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What's your opinion on Trent Baretta? I Have recently been paying closer attention to some of his work and feel like he could be at least a strong mid-card guy feuding for US of IC gold. Do you think WWE intends to get the most out of him or will he get lost in the shuffle like so many smaller athletes?
I think Baretta is a pretty good worker, but it is going to be really hard for him to be taken seriously given the way he has been presented to WWE fans. From the Dudebusters (could they have come up with a worse name?) to his pretty much being an enhancement talent that rarely ever got sustained offense, much less wins, fans have to reason to care about him. His best bet would be to get taken off TV for a while and repackaged with a new name. The only other way he gets over is with a big push and a lot of wins over top competition, and I don't see that happening.
Do you WWE will ever show whether on demand or DVD the Rock vs. Mankind I Quit match again?
Sure. Even though WWE is currently shying away from the more violent matches in their history, I see that match showing up on demand or DVD at some point in the future. It may not be anytime soon though.
What is your top 5 Wrestlemania matches of all time?
Bret Hart vs. Roddy Piper at Wrestlemania 8,
Ricky Steamboat vs. Randy Savage at Wrestlemania 3, Shawn Michaels vs. Razor
Ramon at Wrestlemania 10, Steve Austin vs. Bret Hart at Wrestlemania 13 and Bret
Hart vs. Owen Hart at Wrestlemania 10 have been by five favorites for a long
time, but now I have to figure out which matches to take out in order to make
room for Shawn Michaels vs. The Undertaker, twice. I'd probably have to go
rewatch all those matches in order to properly rank them.
Do you ever see WWE bring in a three-man tag title?
Absolutely not. They barely use the regular tag title for anything of importance!
How much would a Cena heel turn affect merch sales for WWE?
It would be huge. The younger audience that loves Cena buys a lot more stuff than the percentage of the crowd that supports heels, so even if Cena sold some shirts as a heel, it wouldn't come close to what he sells now. It would be a pretty big drop, as Cena is easily their biggest merchandise seller right now.
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