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By Dave Scherer on 2011-01-09 10:00:00

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I am thinking about subscribing to the Elite section at My question is about the mailbags. The Q and A is my favorite part of the site. Are the mailbags extended versions of the Q and A?

Yes, that is exactly what they are.  We get questions from our thousands of Elite members and answer them, in detail, on the shows.  It is one of the many added values that you get when you become an Elite member.  You can get more information about the Elite site by clicking here.

I applaud Kaval for asking for his WWE release and them giving it to him. Lord knows WWE doesn't know how to handle a cruiserweight that isn't named Rey Mysterio. Anyways, do you think this will have more people asking for there release since there are reports that so many WWE stars are unhappy?

First off, I see Kaval asking for his release as more of a "you can't fire me, I quit" sort of thing.  It was becoming very obvious that they had no plans for him.  Kaval's major problem, from a WWE standpoint, is that he is a little guy that wrestles like he is a big guy.  That is fine when he is wrestling someone his own size but when he takes on someone that has 50 or more pounds, plus height, on him it's just not realistic.  So, while WWE isn't great at booking cruisers, Kaval also didn't help himself by not changing his style.  Will others ask for their release?  I think some people that are frustrated by their lack of push may (or at least vent to people that they will) but those at the middle or top of the card?  If it's someone that plans for the future they will have to have made a lot of money to do it since once they quit WWE their income will drop in a big way.  Given how short the career of a wrestler is my advice would be that it's better to be unhappy for a few years now and bank a lot of money then to be kicking yourself in the ass later when you need to find a job that you hate even more just to pay your bills.

What the heck have they done to Ted DiBiase? Why did they make him a jobber?

That is the million dollar (man) question.  I wish I had an answer.  All I know for sure is that they have totally blown it with someone that I see a lot of potential in.  WWE is constantly saying that they need new young stars and yet the book him like crap.  It makes no sense to me.

Tamina. Could they be setting us up for a swerve, where she turns on Santino to help the Usos win the tag team championship, the plan all along?

It's possible I guess but it would be lacking in logic given how things have been booked thus far.  Now, down the road I could see them doing it when she breaks up with Santino but for now it wouldn't make a lot of sense to me.

There have been many great tag teams in professional wrestling. What are your thoughts on the team of the Hollywood Blonds (Stunning Steve Austin and Flyin' Brian Pillman)? Were they broken up too soon by WCW? Could they have been the next Midnight Express or if they stayed together too much longer would they have gone the way of the Steiner Brothers (another great team but they stayed together way too long in my opinion) ? WCW never made either Austin or Pillman stars after their 1993 feud. It took Paul Heyman's inputs to make them both relevant again in 1995 and 1996. Your thoughts?

They were pretty much put together as an afterthought in WCW and then broken up when they got over.  They weren't in with the right clique in WCW.  It was another example of stupid booking by the regime there.  Eric Bischoff obviously was no fan of them (which says a lot about his ability to see talent, or lack thereof). In an interview that I did with him years ago Austin came right out and called Bischoff "chickens***" for the way that he was fired via mail.  It's also well known that he wouldn't work with Hulk Hogan because of how he felt held back by Hogan and Bischoff in WCW.  Austin and Pillman were both great workers and they could have been an all-time great tag team if they stayed together.  Things worked out fine for Austin in the end however, and he got the last laugh on Bischoff.

You can send us questions for the Q&A by clicking here.


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