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By Buck Woodward on 2011-02-15 08:00:00

February 15th

On this day in history in ....  

1962 - Rikidozan & Toyonobori defeat Luther Lindsay & Ricky Waldo to win the All Asian Tag Team Title for the second time in Tokyo, Japan.

1969 - The Medics (Billy Garrett & Jim Starr) defeat Bobby & Lee Fields in a rematch to win back the NWA Florida Tag Team Title in Tampa, Florida.  The belts had been held up following a match between the two teams.

1982 - WWF ran at Madison Square Garden in New York City with the following results:
- Johnny Rodz vs. Davey O'Hannon ended in a draw.
- Mr. Fuji, Mr. Saito & Captain Lou Albano defeated Tony Garea, Rick Martel & Pat Patterson in a three out of five falls match.
- Jesse Ventura defeated S.D. Jones.
- WWF World Champion Bob Backlund defeated Adrian Adonis in a Texas Death Match with Ivan Putski as the referee.
- Pierre Martel defeated Larry Sharpe via DQ.
- Steve Travis defeated Charlie Fulton.
- Rick McGraw defeated Jose Estrada.
- WWF Intercontinental Champion Pedro Morales defeated Greg Valentine in an Alley Fight match with Ivan Putski as the referee.
- Tony Atlas vs. Killer Khan was ruled a draw due to the MSG curfew.

1986 - WWF taped the fifth edition of Saturday Night's Main Event (broadcast on NBC on March 1st) in Phoenix, Arizona.  This is the show that set up several angles for Wrestlemania 2. The show also featured the debut of Hulk Hogan's "I Am A Real American" music video.   Here are the results of the show:
- Mr. T defeated Boxing Bob Orton (Randy Orton's father) via countout in the second round of a boxing match.  Roddy Piper attacked Mr. T after the match, setting up their Wrestlemania 2 boxing match.
- King Kong Bundy defeated Steve Gatorwolf.
- WWF World Heavyweight Champion Hulk Hogan defeated The Magnificent Muraco via disqualification.  The storyline was that Muraco's manager, Mr. Fuji, had taken ill, so Bobby Heenan took his place at ringside.  King Kong Bundy (a Heenan charge) came out, and with the help of Muraco, injured Hogan with several avalanches, setting up their Wrestlemania 2 steel cage match.
- WWF World Tag Team Champions Brutus Beefcake & Greg Valentine (who came out to the ring using Queen's "We Are The Champions" as entrance music) defeated The British Bulldogs when Valentine and Dynamite Kid collided head to head, and Valentine fell on top of Dynamite for the pin.  A rematch would be signed for Wrestlemania 2.
- The Junkyard Dog defeated Adrian Adonis.
- In a match that was not televised, Pedro Morales defeated Bret Hart.

1991 - Eric Embry defeats Bull Dundee in Dallas, Texas to win the USWA Texas Heavyweight Title for the second time.

1993 - Ron & Don Harris defeated the Moondogs (Spot & Splat) for the USWA Tag Team Title in Memphis, Tennessee, starting their third reign with the belts. 

1998 -  WWF held their "In Your House: No Way Out Of Texas" Pay-per-view at the Compaq Center in Houston, Texas. Results from the show saw:  
- The Headbangers defeated Goldust & Marc Mero when Thrasher cradled Mero for the pin as Mero and Goldust were trying to separate Luna and Sable at ringside. 
- Light Heavyweight Champion TAKA Michinoku defeated Pantera with a Michinoku Driver.  After the match, TAKA took out Brian Christopher and Jerry Lawler at ringside with a top rope dive. 
- The Godwinns defeated Jacques Rougeau & Pierre Outlette when Phinneas pinned Pierre. 
- Justin Bradshaw defeated NWA North American Champion Jeff Jarrett via disqualification when Jarrett used Jim Cornette's tennis racket.
- Ken Shamrock, Ahmed Johnson, Chainz (Brian Lee), Eight Ball (Ron Harris) & Skull (Don Harris) defeated Faarooq, Rocky Maivia, D'Lo Brown, Kama Mustafa & Mark Henry when Shamrock forced Rocky with the anklelock. 
- Kane defeated Vader with a tombstone. 
- Steve Austin, Cactus Jack, Chainsaw Charlie (Terry Funk) & Owen Hart defeated Hunter Hearst Helmsley, Road Dogg, Billy Gunn & Savio Vega (subbing for Shawn Michaels) in a no-disqualification match when Austin pinned Road Dogg with a stunner. 

1998 - Louis Mucciolo, known in the ring as Louie Spicolli, died in his home at age 27 after mixing alcohol and somas (a painkiller/relaxer) and vomiting in his sleep. Spicolli was a 10-year veteran who had worked in WWF, ECW, Mexico and was in WCW at the time of his death, about to be pushed as a "lackey" to the NWO.  

