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By Richard Trionfo on 2010-06-21 23:06:26
We are live from Bridgeport, Connecticut and your announcers are Michael ‘I endorse this show’ Cole and Jerry ‘Will they fight into the water this time’ Lawler.

We see photos of the NXT Alumni standing over John Cena from Fatal Four Way.

Vince McMahon makes his way into the arena and he walks as only Vince McMahon can. Vince welcomes everyone to Raw. He mentions that last night at Fatal Four Way there was sheer chaos in one of the main events and we have a new champion, Sheamus . . . fella. Vince says that there is only one person to blame for that and that person is Bret Hart. Vince said that he told Bret that he would have to make tough decisions, but not bad ones. Bret shouldn’t have fired Wade Barrett and forced the rest of the NXT group off. Vince mentions the joyride that Bret was taken on last week. Vince says that is no reason not to show up last night. Vince says that Bret did nothing to prepare the people who were at the pay per view that something might happen.

The fans chant for Bret.

Vince says that as the Chairman of the Board, he has not option other than to relieve Bret Hart of his duties. Vince tells Bret that he is fired. Vince says that it gives him a sense of closure.

Vince wants to make an important announcement. We have a new general manager. That person will be anonymous. The new general manager will be giving instructions through a computer on the announce table. Michael Cole will be the person who will announce to the crowd any proclamation from the General Manager. Vince says that you cannot blame the General Manager for being anonymous.

There is an e-mail from the General Manager and all seven members of the members of the NXT Group have been hired and they will address the WWE Universe tonight.

Vince says that things are starting off with a bang tonight.

The new WWE Champion comes out . . . fella.

Vince introduces the new WWE Champion, Sheamus. The crowd are not enthralled with the new champion before he speaks. Sheamus tells Vince that he is sorry. It is not the way that he wanted to win the WWE Championship. Sheamus says that more than anything, last night he wanted to prove that he belonged in the top echelon by beating three top superstars in the ring on his own. Sheamus says that did not happen. Sheamus says that he doesn’t deserve . . . he cannot accept this title under these circumstances.

Sheamus holds the title belt and then he hands it to Vince McMahon and then he pulls it back and smiles. He says that it doesn’t matter how it happened, he is the new WWE Champion. Sheamus says that it was a glorious opportunity and occasion. Sheamus has a message for the NXT Seven. He tells them thank you. He thanks them for interfering in their match last night. He thanks them for taking care of Bret Hart last week. He thanks them for jumping the guys in the back. He thanks them for giving him his opportunity. Sheamus says that he did not need their help because he could have won it on his own. Sheamus says that they think they made a statement last night, but the only statement being made was him winning his second WWE Title. Sheamus says that he will never . . .

We will never find out what Sheamus is never going to do because he is interrupted by John Cena who comes to the ring. Cena says that Pasty is in a good mood because he is thanking everyone. Cena has a few people he wants to thank. He thanks Mr. McMahon for the new mysterious and anonymous General Manager. Cena wants Cole to send an e-mail to the new General Manager for hiring the NXT guys because he will be able to settle his score with them. Cena thanks the human jar of mayonnaise for winning the Fatal Four Way match. Cena says that he gets a rematch. Cena thanks Bridgeport because he cannot think of a better place for a WWE Title Match.

Sheamus tells Cena that he can come out and bark all he likes because, fella, there won’t be a WWE Title Match tonight. Sheamus asks Vince to ask Cena to leave, or he will do it himself.

There is an e-mail and Michael Cole says that the main event tonight will be Sheamus defending the title against John Cena.

Vince says that it doesn’t get any bigger than that.

We have another e-mail. To ensure that there is no interference, there is a guest referee. Someone who demands instant fear and respect. The referee will be Mr. McMahon.

We go to commercial.

We are back with the Slam of the Week: Chris Jericho losing to Evan Bourne by disqualification last week on Raw.

We see a photo from last night’s match between Evan Bourne and Chris Jericho from Fatal Four Way.

Before the match, Chris Jericho says that he requested this rematch to make a statement to the fly by night wannabe as well as the parasites. Chris Jericho says that if he cannot win tonight, he is going to walk out of the arena and out of WWE forever.

Match Number One: Chris Jericho versus Evan Bourne

Jericho with a kick and then he sends Bourne into the turnbuckles and he kicks Bourne before the referee warns him. Bourne with a back slide for a near fall and then he gets another near fall with a rollup. Bourne misses a jumping spin kick when Jericho goes to the floor. We go to commercial.

