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By Jason Davis on 2010-07-02 12:28:44

1st set of tapings:

* Trent Barretta d. Jacob Novak

* Livianna is backstage in Steve Keirn's office. Steve says that Norman Smiley has resigned from being the Lt. GM and he needs to find a replacement. Steve says that Livianna might be the most qualified, as she has served as an assistant to two different GM's. Livianna drops her pencil, and goes searching for it under Steve's desk. Norman Smiley walks in and see Livianna coming up from under Steve's desk, makes a weird face, and leaves. Livianna says at least none of the lead fell out of the pencil.

* Bo Rotundo d. Derrick Bateman

* Johnny Curtis d. Shad Gaspard

* Matt Martalo interviews FCW Divas Champion Naomi Night. Matt says that AJ Lee and Serena both want shots at the title and asks who deserves the title shot. Naomi says that neither deserves a shot, and this brings out Serena. Naomi and Serena begin to brawl and AJ Lee runs out to try to break it up. AJ accidentally allows Serena to knock Naomi out.

* Kaval come out for his match, and FCW Heavyweight Champion Alex Riley comes out. Riley says that Kaval needs to prove himself if he wants a title shot. Riley says his first challenge for Kaval will be against a giant. Riley calls it "The Giant Killer vs. The Midget Cab Driver"

* Kaval d. Jackson Andrews

* FCW Tag Champs Los Aviadores d. Donny Marlow and Broadus Clay by DQ. The Uso's and Tamina cause the DQ after they attack the champions. The Uso's lay Hunico and Epico side by side and Tamina connects with a Superfly Splash on the champs.

2nd set of tapings:

* Kaval d. Rhys Ali and Jinder Mahal in a handicap match. Before the match, Alex Riley says his next challenge for the midget cab driver is against two managers from the 7-11 he frequents. After the match, Riley says next week he challenges Kaval to a 15 minute challenge.

* Bo Rotundo d. Curt Hawkins

* Matt Martalo interviews The Uso's and Tamina. Apparently, Donny Marlow and Broadus Clay want another shot at Los Aviadores, but the Uso's also want a title shot. So, the main event this week will be The Usos vs. Marlow and Clay for the Number One Contendership for the tag titles. Tamina says that family is family, but business is business.

* FCW Divas Champ Naomi Night d. Serena and AJ in a triple threat match to retain the title.

* Johnny Curtis d. Mike McGillicutty

* Broadus Clay and Donny Marlow d. The Uso's by DQ after Los Aviadores attack The Usos. During this match, Jay Uso was attempting a Springboard Cross Body Block, but slipped on the ropes and fell flat on his face.

3rd set of tapings:

* Leo Kruger d. Justin Gabriel with a quick rollup.

* Lucky Cannon d. Big E Langston with a rollup.

* Matt Martalo interviews Mason Ryan. Ryan wants a challenge, and says everyone is afraid of him. He promises that he will become the FCW Heavyweight Champion.

* Steve Keirn come out and says he has a huge announcement. Since Norman Smiley has resigned, he has no choice but to appoint a new GM. But instead of hiring a permanent GM, he will instead appoint a different GM every few weeks. The candidates could be a wrestler/entertainer/ or anyone else he deems worthy, but they will only have a couple of weeks on the job before Steve appoints another GM for a few weeks reign.

* Husky Harris and Eli Cottonwood d. Percy Watson and Titus O'Neil

* Alex Riley vs. Kaval ends with 9:54 left on the clock after Riley busts the back of his head open on the guardrails. I don't know if this match will even make TV, because of the confusion. After Riley was busted open, the trainer came out and took Riley to the back. Kaval was left in the ring for a few minutes before going back to the locker room. Steve Keirn comes out and apologizes to the fans and says he will book the match at a later time, but he does have a standby match.

* Percy Watson d. Big E Langston. Again, don't know if this will make TV because of the confusion.


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