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By Buck Woodward on 2010-06-10 08:00:00

June 10th

On this day in history in ....

1960 - In St. Joseph, Missouri, Ernie and Emil Dusek defeat George and Sandy Scott to win the Central States version of the NWA World Tag Team Title for the third time.

1960 - Ray Gunkel defeats Fred Blassie to win the Florida version of the NWA Southern Heavyweight Title, ending Blassie's 13th reign and beginning his sixth.

1961 - Luther Lindsay and Bing Ki Lee defeat Bill Savage and Tito Kopa for the NWA Pacific Northwest Tag Team Title.

1968 - Polish wrestler and strongman Wladek Zbyszko, born Wladek Cyganiewicz, passes away at age 76.

1970 - Sam Steamboat defeats Ripper Collins in Honolulu, Hawaii for the NWA Hawaii Heavyweight Title, ending Collins' fourth reign and beginning Steamboat's second.

1974 - Jerry Lawler defeats Ricky Gibson to win the NWA Southern Junior Heavyweight Title in Memphis, Tennessee, beginning his second reign.

1978 - Dutch Savage and Jimmy Snuka win the NWA Pacific Northwest Tag Team Title for the sixth time, defeating Bull Ramos and The Iron Sheik.

1979 - In Asheville, North Carolina, Ricky Steamboat defeats Paul Jones to win the NWA Television Title, beginning his second reign and ending Jones' third.

1979 - Bruiser Brody defeats Mark Lewin to win his second WCCW Texas Brass Knuckles Title in Dallas, Texas, ending Lewin's second reign.

1983 - Harley Race defeats Ric Flair in St. Louis, Missouri, to win the NWA World Heavyweight Title, beginning his seventh reign (the first wrestler to ever hold the title seven times) and ending Flair's first. As a result, Race vacated the NWA Missouri Heavyweight Title, held since May 13, and the NWA Central States Heavyweight Title, held since June 2, ending the fifth and eighth respective reigns of those titles.

1984 - Superstar Billy Graham defeats Billy Jack for the Florida State Heavyweight title in Orlando, his second and final run with the belt.

1984 - Angelo Mosca, Jr. defeats Ivan Koloff to win the NWA Canadian Heavyweight Title in Toronto, Ontario.

1988 - All Japan Pro Wrestling runs at Budokan Hall in Tokyo, Japan, before 11,800 fans. The results were:
- Mitsuo Momota pinned Tsuyoshi Kikuchi.
- Masa Fuchi pinned Tatsumi Kitamura.
- Motoshi Okuma and Haruka Eigen defeated Takagi and Kenta Kobashi.
- Shunji Takano defeated Boone by submission.
- Rusher Kimura and Goro Tsurumi defeated Mighty Inoue and Isamu Teranishi.
- John Tenta defeated Havana the Terror by submission.
- The Great Kabuki defeated Rip Rogers by submission.
- Ashura Hara, Toshiaki Kawada and Samson Fuyuki defeated Tiger Mask (Mitsuharu Misawa), Shinichi Nakano and Takashi Ishikawa.
- Genichiro Tenryu pinned Danny Spivey to retain the NWA United National Heavyweight Title.
- PWF World Tag Team Champions Jumbo Tsuruta and Yoshiaki Yatsu defeated NWA International Tag Team Champions The Road Warriors (Animal and Hawk) by disqualification, to retain the PWF title and win the NWA International title. The titles were unified, and became the AJPW Unified World Tag Team Title.

1988 - Masa Saito and Riki Choshu end the third IWGP World Tag Team Title reign of Tatsumi Fujinami and Kengo Kimura in Hiroshima, Japan.

1988 - Johnny Smith defeats Chris Benoit to win the Stampede British Commonwealth Mid-Heavyweight Title in Calgary, Alberta, beginning Smith's second reign.

1988 - Atlantis defeats Kung Fu for the NWA World Middleweight Title in Mexico City, Mexico, ending Kung Fu's second reign.