We are back and Jericho has Bourne in a full nelson and he puts his body weight on Bourne. We see footage from the commercial of Bourne hitting a cross body from the turnbuckles to the floor but we also saw Jericho send Bourne into the ringside barrier. We are back to live action and Bourne with a rollup but Jericho with a baseball slide that sends Bourne to the floor. Jericho has the referee try to count Bourne out but he gets in at nine. Jericho punches Bourne and then he sets for a suplex but Bourne is able to counter with a knee to the head and he gets a near fall with a cross body. Bourne with a kick to the leg but Bourne with a knee. Bourne with a spinning heel kick and jumping knee. Bourne with a running back elbow and a baseball slide into the corner and he gets a near fall. Jericho blocks a rana and he puts Bourne in the Walls of Jericho. Bourne is able to get up and he counters with a tornado DDT and gets a near fall. Jericho with a knee and a butterfly back breaker and then he gets a near fall. Jericho with a kick to the back and then he connects with a back breaker and he stretches Bourne over his knee. Bourne with knees to Jericho to get out of the hold. Jericho gets to his feet first but Bourne tries for a running elbow into the corner but Jericho counters. Jericho goes to the second turnbuckle but Bourne with a leaping rana for a near fall. Bourne tries for the double knee take down but Jericho holds on and rolls through into the Walls of Jericho. Bourne tries to get to the ropes but Jericho pulls Bourne into the center of the ring. Bourne struggles to get to the ropes and he succeeds.

Jericho cannot believe that Bourne has not given up. Bourne with a kick from the apron and Jericho goes down. Bourne finds the power to go up top and he tries for the Shooting Star Press but Jericho gets his knees up and then he hits the Codebreaker for the three count.

Winner: Chris Jericho

After the match, Chris Jericho stands over Bourne and he picks Bourne up and then pushes him down.

We go to commercial.

We are back and we have a commercial for tomorrow night’s Lucky Cannon/Cody Rhodes match and Cody’s greatest moment as a WWE superstar.

We have an Earlier Tonight E-Moment when the main event was announced.

We go to the back where Vince is on the phone and he talks about the roar for the match. He is on the phone probably with the General Manager and says that it was a good decision. Vince says that he gave the General Manager complete authority. He says that surprises are cool, but don’t surprise him again.

Vince picks up his referee shirt.

We go to Virgil in the locker room and Ted says that he wanted to talk to him. They talk about how long they have known each other. Ted says that he wants to apologize to Virgil for what happened last week, but Virgil’s services will no longer be needed. Ted says that he has upgraded and found someone who appreciates money. Maryse speaks in French. Virgil asks what Ted will do for protection and Ted says that he will go to the drug store. Ted tells Virgil that he is fired.

Josh Mathews is in the interview area with the Hart Dynasty. Josh asks them for their reaction about the firing of Bret Hart. Natalya says that you could see it coming because Bret was railroaded again. Tyson says that blame could be placed on both sides the first time, but Bret did nothing wrong this time. Natalya says that as family, they will make sure that it doesn’t happen again. David says that they will make their Uncle Bret proud. Natalya says that she will dedicate her debut match on Raw to her Uncle Bret.

A limo pulls up and we go to commercial.

We are back and Did You Know that over 1 billion people can get WWE Mobile content.

We see footage from last week’s attack by the NXT Seven on Bret Hart at the end of last week’s Raw.

Match Number Two: Natalya with David Hart Smith and Tyson Kidd versus Tamina with Jimmy and Jey Uso

Tamina with a kick and punch to Natalya and then she sends Natalya into the corner and she kicks Natalya. Tamina with a jumping head butt followed by an Irish whip but Tamina misses a splash in the corner. Natalya with a running clothesline and slam. Tamina hits Natalya from behind. Natalya counters a Samoan drop attempt into a sunset flip and then she tries for a Sharpshooter but the NXT Seven come into the ring and the match stops.

Wade Barrett comes out with the NXT Seven. He says that they want to apologize but Tyson Kidd with a plancha onto some of the NXT Alumni. It turns into a seven on two attack as they send Smith into the ring steps and Kidd into the ringside barrier.

We go to commercial.

We are back and the NXT Seven are in the ring and David Otunga has the mic. He says that he wants to apologize for their actions over the last few weeks. They did what they did for one reason and one reason only. It was for their love of the WWE. They love the WWE so much that they would do anything to get noticed and get contracts. Now that they have their contracts, it is time for things to go back to normal.

Heath Slater says that they are trying to say they are sorry. They have no problem with the WWE Locker Room or the WWE Universe. The attacks over the last few weeks have not been personal. There are a few people they want to single out and apologize to.

Justin Gabriel apologizes to Bret Hart. He says that they painted him in a corner. Bret wouldn’t sign them and then he fires the only person with a contract. Gabriel says that he hopes Bret is okay. Then he wants to apologize to Tyson Kidd and David Hart Smith. He says that they had to defend themselves tonight and he hopes that they can co-exist peacefully.