1999 - During an live edition of Raw from Birmingham, Alabama The Rock defeated Mankind for the WWF World Heavyweight Title in a ladder match after Paul Wight chokeslammed Mankind, ending Mankind's second run with the title and starting his own third title reign.  On the same show, Shane McMahon pinned X-Pac to win the WWF European Title in a tag team match with Shane & Kane vs. X-Pac & Hunter Hearst Helmsley in which the title was on the line.

2003 - Cody Hawk & Chet Jablonski defeated Rory Fox & Matt Stryker for the Heartland Wrestling Association Tag Team Title.

2004 - Hiroyoshi Tenzan wins a tournament for the IWGP World Heavyweight Title in Tokyo, Japan.  Here are the results:
- Hiroyoshi Tenzan defeated Kensuke Sasaki.
- Yuji Nagata defeated Tadao Yasuda.
- Hiroshi Tanahashi defeated Yoshihiro Takayama.
- Genichiro Tenryu defeated Masahiro Chono.
- Hiroyoshi Tenzan defeated Yuji Nagata.
- Genichiro Tenryu defeated Hiroshi Tanahashi.
- Hiroyoshi Tenzan defeated Genichiro Tenryu to win the IWGP Heavyweight Title.

2004 - WWE held their No Way Out Pay-per-view in San Francisco, California, headlined by Eddie Guerrero defeating Brock Lesnar for the WWE Heavyweight Title.  Here is Tim Whitehead's original report on the show:

WWE's No Way Out (2/15 from the San Francisco Cow Palace) was one of those shows that started weak but ended with a bang. Much of the undercard came across like a standard wrestling TV show. The show began to build with the strong Cruiserweight Title match, slipped back just a little with the three way match, and reached a great climax with the main event. The commentary was generally good from Tazz & Michael Cole, though Tazz was clearly the star. The live crowd pretty much followed the trend line of the show, warming up as the show improved, and exploding at the end.

RIKISHI & SCOTTY 2 HOTTY beat THE BASHAM BROTHERS & SHANIQUA in 8:16 in a handicap match to retain the Smackdown World Tag Titles. Scotty skinned the cat in an early spot. He then almost killed Danny Basham with a spinning headscissors. Doug tagged in and bumped all over to sell Rikishi's girth. Shaniqua got knocked down in the corner and Rikishi almost backed his ass into her face. Doug got laid out, and Scotty went for the worm on him but Shaniqua blocked it. Scotty got worked over for a while before hot tagging. Rikishi cleaned house. He no-sold Shaniqua's offense and then slammed her. Doug & Danny saved her from the Bonzai ass drop. Scotty took out the Bashams, allowing Rikishi to Samoan drop Shaniqua and then ass drop her for the pin. Just a regular TV type match.

JAMIE NOBLE defeated NIDIA in 4:26. The rules here required Noble to wear a hood so he couldn't see. Most of the match was Nidia taking advantage of him, smacking him in the face, kicking him in the ass, and so forth, with Noble staggering around blind. They teased Noble grabbing her tits once. Nidia pulled Noble's trunks down, tripping him up. Noble finally grabbed Nidia by the hair and ripped a wad of it out. The finish saw Nidia go up to the top, but Noble lifted his hood (behind the ref's back), saw her there, and slammed her hard to the mat. He then choked her until she tapped. As wrestling, this sucked, but it was somewhat entertaining.

Kurt Angle cut a promo. John Cena arrived and the two got into it, ending in a pull-apart brawl.

CHARLIE HAAS & SHELTON BENJAMIN beat the A.P.A. in 7:21. Benjamin outwrestled Faarooq. Faarooq turned the tables and outbrawled Benjamin. The APA doubled on Haas, who sold big. Faarooq called a spot a little too loudly. Haas & Benjamin tied Faarooq up in their corner and worked over his bad arm. They were doing the old Minnesota Wrecking Crew spots of fast tags and focusing on one body part. Faarooq managed to tag in Bradshaw, who sent Haas & Benjamin bumping. Bradshaw gave Benjamin a high powerbomb. Haas posted Faarooq. Bradshaw did the fall away slam on Benjamin. Bradshaw began throwing the killer lariats, but hurt his injured arm (part of the story of this match was guys selling injuries from prior matches between these teams), allowing Benjamin to nail Bradshaw with a thrust kick for the pin. Not all that good. Haas & Benjamin need a higher profile feud.