1996 - The Monday Night Wars were in their infantile months at this time, with WWF Monday Night RAW scoring a 2.7 for their show, taped two weeks earlier on May 27. The show featured The British Bulldog defeating The Undertaker by countout in the main event. WCW Monday Nitro's live show fell just short with a 2.6 rating. Nitro's main event saw WCW World Tag Team Champions Sting and Lex Luger defeating Ric Flair and Arn Anderson by disqualification.

1998 - David C. defeats Nick Dinsmore to win the NWA Ohio Valley Heavyweight Title in Jeffersonville, Indiana.

1999 - WCW airs a live edition of Thunder from Syracuse, New York, which picked up a 3.1 rating. The results:
- Konnan and Rey Mysterio, Jr. defeated Psychosis and Villano V.
- Buff Bagwell defeated Ernest Miller by disqualification.
- Randy Savage pinned Brian Adams.
- WCW World Television Champion Rick Steiner pinned Fit Finlay.
- Perry Saturn and Kanyon fought to a no contest.
- Perry Saturn and Chris Benoit defeated Diamond Dallas Page and Kanyon to win the WCW World Tag Team Title.

1999 - In Dallas, Texas, The Brotherhood (Knuckles Nelson and Rick Fuller) defeat Team Extreme (Kit Carson and Khris Germany) by disqualification to win the held up NWA World Tag Team Title. It was held up March 3 when The Brotherhood failed to appear to defend against Team Extreme in North Richland Hills, Texas due to heavy snow. At the same event, Kevin Northcutt defeats Rodney Begnaud to win the vacant NWA Texas Heavyweight Title, which had been stripped from Steven Dunn for no-showing that night. Also, Jimmy James defeats Canyon to win his second NWA Texas Hardcore Title.

1999 - Vic Violent and Rukkus defeat Faku and Mark Davis to win the vacant NWA Wildside Tag Team Title in Loganville, Georgia. The title had been stripped from Billy Black and Joel Deaton on the same night, due to Black's attack on NWA Wildside promoter Bill Behrens.

2000 - Boomer Payne defeats Super Hentai for the Pittsburgh Wrestling League (now NWA East) Three Rivers Heavyweight Title in North Versailles, Pennsylvania.

2002 - Steve Austin walked out of a Raw taping in Atlanta and did not appear on the show. Without clearing it with anyone in management, he booked a ticket home for himself and wife Debra and left Atlanta after working the Raw house shows the previous weekend. Originally, he was scheduled to face Brock Lesnar on the show. Apparently, no one in WWE management communicated with Austin as to what he was going to do on Raw until Jim Ross called him the day before and told him. Austin then chose to walk out and go home, feeling that him losing to Lesnar with no prior buildup between the two didn't make sense from a business perspective. Due to Austin's leaving, the whole show had to be rewritten since it was to have focused on Austin beating Ric Flair the previous week and having Flair become his assistant. Austin's absence caused major rewrites and a totally new direction on the show. WWE changed things up and booked a Vince McMahon vs. Ric Flair match on the spot where Vince McMahon "won control" of Raw and Smackdown. Vince had no plans on wrestling before arriving at the show to find out that Austin was gone. It also put Flair in the confusing position of being a heel to Austin one week and a face to Vince the next. WWE later released a statement on Austin's leaving, saying "On Monday, June 10, 2002, Stone Cold Steve Austin again failed to appear for the scheduled Raw event in Atlanta, instead choosing to return home to San Antonio without notice and without company approval." The story went on to say that they understand that Austin wasn't happy with his character's direction, but what he did was unprofessional. They finished with this line: "Therefore, Stone Cold Steve Austin is no longer an active member of WWE's talent roster." He would return to the company by the end of the year.

2005 - The first of two nights of the third-annual Jeff Peterson Memorial Cup is held at Brandon All-Stars in Brandon, Florida. The results:
- Ricky Reyes defeated Jay Fury in a first round tournament match.
- Matt Sydal defeated Tony Kozina in a first round match.
- Petey Williams defeated Jerrelle Clark in a first round match.
- SCW Heavyweight Champion Vordell Walker defeated Tony Mamaluke in a first round match.
- Roderick and Sedrick Strong defeated Steve Madison and Erick Stevens.
- Sonjay Dutt defeated Todd Sexton in a first round match.
- Chris Sabin defeated Delirious in a first round match.
- Jimmy Rave defeated Eddie Vegas in a first round match.
- NWA Florida X Division Champion Mikey Batts defeated James Gibson in a first round match.
- A.J. Styles defeated NWA Southern Heavyweight Champion Lex Lovett to retain the NWA World Heavyweight Title. After the match, Lovett announced his retirement.

