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By Mike Johnson on 2011-03-24 10:08:33
WWE champion The Miz became the first WWE star to appear on Conan O'Brien's TBS talk show last night to promote Wrestlemania 27.

After showing footage of Miz laying out Daniel Bryan and cutting a promo was shown, Miz was introduced and came out playing his heel persona. The audience applauded and Miz cracked that he was used to being booed.

Miz put himself over then handed the WWE championship to Conan, who commented that this was a great gift. Miz explained why the WWE on the belt is upside down, playing up the storyline they started on Raw Monday.

Conan asked Miz about carrying the belt through security while traveling. Miz jokingly told the audience that it was his fault they all get held up at the airport going through security because all the TSA agents want pictures with the belt. The crowd booed, which Miz egged on.

Miz then announced he brought shirts for Conan and Andy Richter, but the shirts hadn't been placed where they were supposed to be, which led to Conan and Miz cracking jokes. The shirts were handed to them, which led to Conan holding the "My Name is Awesome" shirt over his chest and mugging for the camera.

Conan then jumped over the desk and proceeded to pretend to fight with Miz as Richter held them apart.

Miz then asked, "What's with Coco?" and began mocking the nickname. Miz then began whipping out potential new nicknames for Conan, including "The Red-Headed Mess of TBS" before finally ending the bit with "The Ginga (Ginger) Ninja", which was just tremendous in delivery.

Miz then topped himself by saying Conan's nickname for the character would be, "Step into my dojo, mofo." Conan recited it but blew the line, which was funny and then finally came back and nailed it like a pro wrestler would.

Miz got the audience to chant "Ginga Ninja" like a pro wrestling crowd would. Conan soaked it in and banged his head, then joked that Miz just ruined his life.

Conan pushed Wrestlemania and told Miz he was funny and had to come back soon for another visit.

Miz came off extremely well here. Surprisingly, no mention of Dwayne Johnson working Wrestlemania.

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