't blaming the venue and the fans a rather weak excuse for just not being able to book what they want especially, when they have a roster that during 'NON-Wrestlemania time' that is better than WWE? Also is it safe to say, Hogan/Bischoff and even Russo are used to booking wrestling for different venues and, not studio-style like someone Paul Heyman, Cornette or, even Jarrett are used too?
First things first, it only makes sense to take the shows on the road if they don't cost the company money. Running on the road and losing coin makes no sense at all. As for the crowd at The Impact Zone, TNA knows what they are like. They know what they want and they often don't give it to them. That is a call that the company chooses to make, for whatever reason. With that said, I don't think there is a crowd anywhere else that would enjoy the crazy stuff like Zombie Angelina Love either. It all comes down to the product being presented. When it's good, the fans at the Impact Zone usually react accordingly.
I know a lot of people bash TNA but, you can't call the talent "cookie-cutter" like a lot of WWE talent is. Right? Also, I know the booking is bad and, the problem is, I think they need to simplify stories instead of 'swerving' and 'confusing' the fan base but, I do like the more long-term build they have been giving. But, I also think for a strange reason that, they at least make everyone have a story in some shape or form, good or bad. WWE seems to just have guys who just float around. Do you feel as if they do those type of things better than WWE (outside of Wrestlemania-time) does right now?
You're wrong I can too. Their talent is cookie cutter. See, don't ever tell me what I can't do. With that said, TNA is loaded with talented guys and yes, their creative does seem to find a story for everyone. Sometimes, however, that isn't a good thing. I am a firm believer that the one thing holding the company back is their booking. If they had a stronger grasp of storytelling that their fans wanted to see, the company on the whole would be much better off.
The Rock seems to be getting to do his own thing in his promos so, why aren't they letting John Cena. The first rap hit home but, really wasn't as edgy as people let off then, The Rock replied with a strong albeit, Loonnnng Promo. I watched Cena back in his rap days and I know for a fact he has better material than what he has shown. So, why not let Cena ad-lib? It makes Cena look like a fool and, also makes him look like the only cool edge to him is that he can rap. I liked the old Cena raps but, he also did a good promo within those raps back then. His supposed "Final Knockout" promo was horrible and, sounded bad. What do you think?
You ready to be disappointed? Cena has more creative control on his stuff than anyone else in WWE not named McMahon or Levesque. So, blame Cena if you think his promos are "poopy".
I was looking at WWE.com earlier and noticed that Wade Barrett was visiting Preston North End football club. Now I don't how much you know about English football but Preston aren't exactly the best or most supported team in the world. I know he was born in Preston, but he is billed from Manchester. I think WWE missed a chance here to him to either Manchester United or to a lesser extend Manchester City. Both play at the highest level and Manchester United's stadium has a capacity of over 75,000 and are officially the most popular brand in the world. Really feel WWE missed a chance to get some serious coverage for WrestleMania, your thoughts?
I guess what it comes down to is that he is a fan of his team, that simple. I actually respect that he didn't suck up to a team that he didn't like. For better or worse, that is his team. Yeah, it would have been nice to get a bump from a team like Man U, but remember this: WWE programming does VERY well in the UK. They will be OK without it.
Do you think Rey Mysterio will lose his mask now that Sin Cara is coming in so hot?
Right now, no. I don't think it's an issue. WWE can have two masked stars and given that Mexico is such a hot market right now, I don't see any need for them to unmask Rey. Plus, I think it would hurt his character since Rey looks more intimidating under the hood.
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