2005 - On the same weekend as WWE held their "ECW One Night Stand" Pay-per-view in New York City, a "Hardcore Homecoming" event, put together by ECW founder Tod Gordon, former ECW World Champion Shane Douglas and TNA's Jeremy Borash, was held in the former ECW Arena in South Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Interesting to note, Terry Funk turned down a lucrative offer from WWE to work the One Night Stand PPV, instead wanting to wrestle at this event (Funk felt he could not give his best effort in two high profile matches that weekend). Here is Buck Woodward's original live coverage of the event:

We are live in the Viking... er, New Ala .... uh, the sweatbox in South Philadelphia best known as the ECW Arena, with live coverage of tonight's "Hardcore Homecoming" event.

The show unofficially got kicked off with the appearance of John "Hat Guy" Bailey taking his traditional seat in the front row to a big ovation and "Where's Your Hat" chant. When he produced the hat, an "ECW" chant started, followed by a "Hat Guy" chant. There was a "We want Styles" and a "We want Gertner" chant as well.

Ring announcer Bob Artese (complete with hats to throw to the crowd) and timekeeper Rocky Musciano came out to officially begin the show. Bob Artese then said he wanted to thank the man that made everything possible all those years ago, and a "Gordon" chant started up. Artese introduced "the founder of our promotion" and Tod Gordon came out to a big ovation. Gordon stopped to greet all the ringside fans before entering the ring. A huge "ECW" chant broke out. Tod thanked the fans, and put over the talent in the locker room. A huge round of applause, and another ECW chant started. Tod thanked the fans for making it all possible. Another ECW chant rang out. The mic stopped working (wow this is authentic), and a "You f***** up" chant rang out. Gordon then left the ring, and Joey Styles and Cyrus came to the ring.

There was a huge "Joey" chant, which Joey quieted so he could yell out "Oh my God". Another ECW chant. Get the feeling there will be a lot of those tonight? Joey said he was glad to be there, and a "Welcome Back" chant started up. Joey started to continue, but was interrupted by a "Well, well, well" as Joel Gertner came to the ring, to a huge ovation. Joey held the ropes open for Joel, and Gertner did the "floppy dance" to another pop. Joel then delivered one of his classic innuendo laced introductions. Even Cyrus was smiling. After Joel finished, a "F*** you Cyrus" chant started, and Cyrus acted like he was moved by it. Cyrus shook Joel's hand, and said he was going to try and stay in character, but Joel cracked him up. Cyrus said the building was still hot, Joey still takes all his heat, and Joel still does the funniest two minute promo in wrestling. Cyrus then turned heel on Joel and said he was still fat and pathetic. Joel tackled Cyrus, and Styles had to pull them apart. Cyrus rolled out of the ring and stomped off to the back, as Joey raised the arm of Gertner and officially kicked off the show.

Simon Diamond & CW Anderson vs. Mikey Whipwreck & Chris Chetti.

Mikey started off the match with Simon, hitting a shoulderblock, then trading armdrags. Mikey hit a series of rights in the corner, then shoved off Simon's monkey flip attempt. Mikey hit a second rope bodypress, then tried for a Whippersnapper, but Simon shrugged it off. Anderson tagged in, and said he wanted Chetti. Chetti tagged in, and soon he and Mikey were playing ping pong with Anderson's head, punching him back and forth. Anderson mounted a comeback, and went for a spinebuster, but Chetti blocked it and hit an ax kick for two. Simon clotheslined Chetti from the apron to give his team the advantage, and tagged in. Diamond and Anderson worked over Chetti for a while, hitting a double facedriver for two when Mikey broke up the pin. Chetti battled back against Anderson, and dodged a charging CW, who slammed into the buckles. Chetti made the hot tag to Mikey as Simon tagged in as well. Mikey cleaned house, dropkicking Simon and giving Anderson a FrankenMikey. Mikey and Chetti took their opponents in opposite corners and pounded them. Simon and Chetti were whipped together (with Chetti then falling into Simon's groin) in the melee, and Anderson superkicked Mikey for a two count. Anderson set up for a superplex, Mikey reversed it into a DDT, but Anderson blocked that and hit a spinebuster. Chetti grabbed Anderson and hit the Amityville Horror. Simon grabbed Chetti and gave him the Simon Series. Mikey then grabbed Simon and hit the Whippersnapper for the pin at the seven minute mark.