Bill Goldberg arrived to take his front row seat. I guess he saw the booking sheet and didn't bother with the first three matches. As soon as he sat down, Paul Heyman hit the ring and went off on him. Heyman was screaming at the top of his lungs, warning Goldberg that he'd better do nothing more than sit there and view the superior Smackdown product. He vowed that if Goldberg dared to cross the ring barrier, he'd be ejected, arrested, prosecuted, etc. etc. etc. Brock Lesnar came out and began taunting Goldberg. He dared him to come in the ring, accusing him of being afraid to do so. Heyman kept asking Lesnar to stop, but it was one of those deals where you could see they were working out a plan. Lesnar said Goldberg was such a coward he would do nothing but sit in his seat like the little bitch he is. Naturally, Goldberg could take no more and came over the barrier and into the ring, as Heyman freaked out. Lesnar looked like he was ready to bail and run, but Heyman distracted Goldberg, giving Lesnar the opening to jump him. Lesnar went for the F5, but Goldberg escaped and hit the jackhammer to a strong pop. Heyman freaked out even more, if that was possible, and he began literally screaming for security. Security charged the ring and Goldberg was handcuffed and arrested. Actually, they did it a lot easier than they probably should have, as Goldberg didn't do the Steve Austin routine of resisting arrest. He just submitted to it. He was hauled out as the stunned Lesnar staggered back up. This was okay as an angle to continue the build for what will surely be a WrestleMania match. On commentary, Tazz & Cole endorsed the arrest of Goldberg, doing the gimmick of defending Smackdown against RAW invaders.

HARDCORE HOLLY defeated RHYNO in 9:55. This match was set up on Heat. Holly arrived at the ring while Lesner was still reviving. The moment Lesnar saw Holly coming in, he got the hell out of there and fled. Rhyno came out and the brawling began. Holly threw some chops. Rhyno hit a shoulderblock and hooked a legscissors. Rhyno scored some twos. Holly scored some twos of his own with a suplex, a lariat, and a running dropkick. Rhyno got a near fall with a superplex. Holly hit an inverted DDT for a two count. Rhyno connected with the gore, but Holly managed to bump out to the floor to avoid being pinned. He recovered and caught Rhyno with the Alabama Slam for the pin. Another standard TV type match. Not bad, just not PPV type action.

An Undertaker promo appeared on the giant screen, promising the dead will rise in 28 days (WrestleMania, long known for raising the dead).

CHAVO GUERRERO JR. defeated REY MYSTERIO JR. in 17:21 to capture the Cruiserweight Title. Chavo Jr. had his dad Chavo Sr. in his corner, while Mysterio had boxing great Jorge Paez. Someone had a sign that said of Chavo, "He Lies, He Cheats, He Sucks". Mysterio hit a fast arm drag. Chavo tried to take Mysterio's mask. Mysterio hit a dropkick and a headscissors, scoring some twos. Chavo scored two with a slam and a kick. They did a couple of sloppy spots leading into Mysterio hitting the 619. Mysterio went for the West Coast Pop, but Senior tripped him up. Paez KO'ed Senior with a punch to the jaw. This prompted the ref to order Paez back to the locker room, though I'm not sure if that ruling could be supported by all precedents. Chavo went out to help his dad, allowing Mysterio to nail him with a springboard plancha. Back in the ring, Mysterio hit a springboard legdrop for a near fall. Chavo hit a backbreaker type move off the top, scoring some twos off of it. On the mic, Cole kept reciting Cow Palace history, though I think he got some things wrong, including confusing the Cow Palace with the Los Angeles Olympic on some things. Each wrestler scored a ton on twos as the match continued. Chavo hit a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker. Mysterio hit a bulldog and a reverse Russian legsweep. They traded DDT's. Mysterio hit a moonsault. Mysterio hit the 619 again and went for a senton splash but, in a neat move, Chavo rolled through on it and hooked a submission hold. Mysterio made the ropes. Mysterio went to the top, but Senior, who finally revived from the earlier punch, shoved him off and he bumped on the ropes. Chavo easily cradled Mysterio for the pin and title change. Not an off-the-charts match, but very good. This match ignited the crowd and helped save the show.

In a post-victory promo, Chavo boasted that his uncle Eddie Guerrero would never be a champion because he's a loser and an addict.

