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By Dave Scherer on 2011-01-24 10:00:37
You can send us questions for the Q&A by clicking here.

What do you think the effect of WWE's stock sliding will be?

The most scary and probably obvious effect is talent cuts.  Midcard guys will probably pay the price.  When earnings per share come in about half of what they were expected to be, it's not a good thing for anyone involved.  Less profit usually means more cuts with WWE.  Talent always seems to be the primary focus of that.  Also, the high dividend that WWE currently pays, which is financed by their reservoir of cash that they have in the bank, has been an issue with some on Wall Street for a while since it's not sustainable.  When a stock is earning 40 or 50 cents a share and is paying out around a dollar more than that, eventually it will come to an end.  WWE needs to get their EPS higher and will try and do it and if they can't increase revenues, they will probably do it by cutting costs.  The news from Friday was not good, and that is the main reason it was released on a Friday after the market closed.

I saw that Slam Wrestling reported that Hulk Hogan and Eric Bischoff have agreed to take pay cuts in TNA. I definitely think that both guys should do that. Have you heard if it's true?

I have not heard one way or the other.  In my opinion if it's true, it is only right since Hogan and Bischoff promised a lot that hasn't been delivered when they came in.  It would be a sign of good faith for them to do that.  If it's not true, Bischoff will probably be attacking Slam on his social media sites soon enough.

Is it a foregone conclusion that HHH will return to action at the Royal Rumble?

As much as anything in the wrestling business can be foregone, I would say it is.  HHH is ready to go and the Rumble seems like the perfect time to get him back in the ring and on the road to WrestleMania.

Why does Eric Bischoff have a problem with this site when its one of the few on the internet that actually verifies information and posts retractions whenever they need to be posted?

Since he and I don't talk, I can't tell you what he is thinking.  I look at the fact that Bischoff has put me over in the past as a credible news source but now that I have been critical of his work and role in TNA, he has taken to attacking me personally.  That leads me to believe he either thinks my analysis of what he has and hasn't done for TNA is wrong or he is trying to run a smear campaign that confuses the issues so that maybe the higher-ups in TNA won't realize that he hasn't delivered what he said he would when he came in.  Honestly, only he can tell you what his motivations are.  Frankly, I really don't care to ask him as they are immaterial to what I do here.

Does Mike Johnson ever sleep?

Mike is like rust, he never sleeps.

You can send us questions for the Q&A by clicking here.

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