Winners: Mikey Whipwreck & Chris Chetti.

After Mikey & Chetti left, the fans gave Diamond & Anderson a round of applause and an ECW chant.

Tracey Smothers vs. The Blue Meanie.

Tracey Smothers was accompanied to the ring by original FBI member J.T. Smith. J.T. took the mic and said "When you think we're out, you pull us back in". J.T. began to sing "Fly Me To The Moon" but was interrupted by The Blue Meanie and the BWO theme. Meanie did his old dance routine, to a pop. A "BWO" chant broke out. Then we had a "Where's My Pizza?" and "Meanie Ate It" chants. Meanie grabbed a headlock to start, then hit a shoulderblock and began doing some Hulk Hogan style posing. Smothers grabbed a waistlock, but Meanie butt-butted his way out of it. Meanie slammed Smothers twice, and when Smothers stumbled into referee John Finnegan, Finnegan slammed him! Meanie, then Finnegan, took turns covering Smothers for two counts, as Smith protested from the floor. Tracey regrouped on the outside, then reentered the ring. Smothers got on the mic and said "If I hear another BWO chant, everyone dies." So, there was another BWO chant. Smothers then complained about Meanie cheating, and double teaming him with the referee. Smothers said he wanted to settle things right now ... with a dance off. Smothers danced first, to "Stayin' Alive". Meanie then did his classic dance, to the BWO theme. Both got ovations for their performances. Tracey ambushed Meanie as he was finishing his performance, and the match was back on.

Smothers beat down Meanie in the corner, then distracted the referee so J.T. could get some shots in. Meanie came back, hitting a bulldog and a bodyslam. Meanie then delivered the People's legdrop, and an avalanche in the corner. J.T. got on the apron, and Meanie knocked him off. Meanie then hit another avalanche, and went to the top rope. J.T. hit him with brass knucks before he could do the Meaniesault, and Smothers got the pin at the eight minute mark.

Winner: Tracey Smothers.

After the FBI had left, Meanie was given a round of applause and a "Meanie" chant.

Bob Artese then talked about how over the years, we've lost some of the people who used to entertain fans in this building. Images of Louie Spicolli, Road Warrior Hawk, Rocco Rock, Big Dick Dudley, Pitbull #2, Eddie Gilbert and Chris Candido were shown, with each getting an ovation from the crowd.

"Here Comes The Hotstepper" began playing, and Johnny Grunge and Pitbull Gary Wolfe came to the ring, as the fans swung their arms like it was an old Public Enemy entrance. "Back In Black" then started playing, and Tammy Sytch came out to a huge ovation. A "Candido" chant rang out. Bob Artese then introduced all three people to the crowd. A "Rocco Rock" chant then broke out. Grunge thanked the fans for letting them make a dream come true. An "ECW" chant rang out. Grunge put over the tag team legacy of the Public Enemy and the Pitbulls, then gave the mic to Candido. Tammy got a "Show your t***" chant. Tammy joked that enough of them were being shown off in the dress she was wearing. Tammy said that everyone who was watching "on the monitor in the sky" had the best times of their lives in this building.

Roadkill and Danny Doring then came out, to a big ovation. A "You f***** sheep" chant started.