KURT ANGLE defeated BIG SHOW and JOHN CENA in a three-way match in 12:17 to earn the shot at the Smackdown version of the World Title at 'Mania. Cena did a pre-match rap. Show overpowered both Angle and Cena early. Angle and Cena slugged it out. Angle suplexed Cena, who ended up bumping out and selling that he hurt his bad knee. Show slowly pounded Angle, and then did the same to Cena. Show gave two legdrops to Cena. As always in a three way, pin attempts started being broken up by the third man. Show bumped out, so Angle and Cena traded some twos. Angle hit three German suplexes on Cena. They broke up one another's pin attempts some more. Up to this point, the match was kind of boring but it picked up steam when Cena gave the huge Show an FU. He also DDT'd Angle. Cena tried to pin Show but Show made the ropes. Angle Olympic slammed Show for a near fall. Angle put the ankle lock on Cena. Show made the save by chokeslamming both of them. Angle revived quickly and put the ankle lock on Show, who escaped. Cena went for an FU on Angle. Show stopped it by walloping Cena in his bad knee. Angle put Show in position for an Olympic slam, and dumped him from the ring for a big bump. Angle then forced Cena, whose knee was in bad shape, to tap to the ankle lock. The last few minutes were good, with strong crowd heat. Overall, it was below the level of a typical Angle match.

EDDIE GUERRERO defeated BROCK LESNAR in 30:04 to capture the WWE World Title. Eddie got a huge reaction coming out. Lesnar started off strong, using his superior strength to toss Eddie all over the place. Lesnar kept yelling, "You ain't nothin'" at him. Eddie bumped like crazy from high suplexes and backdrops. Lesnar was totally confident, throwing high knees and slamming Eddie like a rag doll. Eddie finally managed to take Lesnar down and wrap his knee around the ringpost. Lesnar recovered and tied Eddie up after a Samoan drop. Eddie escaped but Lesnar lariated him. Lesnar went for another high knee, but Eddie moved and Lesnar's knee hit the turnbuckle, with Lesnar then bumping hard out to the floor. Eddie dived out onto him. Back in the ring, Eddie went after the injured knee. He hooked an STF. Lesnar escaped using his strength. Eddie stomped the knee and tried for a figure four, which Lesnar blocked. Lesnar rallied, but Eddie cut him off with a headscissors and more stomps to the knee. Eddie hooked the figure four. The crowd was loving this. Lesnar made the ropes. Eddie hooked another STF but Lesnar escaped it as well. They did an awesome job presenting Lesnar as a monster here, even in losing. Lesnar hit a German suplex and a spinebuster. Eddie went for a missile kick, but missed when Lesnar moved. Lesnar got rammed into the turnbuckles and got a bloody nose. Lesnar threw more suplexes and tried to squeeze the life out of Eddie, who wouldn't quit. Lesnar, frustrated, kept saying, "Just die" to Eddie. Eddie hit a headscissors again, followed by three suplexes. Eddie went for the frog splash, but Lesnar rolled clear and Eddie crashed hard to the mat. Lesnar hit the F5, but in doing so bumped the ref. Lesnar scored a visionary fall, with the ref out cold. Lesnar retrieved his title belt. Before he could use it, Goldberg charged in to a massive pop and speared Lesnar. Guess Goldberg made bail. Eddie crawled on top of Lesnar but only scored two as the ref was slow to revive and do the count. The crowd was going nuts. Eddie tried to hit Lesnar with the belt. Lesnar blocked it and Eddie dropped the belt. Lesnar took Eddie up for the F5, which Eddie reversed into a DDT right onto the belt. Eddie then hit the frog splash. The ref, still groggy, revived again and counted three as Eddie scored the pin. Excellent match, excellent heat, and excellent closing pop. Eddie celebrated his win with his family (excluding Chavo Jr. & Sr.) afterward. Great ending, which sets up Eddie vs. Angle and Lesnar vs. Goldberg.

2009 - WWE held their No Way Out PPV in Seattle, Washington.  Here is Mike Johnson's original report on the show:

Elimination Chamber: WWE champion Edge vs. Big Show vs. Triple H vs. Undertaker vs. Vladimir Kozlov vs. Jeff Hardy


Wow, they are starting off the PPV with this?  I guess that means the Raw Elimination Chamber will close the show, which is odd booking given the match quality difference on paper for the two Chamber bouts.  The word going around was that there would be a title change tonight, so we'll see which Chamber it takes place in.

They do the big entrances for everyone.

Jeff Hardy went right after Edge to start the bout.    He nailed several clotheslines.  Edge reversed a whip into the ropes and nailed a big boot the face.  He went for a quick cover but Hardy kicked up.  Edge draped Hardy over the ropes and charged, snapping him throat-first across them for another two count.  Edge worked over Hardy in the corner while Big Show glared from his pod and smiled, playing up their storyline from the last few weeks of TV.

Hardy comes back with a twisting head scissors, then a Cruncher legdrop.  Edge came back to attempt the Impaler but Hardy turned it into the Twist of Fate.  Hardy went for the Swanton but missed as Edge rolled out of the way.  Edge went for a spear but Hardy caught him with an inside cradle and pinned him.

