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By Mike Johnson & Jon Goldstein on 2010-08-21 12:53:49
Brooklyn, New York based independent promotion Forgotten Championship Wrestling debuted at MCU Field, the home of New York Mets farm team the Brooklyn Cyclones last night with a benefit for the Wounded Warriors Project, a charity which helps wounded servicemen and women and their family.

MCU Field, a baseball stadium, is the same venue that TNA ran earlier this summer. The show was held outside with the ring placed over home plate and it was your typical feel good independent wrestling event with a few "legends" appearing on the top of the card and some local indy talents working underneath. You wouldn't find any matches that were going to end up the talk of the Internet the next day but the show was about trying to raise some money and have a little fun, which based on how the audience reacted, did it's just. FCW utilized the stadium's screen to broadcast the show and also put up graphics for each wrestler during their entrance.

Full results:

*DW Dudley pinned Samuel Elias After Elias Missed a 450 splash and DW hit a moonsault. This was the same DW who worked for the original ECW. Good opener.

*Romeo Roselli with Evan Ginzberg came out. Ginzberg cuts a promo about being in The Wrestler and being too good for Brooklyn because he's a Hollywood star. Ginzberg was an Associate Producer for the film, which was the connection here. He did a promo saying he was from Brooklyn and then couldn't wait to move and get out to go to Hollywood. He got some heat for it. The bit was based on something his old friend, the late Tiger Khan did when Khan got to work Trinidad, where Khan was originally from. Roselli then cut a promo on his opponent for tonight, Tommy Dreamer saying anyone who wanted to see something extreme was in for a disappointment. Roselli was heckled by a "fan" of Dreamer's so he invited him into the ring. Roselli then said he was going to pretend the fan was Dreamer and kneed the fan in the gut. Dreamer hit the ring for the save. Dreamer said he didn't know if Roselli was late for the "Jersey Shore" but they were in Brooklyn where Dreamer had his first match and where his family is from. He challenged Roselli to take it to the extreme right now but Roselli bailed. Dreamer said it figures and put over the wounded warriors, saying he's been living his dream and they allow him and everyone to live their dreams with their sacrifices. Dreamer left and the fan followed him into the locker room.

*Little Greatness defeated Justin Cage, Manny Martinez and The Grimm Reefer for the FCW Number One Contender Trophy. Reefer has been working New York City independents for a few years. The others have been regulars here in FCW, This was your typical high flying indy match where they tried to do everything at light speed to pop the crowd and they went right into dives sequences. Reefer cut off Greatness wuth a clothesline and they brawled into the stands and on top of the dugout. Greatness took a bump off the top into the dugout. Meanwhile Cage and Martinez brawled around the ring. Cage tossed Martinez into the wall of the field. Reefer forced Martinez to tap to a crossface. Greatness pinned Cage with a frog splash off the top to the field. Reefer hit a Fireman's carry into a slingshot suplex. Greatness went to the middle rope but Reefer caught him with a Side Russian Legsweep off the ropes. Greatness shocked him with a forward roll for the pin. Miss Teen New York presented Greatness with the trophy. The idea here was he could turn it in for a title shot anytime. FCW champion Johnny LeDoux and his manager Professor Paul Pope came out. LeDoux shook Greatness' hand, then attacked him and laid him out. He then broke the trophy in the ring. LeDoux locked in a Camel Clutch.

Brutus Beefcake walked (and I mean walked) to the ring for the save. Greatness was stretchered out. Pope cut a promo and said that Beefcake was being arrested for cutting his hair on the last show. They had actually handed out fake police reports on the "crime" as fans came into the venue, which I thought was a cute idea. Out came three "detectives" who arrested Beefcake, taking him out in handcuffs. The detectives were playing to the crowd like they were heels. The promotion promised to try to get the situation sorted out before Beefcake's match with LeDeux later tonight. The crowd didn't take it seriously but seemed to enjoy the silliness of the storyline.

*In what was billed as a USO Dirty Vixens match, Divina Fly vs. Angel Orsini. Fly is an extremely attractive Latina billed from Long Island. Orsini is the former Prodigette in the original ECW, who's had some great matches for WSU in New Jersey. Fly scored several near falls early. She nailed a hangman's neckbreaker but missed a moonsault. Orsini nailed a DDT for the pin. Short but fine and everything looked good.

*Daemon Slugga & Teddy The Tank Teade with manager Manny Pockets (a Leprechaun) defeated Blackhearted Justice, Rockstar Ryan Blackheart & Justice Garrison. Reade was Swole in the WCW No Limit Soldiers. Slugga was seen in the early days of ROH as Special K's bodyguard. The crowd expected a squash once they came out but it was more of a back and forth battle. It was anything goes so they brawled all over ringside. Slugga put Garrison through a table. It then settled into a traditional tag match. Reade slammed Garrison on the floor. Slugga pinned Blackheart with a sitdown powerbomb. A guy named One Warrior Nation (guess who he was dressed and painted up to look like) hit the ring and did the complete Ultimate Warrior shtick down to shaking the ropes and clotheslined Slugga and Reade, who escaped the ring. OWN then picked up Manny Pockets and carried him out to the locker room, but tripped along the way and they both fell. That was unintentionally hilarious.