Doring got on the mic, and started arguing with Hat Guy. Doring said he was trying to pay homage. He said he didn't want to downplay the accomplishments of anyone who had just been shown on the screen. However, he wondered how they could pay homage to any teams without mentioning the greatest tag team of all time. Wolfe cut him off, saying Doring and Roadkill weren't worth "the sweat on his balls". Roadkill and Doring attacked Wolfe and Grunge, beating them down in the ring. Roadkill brought a table into the ring, while Tammy ran off to the back, then returned .... with 911. 911 chokeslammed Doring, then Roadkill. Grunge and Wolfe set up the table in the ring. Roadkill was put on the table, and Grunge gave him a top rope elbow drop, putting Roadkill through it. Hotstepper started back up, and as the fans danced, 911 gave Roadkill another chokeslam into the remnants of the table. 911 went to lift Tammy on his shoulder, and slipped, starting a "You f***ed up" chant. All four then took a knee in the ring, and paid tribute to those up above, before exiting the ring. Sytch did the Candido strut and held up the Triple Threat sign before leaving.

Kid Kash vs. 2 Cold Scorpio.

Kash came out and complained about being called in as a substitute for this show (he is subbing for Chris Candido). Some fans chanted "You sold out" and Kash ripped on them. Kash said he did all the work to get himself over in Philadelphia, and all he got for it was "not being paid, and a bad back". The fans chanted for him to shut up. Kash continued to heel the crowd, and said it was time to see "the old hardcore vs. the new hardcore". 2 Cold Scorpio then came out, carrying his Noah GHC Tag Team Title belt. Scorpio got on the mic and said it was good to be back, getting a "Welcome Back" chant from the crowd.

Scorpio tried to shake hands to start, but Kash gave him a middle finger in response. They shoved each other, then traded punches and forearms. Stalemating, they broke off the exchange. They ran the ropes, each dodging the other one's moves, and stalemated again. They traded holds, with Scorpio starting to work on the arm of Kash. Kash broke free of an armbar and dropped an elbow for a two count. Scorpio kicked Kash in the gut, then applied a rear chinlock. Scorpio chopped Kash against the ropes, then hit a dropkick and followed it with a superkick. Scorpio sent Kash to the floor, then went for a pescado, but Kash moved out of the way. With Scorpio on the floor, Kash dove into the ring, then hit a slingshot rana onto Scorpio on the floor. Kash kicked Scorpio on the outside, sending him into the guardrail. Kash chopped Scorpio against the rail, and raked his back with his nails. Scorpio battled back with chops and punches, and they fought up the rampway. Kash tossed Scorpio off the ramp and into the chairs. Kash then dove off the rampway into a somersault senton in the crowd, hitting Scorpio.

Kash went back to the ring, and Scorpio eventually made his way back as well. Kash hit a baseball slide as he made his way back to the ring, then tried to use Scorpio's title belt, but Scorpio avoided it, and hit a series of rights on Kash. Scorpio and Kash battled on the floor, but back in the ring it was all Scorpio, hitting a second rope somersault legdrop and a Tumbleweed off the top for a two count. Scorpio missed a bodypress attempt, and Kash hit a moonsault on a standing Scorpio for a two count. Kash hit a walking the ropes rana for another two. Scorpio hit a superkick, followed by a buzzsaw kick, for a two count. The crowd was popping for the near falls. Scorpio then hit a powerbomb and the 450 splash for the pin at the seventeen minute mark.

Winner: 2 Cold Scorpio.

After Scorpio left, the fans gave Kid Kash a big ovation.

John Kronus came to the ring, and Bob Artese talked about how The Eliminators were supposed to have an "open challenge" reunion tonight, but Perry Saturn had broken his neck. Artese said that Kronus had agreed to stand behind the open challenge anyway. Out came Axl Rotten, followed by Ian Rotten, the Bad Breed.

Axl took the mic and asked the crowd if it had been too long since they had seen "the violence". Axl talked about his feud with Ian, and said they were going to "beat the s***" out of someone Bad Breed-style. They attacked Kronus, with Ian dropkicking a chair into Kronus' face in a corner. Kronus was soon busted open, and the Bad Breed gave him Conchairto.