Edge is eliminated, so we'll have a new WWE champion.  Stay tuned.

After the countdown, Vladimir Kozlov is next out.  He throttles Hardy in the corner with punches and kicks.  Hardy kicked him in the mush.  Hardy attempted to fire back but Kozlov nailed a battering ram.  Kozlov dragged Hardy out of the ring onto the steel base and rammed Hardy into the cage several times.  Kozlov slammed Hardy into the ring and covered him but Hardy kicked out.

Kozlov kicked up Hardy and draped him across the top turnbuckle, then began headbutting him in the kidneys.  He measured Hardy and kicked him in the gut.  Kozlov nailed a Fall Away Slam.  He covered Hardy, who kicked out.  He nailed a backbreaker, then cinched in a bearhug on the mat to wear down Jeff.  Hardy tried to battle back but Kozlov slammed him down.  He grabbed Jeff for an Oklahoma Stampede but Hardy escaped, shoving him into the corner.  Hardy used the ropes for leverage, nailing a dropkick to the face of Kozlov, who was in a sitting position in the corner.  Near fall for Hardy.

Hardy tried to whip Kozlov, who reversed it.  Hardy used that momentum to hit the Whisper in the Wind.

Next in is Big Show, who goes right after Hardy and lays him out with a boot and a Beel.  Kozlov grabs Hardy and begins wearing him down with headbutts.  He and Big Show take turns working over Hardy.  Hardy continued to try and fight back but was mauled by the two monsters.

Kozlov turned on Show, nailing him with the Battering Ram out of nowhere.  Show went down but got to his feet.  They scuffled in the ring and battled in the corner.  Show missed a charge in the corner as the countdown began for the next competitor.

It's Triple H.  He hit the ring and began working over Show.  He nailed the knee lift on Kozlov and Show.  Show missed a charge in the corner and HHH grabbed him for the spinebuster.  HHH clotheslined Hardy.    HHH tossed Kozlov over the top to the steel base outside. 

Triple H teased a Pedigree outside but Show nailed HHH.  The announcers noted that might have been the smartest idea.  Show began beating HHH in the corner.  Kozlov continued to work over Hardy in the opposite corner with knees.  Show nailed a sideslam for a two count.  The heels continued to maul over the babyfaces as Undertaker psyched himself up and the fans chanted his name.

Show pressed and slammed HHH from an overhead position.  Show headbutt HHH, who fell out of the ring to the steel base.  Show followed, then rammed HHH into the Cage.  Show then splashed HHH into the chain.  Hardy tried to save HHH but was caught.  Show put HHH and Hardy together and charged them but they ducked.  He hit the cage and went down.

Back in the ring, HHH and Hardy hit a double suplex on Kozlov.  Hardy then hit the Whisper in the Wind on HHH.

Last in  is The Undertaker.  He goes right after Show and Kozlov   He nailed Kozlov with a nasty looking snake eyes.  Undertaker then turned his attention to HHH and Hardy.  He grabbed them both for a chokeslam and kicked Kozlov with a big boot.  He went for the chokeslam but Show kicked him.  Taker came back with a clothesline on Show.  Taker walked the ropes but Show tried to interfere.  Taker came off the ropes and drilled Show with a DDT the base.

Taker sat up and went right back to the business, nailing HHH off the ropes.  Kozlov caught Taker and began working him over in the corner with punches.  Taker catches Kozlov with the Last Ride out of the corner and scores the pin. 

Kozlov has been eliminated, his first "loss" in the company.

Show immediately went after Taker, then tossed both HHH and Hardy out of the ring.  Show tried to toss Hardy off the top rope into the cage but he grabbed the cage and scaled it to the top of one of the pods.  Show crotched him and began beating Hardy atop of one of them.  Undertaker followed Show and superplexed him off the top rope into the ring.  Hardy came off the pod with the swanton and scored the pin.

Big Show is eliminated.

Triple H was tossed over the top to the outside.  Taker grabbed Hardy for Old School but HHH knocked Taker down.  Hardy used Undertaker as a perch to dive out of the ring onto HHH.  Taker grabbed Hardy for a tombstone and nailed it. 

Hardy was pinned and eliminated.

It's down to Triple H and Undertaker.  They square off and charge.  Undertaker gets the best of the first exchange.  Taker beat HHH, who went down in the corner.    Taker measured HHH and went for a charging big boot in the corner.   HHH escaped and Taker got his legs caught on the ropes before falling to the outside.  Taker is slammed headfirst into the cage.