*They did a ten bell salute to Chris Kanyon, noting he had his last match for FCW. No mention of any other passings.

*Nikolai Volkoff & Tito Santana & Jimmy Snuka (with Scott Epstein) defeated a six man tag team called Badstreet USA (with manager Diamond Jim). Badstreet USA came out to the Michael Hayes song and wore Confederate colors, which was quite the sight to see considering one of them was African-American. Epstein is an agent who books a lot of veterans on the indies. Lots of stalling early. The veterans moved about as well as you would expect, except Santana who still had a spring in his step. They were there more just to be there than to have a good match and you can't expect that out of them at this stage of their life. Epstein began beating Diamond Jim with a walking stick. Badstreet got heat on Santana, which made sense since he was the most capable of working a real match. They worked him over in their corner for a long time. Santana made a tag to Volkoff but the ref missed it. Santana finally hit the flying forearm and ade the hot tag to Volkoff. Volkoff slammed him and tagged Snuka who did the Superfly Splash off the middle turnbuckle and scored the pin.

*FCW champ Johnny LeDoux came out for his title match. LeDoux said that his match wasn't taking place because Beefcake was arrested. The ring announcer said they got word from a New York State Senator that he checked into the charges and there were no valid charges filed. Beefcake came out and said they forgot that in the State of New York, he was licensed to carry his clippers and they were getting a haircut tonight. Lots of haircut chants. Pretty basic match with stalling and playing to the crowd. LeDoux began working over Beefcake and came off the middle turnbuckle with an axehandle. He went for a second and well, it was awful timing-wise. I think Beefcake was supposed to catch him and didn't, so it just sort of fell apart and the crowd laughed at it. Beefcake kicked LeDoux as he charged him in the corner. LeDoux tried to walk out. He was told by the ref that if he is counted out, he would lose the FCW title. Beefcake caught him coming off the ropes with a shot to the gut. Beefcake nailed several clotheslines and a bodyslam. He locked on the sleeper but Professor Pete Pope attacked Beefcake with a toilet seat cover. Yes, really. He pulled a toilet seat out of somewhere, like Inspector Gadget. So Beefcake wins with a DQ and LeDoux keeps the title.

Beefcake cut a promo and said that while he can't win the belt, he knows someone who can and that person has a heart as big as Brooklyn. Out came Little Greatness, who cashed in his title match. I thought using Beefcake to build to this was a good idea. They rang the bell and had a quick match. Greatness caught LeDoux with a superkick, then nailed a frog splash and scored the pin to won the title. Beefcake then grabbed LeDoux and began cutting his hair. Beefcake and Greatness ended the segment with their arms raised and Greatness as the new champ. From a storyline aspect, it worked well.

*In the main event, Tommy Dreamer won his first match in forever, pinning Romeo Roselli, who was one of the Heart Throbs in WWE. Roselli controlled Dreamer early. Roselli went to the outside when Dreamer took control. Dreamer followed him out and they exchanged chops. Roselli ran away from Dreamer and ran the bases. Dreamer pursued then turned around and returned to the ring. Roselli, not realizing Dreamer was no longer behind him, slid into the ring but Dreamer caught him and the ref ruled Roselli was out. Dreamer then stomped on his fingers. That was funny. Roselli took control and grabbed a chair. He came off the ropes with it but Dreamer kicked it in his face. Dreamer nailed a DDT and scored the pin. It looked like they were trying to end quickly to be done in time for the weekly Fireworks on the Boardwalk in Coney Island, which the stadium faces.

Notes: They drew in the area of 400-600 fans, which was probably the promotion's best crowd to date....Scott Hall was originally booked but canceled due to rehab or a pneumonia bout (both stories made the rounds last week). The promotion booked Sid Vicious as a replacement, but he didn't show....A wrestler called La Parka USA was advertised for the show as a "former WCW star." No idea who that was, but I'm sure it wouldn't have been L.A. Park....The cast of a TV series, W.E.A.P.ON. were in attendance....As part of the charity aspect of the show, they raffled off a lunch with Mick Foley and a WWE replica belt signed by Vince McMahon....The show also featured as troupe billed as the USA Cheerleaders doing a number set to a Bon Jovi song...There were a lot of servicemen and women in attendance as well as members of the USO....Many of the wrestlers did a meet and greet before the show and were interviewed by local Brooklyn media....The talents all worked especially hard since the ring was a good 15-20 feet away from the crowd....Tickets ranged from $100 ringside (maybe three rows on one side of the ring plus a meet and greet for VIPS) down to $20 for general admission....As noted, there was a big fireworks display after the show with the Stadium pumping in patriotic music for everyone to listen to during the pyro show....For more on Forgotten Championship Wrestling (what a strange and unique name, by the way), visit

For more on The Wounded Warriors Project, visit

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