Darren Young wants to apologize to John Cena. He says that it is nothing personal. He says that when he was on NXT, people called him the Black John Cena. He says that they had to make an impact so they attacked the top guy in the WWE. Darren says that John Cena will get his title back.

Skip Sheffield says that they want to apologize to the WWE Universe. Back in NXT, the people supported him and repeated what he would say. He wants everyone to repeat his catchphrases but they refuse. Skip says that he wants to tell the children that they scared, he hopes that the children can forgive and forget.

Michael Tarver says that from a single parent’s perspective he used to be homeless. Michael apologizes to his children because he raised them better. He says that you have to do everything legally to obtain your goals. He says that everyone would have done what they did.

Wade takes the mic and he says that while the gentlemen behind him did what they had to do, Wade says that he was the only one who had a job and a title match. Wade rhetorically asks why would he join up with these men, it was for loyalty. He said that they would have fun in NXT and they would stick together so long that they would get contracts. They were not going to let management dictate their careers. Wade says that people with no common link formed a Nexus and a link that will not be broken. Wade says that he has his title shot back in addition to his contract.

Wade has something to say to Sheamus. Wade says that however Sheamus wants to spin it, the reason why Sheamus is champion is because of them. Sheamus capitalized on John Cena being their target. Wade says that they can make a target out of Sheamus just as easily. Wade says that he can take the title off Sheamus at any time. Whether it is John Cena tonight, or Wade Barrett in the future, Sheamus will lose his title. Wade says that he will be the champion and he will make no apologies when he becomes champion.

They stand in the ring as we go to commercial.

Match Number Three: John Morrison with Eli Cottonwood versus Ted DiBiase with Maryse

Ted says that they had a match, but he has better things to do so he has found a suitable replacement.

Match Number Three: John Morrison with Eli Cottonwood versus Zack Ryder with Titus O’Neil

They lock up and Morrison backs Ryder into the turnbuckles but Ryder pushes Morrison after a break. Ryder backs into the ropes and Ryder punches Morrison and connects with a forearm. Morrison with a drop kick and kicks followed by punches in the corner. Morrison sends Ryder into the turnbuckles and then he tries for the springboard spin kick but Ryder pushes Morrison into the ropes and then he sends Morrison into the turnbuckles. Ryder with kicks and the referee warns Ryder. Ryder with a catapult into the ropes and he gets a near fall. Ryder with a snap mare and drop kick to the back of the head for a near fall. Ryder with a reverse chin lock and then he tries for a neck breaker but Morrison with a near fall. Ryder with a running back elbow and then he wooos for a few before a knee drop and he returns to the reverse chin lock. Morrison with a jawbreaker and an enzuigiri and both men are down. Morrison gets a near fall. Morrison with a punch followed by a knee and another punch. Morrison with a clothesline and leg lariat for a near fall. Morrison misses the Shining Wizard and Ryder drops Morrison on the top rope. Morrison counters a leg lariat with a power bomb and then Morrison hits the split legged corkscrew moonsault for the three count.

Winner: John Morrison

After the match, Morrison and Cottonwood talk about his finisher and Cottonwood goes on the turnbuckles but Morrison stops him.

John Cena is walking and Josh Mathews asks about the apology from earlier tonight. Cena says that they said it was nothing personal, but he had to be taken out on a stretcher and they almost destroyed Raw. Cena says that he wears his loyalty on his sleeve. They made him a target, so now he will settle it. He says the apology is not accepted. He wants to get his title back.

Vince tells Cena that neither him nor Sheamus will have any excuses. Vince says that he will ensure that the best man wins tonight.

We go to commercial.

Match Number Four: Great Khali and Eve Torres versus Alicia Fox and Primo

Khali and Primo start things off and then Primo tags in Alicia so Primo doesn’t have to deal with Khali. Alicia pushes Eve twice and Eve with a kick and side head lock take down. Eve with a hip lock take down. Eve with a clean break and then she blocks a kick and hits a clothesline for a near fall. Eve with a drop kick but Alicia with a drop toe hold and she gets a near fall. Alicia sends Eve’s face into the canvas and then she kicks Eve. Eve with forearms to Alicia and Alicia hits a leaping knee to the head and gets a near fall. Alicia sends Eve into the turnbuckles and then Eve pushes her away and kicks Alicia in the head. Eve goes up for a moonsault and she hits it but Primo gets in the ring and the referee cannot make the count. Eve slaps Primo and then she tags in Khali. Primo gets on his knees and begs for mercy. Alicia goes to the back and Khali chops Primo and then he hits the Punjabi Plunge for the three count.

Winners: Great Khali and Eve Torres

After the match, Khali and Eve dance.

Randy Orton walks very slowly in the back as we go to commercial.