Triple H went to the top but was caught by Taker and chokeslammed for a two count.  HHH came back with the spinebuster for a two count.  They battle to the outside.  Triple H teases a Pedigree but is catapulted into the chain.  Taker grabs HHH for the tombstone, pulls them over the ropes and nails it inside the ring.  Triple H gets his foot on the rope at the last second.

Triple H battles back and scores the Pedigree but Taker gets his shoulder up.  They made their way to their feet and battled back and forth   HHH worked him over with punches in the corner.  Taker went for the Last Ride.  Triple H escaped, hit the Pedigree and pinned Taker.

Your winner and new WWE champion (his 13th reign), Triple H!

This had to be the longest opening match in the history of WWE PPV.  A great way to start the show.   Undertaker glared at HHH as he left.  HHH posed with the belt.

Backstage, Edge was asked Vickie Guerrero to start the match over.  She told him it was his fault because he lost.  She then backed down and said she didn't mean it.  Edge dropped to the couch heartbroken and shaking his head.  The vignette teased that we haven't seen the last of Edge tonight - there is still another Chamber to go and his character is the king of backdooring his way into title shots, so my guess is one of those babyfaces gets taken out before the match.

Backstage, Randy Orton cut a promo, telling Shane McMahon to listen.  He asked how Vince McMahon is, propped up in bed at home with Shane's mother Linda being right by their side.  Orton said they are praying their only son will avenge them but it's not going to happen.  Orton said that for the first time, Vince McMahon will be completely helpless, watching as Orton takes out Shane piece by piece as he begs for his life.  Orton said Vince will turn away hoping the carnage will stop but promised he won't stop until he has destroyed the entire McMahon family.  He said when he's done with Shane, he and Vince can both watch Randy Orton take his rightful place in the Wrestlemania main event.  He promised to make his legacy at the expense of the McMahon family.

Randy Orton vs. Shane McMahon - No Holds Barred




I feel bad for Orton having to follow that opener.







Shane McMahon is wearing the same jersey he used to wear during the Attitude era.  He caught Orton with several rights early.  He got the better of Orton with punches early.  Orton caught him and beat Shane down in the corner.  As he reared back for another, Shane nailed a punch to the gut.   Shane continued to tag Orton with punches, sending Orton out of the ropes to the floor.

McMahon hit a sliding kick out of the ring.  He went under the ring for a table and a trash can.  Orton got control of Shane and tossed him back into the ring.  Orton nailed a back suplex.  He kicked Shane out of the ring.  McMahon got a kendo stick and began beating Orton with it.  Orton finally escaped, rolling out of the ring.  McMahon followed.  He took out Orton and cleaned off one of the announce tables.  McMahon drilled Orton with a TV monitor, busting him open hardway.

Shane McMahon went to the top rope but Cody Rhodes and Ted DiBiase attacked him.  Cody went to nail Shane with a chair but he moved and DiBiase took the shot.  Shane nailed a DDT on Cody.  Shane set up Cody for the Coast to Coast, complete with trash can.   He nailed it, then went to the top for a flying elbow onto a table.  Orton, who had been prone on the table this entire time, moved, so Shane ate the table.

Orton instructed DiBiase to take Rhodes to the back to make sure he was all right.  Orton dragged Shane into the ring and nailed a DDT for a two count.  He continued to cover Shane but McMahon kept kicking out.  As Shane battled to his feet, Orton set up a table in the ring.  Orton placed McMahon on the top rope and superplexed him through the table.  Orton covered Shane, who got his shoulder off the mat.

Orton continued to try and pin Shane, but McMahon kept getting his shoulder up.  Orton set up for the punt kick but Shane tackled him.  Shane grabbed a chair and nailed Orton with it across his back.  He nailed Orton's foot with the chair and Orton began screaming.  Shane nailed him again and again in the leg as Orton screamed and begged for him to stop.

Shane then nailed Orton across the face with the chair.   Shane then measured Orton for a punt kick of his own but as he charged, Orton nailed the RKO and scored the pin clean.

Your winner, Randy Orton!

They aired a Wrestlemania video feature.

ECW champion Jack Swagger vs. Finlay

They lock up and Finlay backs the champion into the corner.  Finlay rolls him into a single leg Boston Crab.  You can hear slight "We want Christian" chants.  Finlay slammed Swagger's knee down into the mat.  He continued to work over Swagger's leg, kicking the inside of his knee. 

Finlay draped Swagger's leg over the middle rope and kicked him in the hamstring.  Finlay missed a charge in the corner.  Swagger cinched in a hammerlock after several kicks to the gut.    Swagger picked up Finlay and dropped him down into an over the shoulder powerslam.  Swagger locked on a cross arm breaker. 

