1. Bret said that WCW offered him $9,000,000 for 3 years. He turned that down and went with WWF/WWE. Then he got screwed and went to WCW. Did he get the 9 mil offer then or did he have to take a lower amount?
2. How long was Bret actually in WCW? If less than 3 years, would he have been paid the full amount or a partial amount?
I believe Hart got a lower amount than the original offer, although whether that nine million dollar figure was actually real, I couldn't tell you. Hart was officially with WCW from November 1997 until the company released him in October 2000 after Hart retired due to his concussions.
With "Cross Rhodes", the Goldust/Dustin Rhodes(Runnels) autobiography being released do you think WWE will release a career retrospective on The Bizarre One?
Down the line, sure. I can absolutely see the company doing a DVD down the line.
Congratulations to Shawn Michaels on being selected for induction into the WWE Hall of Fame. Has anyone remained an active wrestler, male or female, even after being inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame?
Ric Flair, Ricky Steamboat, Mae Young and Jimmy Snuka, among others, come to mind, so it's not an uncommon occurrence.
I was disappointed to read that former TNA Knockout Taylor Wilde has decided to retire from wrestling. She was a great wrestler. Very skilled and fast in the ring. One of the reasons given I believe was financial. That's a shame. I admire her convictions. I know nobody exactly "retires" from the ring. Maybe we might see her again down the road. Good luck to her. While she was with TNA did she earn the same salary as the male wrestlers? How much difference are the salaries between the male and female wrestlers of TNA?
I don't believe the female talents make the same scale as the male wrestlers, since they are not used in the same position of prominence. I wouldn't be shocked to see their pay being in the same scale as the TNA mid-card male performers, however.
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