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By Dave Scherer on 2011-03-12 18:47:03
I feel like the child of divorce.  If you want to know why, wait until the end of this story and you will find out.

On my personal Twitter page (it is!/davescherer for those curious - both of you!), I have been following something akin to a civil war as former partners (in and Bob Ryder and Joey Styles have been firing salvos back and forth on Twitter.

On his Twitter page earlier Joey Styles, who of course was the announcer for ECW back in the day, wrote: "TNA in Poughkeepsie NY last night didn't have Dreamer, Foley or Dudleys ...and didn't have sell out either. The local Indy sells out there."

It should be noted, in fairness, that the local indy often has Tommy Dreamer headlining the show.

Bob Ryder, who works in the office for TNA, followed on his Twitter account followed up by writing, "Can't figure out why @JoeyStyles takes cheap shots at TNA. Especially given how often he has said he would like to work there.

Styles then wrote: "To clarify, I'm not criticizing TNA for not selling out but rather the TNA employee that didn't book past ECW wrestlers in NY so they did."

Ryder retorted saying, "Glad to hear @JoeyStyles has all the answers to how to sell out buildings. WWE live event business is down. They could use his help."

Styles then moved on by saying, "Here's news much more important than my TNA musings; UFC bought Strikeforce! That is the MMA equivalent of WWE buying TNA."

Now, why do I feel so distraught?  I worked with both of them back at the sites mentioned above.  Who do I spend every Wednesday and every other weekend with now? 

OK, it's a slow news day.  Humor me.

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