Swagger continued to control Finlay on the mat.  He rolled Finlay onto his stomach, cinched in another hammerlock and rained down with knees to his arm and back.  Finlay got back to his feet but Swagger continued to work over his arm.  Finlay broke free and took Swagger down for a two count.  Swagger grabbed Finlay and charged him into the corner.

The match started to fall apart a little as Swagger charged for something in the corner and then stopped.  The announcers said he was trying to pick his spots.  He did it again and it turned into a sunset flip spot of sorts but Swagger's shoulders weren't down at first which led to time standing still.  Swagger then charged Finlay again in the corner, which the crowd groaned at.  Finlay was on the ropes.  Hornswoggle popped up.  That allowed Swagger to be distracted. 

Finlay knocked him off the ropes and hit several clotheslines.  He went for a Fireman's Carry but Swagger escaped and sent Finlay into the ropes.  He knocked Hornswoggle off the ropes to the floor.  Striker said the ring was no place for a child to be.  Finlay's distraction allowed for Swagger to hit his gutwrench power bomb and score the pin.

Your winner and still ECW champion, Jack Swagger!

The Raw announce team said that Shane McMahon has been in and out of consciousness since the match with Randy Orton and has been taken to a medical facility.  They were sure to point out that Stephanie McMahon has gone with him, which would technically leave Vickie Guerrero in charge right?  Remember the Edge vignette earlier? Hmmm.  I still say Edge in the second Chamber.

JBL vs. Shawn Michaels - All or Nothing

They showed Michaels' wife Rebecca at ringside in the crowd by herself.  Michaels came to her before he got into the ring.  She was crying as they had a long look between them and she nodded at him to go do it.

JBL backed him into the corner and began browbeating Michaels, telling him "one mistake is all I need."  They locked up in the corner and neither would break.  JBL mouthed off so Michaels jumped him and rained down with the punches.  JBL ran from the ring.  JBL smiled as if he knew he got under Shawn's skin.  Michaels followed him to the floor.  JBL grabbed a chair and handed it to Shawn, trying to trick him into getting himself disqualified.  Michaels dropped it and punched JBL.

They returned to the ring.  Michaels went for a backslide but only got a two count.  JBL cut off Michaels with a clothesline.  He dropped an elbow for a two count.   Michaels came back to cinch in a figure four.  JBL grabbed the ropes and Michaels nearly didn't break on a five.  Michaels went for a Crippler Crossface but JBL turned it into a pin attempt for a two count.  Michaels whipped JBL, who reversed it.  Michaels hit the buckles and did the Ray Stevens flip bump to the floor.

JBL grabbed Michaels and rammed him back-first into the apron.  He dragged Michaels back into the ring and began working over Michaels' back and chest.  He began dropping elbow and elbow.  Michaels kicked out at two.  They kept showing concerned shots of Rebecca in the crowd.

JBL began working over Michaels with punches and kicks in the corner.  He cinched in a bearhug in the center of the ring.  Michaels escaped and came back with a swinging neckbreaker.  Both men struggled to their feet.  Michaels hit an inverted atomic drop and chopped JBL.    JBL reversed a whip and Michaels hit the buckles, then fell into the ring.  JBL put Michaels atop the rope for a superplex but Michaels fought him off.  Michaels went for the Picture Perfect elbow off the top but JBL rolled out of the way.

JBL hit the Clothesline From Hell but Michaels kicked out.  JBL began saying something to Rebecca, then nailed another Clothesline from Hell.  He kicked Michaels out of the ring to the floor.  Michaels pulled himself back in at the last second before nearly getting counted out. 

JBL cut off Michaels and immediately tossed him over the top rope to the floor.  JBL pulled Michaels in front of Rebecca and began screaming at her.  She slapped him.  This sparked a second wind in Michaels and he attacked JBL.  He nailed a Thesz Press on JBL then slammed him.  Michaels went back up for the elbow and nailed it. 

Michaels teased Sweet Chin Music.  He drilled JBL with it and scored the clean pin.

Your winner, Shawn Michaels.

So, the storyline is Michaels is now free of JBL's employ and has made enough money to save his family from their financial ruin.  Michaels and his wife kissed at ringside before he took her backstage, hand in hand. 

Todd Grisham interviewed Chris Jericho backstage.  Jericho said he was the best in the world and his confidence level is where it should be.  He promised he would be the new World champion and would then challenge Ric Flair to come out of retirement at Wrestlemania to become the 17th time champion.  He then said he wasn't going to do that, because he's better than a charity case like Ric Flair.  He said that he wasn't serious about challenging Flair but he was serious about becoming the World champion.  He said he was Superstar of the Year in 2008 and would do so again in 2009. 

The announcers heavily teased there would be another title change.