We are back and Randy Orton’s music plays and he comes to the ring as only a viper or apex predator can.

Randy has something to say and he tells the people of NXT that if they want to interfere in his match, that is fine. Now that all of them are under contract, it is a matter of time before he punts every one of them in the skull. Orton tells Wade Barrett that he accepts his apology and he hopes that Wade becomes the next WWE Champion because then he is staring in the eyes of the man who is going to take it from him.

The Miz interrupts Randy Orton and he has something AWESOME to say. Miz wonders if we really are going to see another Randy Orton title match. Miz says that he hears voices in his head and they are tired of seeing him in title matches. He is sick of Orton hitting his RKO on people and he is sick of Randy Orton. Miz says that Orton has done a lot but there is something that Randy Orton never did and that is to hold the WWE and United States Title at the same time. Miz says that Orton has had enough chances and it is time for Orton to go to the back of the line. Miz says that the next title match is his. It is an industry secret and he says that it is because he is the Miz and Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee’s kicking Orton in the midsection and punching him in the head. Miz misses a clothesline but Orton hits a power slam. Orton turns into the mat and does RKO push ups but Miz goes to the floor before Orton can hit an RKO. Edge makes his way to the ring and he sneaks up on Orton and hits a spear.

Edge tells Orton now it is time for the real fun to begin.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Did You Know that WWE gives tickets to members of the military.

Match Number Five: John Cena versus Sheamus for the WWE Title with Guest Referee Vince McMahon and Real Referee Jack Doan

Cena with a waist lock but Sheamus gets to the ropes and Cena releases the hold. Sheamus with a kick and forearm followed by punches. Sheamus with more kicks in the corner and the referee warns him. Sheamus with a slam and elbow drop for a near fall. Sheamus continues to work on the head and neck with punches. Sheamus punches Cena followed by a hard Irish whip and he gets a near fall. Sheamus with a neck breaker and he gets a near fall. Sheamus throws Cena to the floor and we go to commercial.

We are back and Sheamus punches Cena but Cena punches back. Cena misses a charge into the corner and hits the ring post when Sheamus moves out of the way. Sheamus waits for Cena to get up and he tries for a running knee but Cena moves. Sheamus with a clothesline and he gets a near fall. Cena goes to the apron and Sheamus puts Cena in the ropes and then he connects with a forearm across the chest. Sheamus puts Cena in the ropes again and connects with another forearm across the chest. Sheamus tries a third time but Cena uses his strength to connect with a head butt and then he punches Sheamus and kicks him. Cena with a punch but they hit a double clothesline and both men are down. Cena avoids a clothesline and he tries for the Attitude Adjustment but Sheamus escapes and he slams Cena and gets a few near falls.

Sheamus misses the pump kick and Cena with two flying shoulder tackles followed by the Blue Thunder Bomb. Cena with the Five Knuckle Shuffle and then Cena gets Sheamus up but Sheamus with a rake of the eyes followed by a back breaker and Sheamus gets a near fall. Sheamus waits for Cena to get up but Cena takes too long so Sheamus picks him up. Cena with a drop toe hold into an STF. Sheamus crawls for the ropes and he gets there. Cena releases the hold at four. Sheamus rolls to the floor and Cena looks for Sheamus. Sheamus Irish whips Cena into the ring steps. Sheamus rolls Cena back into the ring but he can only get a near fall. Sheamus goes to the floor and he sets up the ring steps on the ramp. Sheamus pulls Cena to the floor and he throws Cena into the ring steps. Sheamus rolls Cena back into the ring and then Sheamus waits for Cena to get up for the Pump Kick and he hits it.

The NXT Seven come to the ring and Sheamus sees them coming so he leaves. The announcers leave the ring and that allows DarrenYoung to throw Cena over the announce table. Skip pushes the announce table onto Cena.

Vince gets into the ring and he tells the NXT guys to stop. Vince wants to know if Cena is still breathing. Vince asks the NXT guys to come into the ring. Vince tells everyone that these are extraordinary athletes. Vince says that he cannot take full responsibility. He can take partial responsibility for what happened to Jerry Lawler, Michael Cole, and Bret Hart.

Vince wants a round of applause for him. Vince says this week was interesting. Vince says that next week, the General Manager will reveal something. Wade looks at the NXT Seven and he has that ‘Why is Steve Austin Looking at me like that’ look on his face.

Vince then chuckles and he says that they almost had him for a second. The seven surround Vince as Vince starts to talk about next week. All seven men attack Vince. They hold Vince up and send him into a Sheffield clothesline. Barrett with the fireman’s carry slam to Vince. Gabriel goes up top and hits the 450 Splash on Vince. They stand over Vince and then they leave the ring.

We go to credits with Vince down in the ring.

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