WWE World champ John Cena vs. Kofi Kingston vs. Chris Jericho vs. Mike Knox vs. Kane vs. Rey Mysterio

As Kofi Kingston came to the ring, Edge jumped him from behind and slammed him into the stairs.  Edge then killed him with a chair and entered the Chamber.  Rey Mysterio ran down checking on Kofi.   Rey tried to get at Edge, who locked himself in the pod. 

Somehow, Edge is now a part of the match.

Jericho and Rey started the bout.  Jericho shoulderblocked him down.  Rey came back with a monkey flip.  They chopped each other. Rey set up Jericho for the 619 but Jericho escaped.  Rey dove out of the ring onto Jericho but hurt himself in the process hitting the cage.,  Rey kicked Jericho in the chest, then clotheslined Jericho back into the ring.  Jericho  ducked a charge in the corner, sending Rey headfirst into the pod's chamber.  Jericho covered Rey for a two count.  Rey fought back but was backdropped to the outside.

Jericho followed Rey and tried to catapult Rey into the cage but Rey climbed up.  He dropped down onto Jericho's shoulders for a rana.  Rey hit a springboard into a pinning combination for a two count. 

Kane entered the match.

Rey ducked a clothesline but was caught with a sideslam.  Kane caught him with a dropkick to the head.  Jericho cut Kane off with a kick to the chest.  Kane blocked a punch and hit Jericho.  Kane clotheslined Jericho to the outside.  Kane then turned his attention to Rey.  Rey came back with a kick to the face then used his momentum to hit a twisting DDT.  Jericho missed a Lionsault on Kane, who then hit a boot to the face.

Rey tripped up Jericho.  He went for the 619 but Kane caught him with a chokeslam attempt.  Rey escaped and nailed Kane with the 619.  Before he could capitalize, Jericho nailed the Codebreaker.  Rey climbed to the top of a pod and dove off with a dive, pinning Kane.

Kane has been eliminated.

Mike Knox was next in and began beating down Rey.  He whipped Rey into the corner and splashed him.  Knox controlled Jericho and Rey, using the cage as a weapon.  Rey jumped on Knox's back   Knox flipped him over into the cage.  Knox pressed and slammed Jericho into the ring from the outside.

He turned his attention to Rey, who tried to match him kick for kick.  Jericho returned and nailed the Codebreaker on Knox, pinning him.

Mike Knox has been eliminated.

The next in was Edge.  Rey attacked him before he could even get out of the pod.  He began kicking the hell out of him and throwing him into the cage.  Rey hit a springboard dive on Edge.  He whipped Edge into the ropes but Jericho caught him unaware with a clothesline.  Edge waited and then attacked Jericho.  Jericho nailed a bulldog while rebounding off the ropes.

Rey began nailing Jericho with forearms but was cut off with an elbow.  Jericho nailed Jericho from behind for a two count.  Edge whipped Jericho into the far corner.  He set up for the spear but Rey leaped over him.  Jericho tried to grab for a code breaker but Edge held on.  Rey went for the 619 but Jericho cut off Rey again. 

All three battled in the corner to set up a Tower of Doom spot. 

Edge laid out Jericho and Rey as John Cena entered the match.  Cena jumped Edge then hit a suplex on Jericho.  He nailed a bulldog on Jericho.  Edge was hit with a belly to back suplex.  Cena set up the five knuckle shuffle on Edge.  Jericho hit the Codebreaker on Cena.  Rey nailed the 619.  Edge speared Cena and pinned him.

John Cena has been eliminated.  There will be a new World champion.

Mysterio fought off Edge and Jericho.  He set them both up for the 619 and nailed Jericho, while Edge escaped.  Rey took out Edge.  He springboarded off the ropes.  Jericho caught him and turned it into the Walls of Jericho but Rey rolled him up and scored the pin.

Jericho has been eliminated.

Mysterio fought to his feet while Edge waited to hit a spear.  Edge missed it and hit the corner.  Rey rolled him up for a two count.  The crowd began chanting for Edge.  Cole said they were Rey chants.  Rey nearly got the pin on Edge with a roll-up.  Edge caught him with a kick to the gut.  He nailed a sunset flip but Rey rolled through and kicked him in the head,  Rey covered him for a two count.

Rey began working over Edge with punches.  Rey went for a moonsault but Edge caught him.  Rey twisted it into a DDT for another near fall.  Rey climbed the ropes but was viciously kicked off by Edge.  Edge went for a powerbomb on the outside but Rey broke free.  Rey nailed a 619.  Mysterio charged Edge on the outside but was sent flying into one of the pods.

Edge speared Rey and scored the pin.

Your winner and new World champion, Edge!

The announcers wondered what this all meant for Raw, since Edge is a Smackdown star.


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