"Natural Born Killaz" then blared, and New Jack hit the ring to a huge pop. Jack, armed with a chain and garden shovel, attacked the Bad Breed, and the bloody brawl was on. Ian and Axl were soon bleeding, with Kronus choking Axl with the chain, and New Jack producing a fork and stabbing Ian in the head with it. On the floor, Axl hit Kronus with a chairshot, while Ian got control of the fork and went to work on New Jack with it. Kronus whipped Axl into a table on the floor. Jack hit Ian with a sign, and piece of it flew into the crowd, which someone caught as a souvenir. Axl and Kronus fought up to the top of the ramp, then Axl hiptossed him back down it. Jack pointed to various ledges in the building that he had jumped off of. Almost on cue, security wheeled a scaffolding to ringside. Axl blasted Kronus, who was a bloody mess, with a chairshot on the floor. Kronus poked Axl in the eyes, and they got back into the ring, where Kronus hit a chairshot. Jack and Ian battled on the floor now, and were soon joined by Axl and Kronus.

An ECW chant broke out, and New Jack started to climb the scaffold. In the ring, Kronus set up a table, and kept Axl Rotten on the floor. Kronus put Ian on the table, and kicked Axl out of the ring again. Jack dove off the scaffold and put Ian through the table. It just dawned on me that we don't have a referee in the ring, so I guess this isn't "officially" a match. Ian was tossed out of the ring, as was Axl, and New Jack and Kronus celebrated, holding up the old Gangsta "X".

The music stopped, and New Jack took the mic. Jack put over the Bad Breed, to a lot of applause. Jack thanked the fans for remaining loyal to all of them over the years. New Jack said there were three letters that mean more in the alphabet than any other, and the fans knew what they were. The fans chanted "ECW". New Jack then mentioned the "Invasion" show on Sunday night, and a "F*** You Vince" chant started up. New Jack then commented, in his own unique way, that no one from Atlanta or Connecticut was truly ECW. New Jack put over the ECW locker room, and said that ten years ago to this month, he came into the ECW Arena and turned it upside down. New Jack said if he dies tonight, he can die proud, because he came back home tonight. New Jack again thanked the fans, and said there was still another half of the show yet to come. Jack said the show was like sex with a "fine ass bitch" and promised everyone would go home satisfied. New Jack then talked about having the, ahem, females in the crowd come back to the Hilton tonight for a party. Of course, New Jack used a lot more profanity and colorful language to get his point across.

Ring Announcer Stephen DeAngelis came out to begin the second half of the show.

Justin Credible, with Jason, vs. Jerry Lynn.

DeAngelis introduced Lynn, back from an extended absence, as "The New F***ing Show". Credible stalled at the start, jawing with the fans. The fans began clapping for action, and Credible bailed to the floor. They finally locked up, and Lynn hit a shoulderblock, sending Credible to the floor. Lynn and Credible traded armbars, and Lynn armdragged Credible to the mat. Credible shoved referee Pee Wee Moore, and Moore shoved him back. Credible went to punching Lynn, then chopped him in the corner. Lynn fired back with punches of his own, and took Credible down with a headscissors and an armdrag. Lynn went to work on the arm, but Credible fired back with punches. Lynn hit a bulldog, slid under Credible, and tripped him, setting up for a guillotine legdrop on the apron. Credible and Lynn battled on the floor, and Lynn hit a running senton off the apron, off a table, into the third row, hitting Credible. An ECW chant rang out.

Lynn tossed Credible back over the rail and into the ring. Jason tossed Credible a chair, but Lynn DDT'd him into it. Credible was busted open, and Lynn worked Credible over, using his blood as war paint. Jason tried to toss in another chair, but Lynn intercepted it. Credible kicked the chair into Lynn, however, to take the advantage. Credible stomped Lynn down in a corner, and with Jason holding a chair in front of his face, Credible hit a running knee. Credible gave Lynn a powerbomb out of a corner into the chair for a two count. Credible applied a rear chinlock, but Lynn came back with a sunset flip out of the corner for two. Credible hit a spinning side slam, then flung Jerry to the floor. Jason worked over Lynn on the floor, while Credible distracted the referee. Credible pulled Lynn into the ring for a two count, then went back to the chinlock. Credible hit a powerslam, and the fans chanted "F*** You Aldo". Credible went for a baseball slide in the corner, but Lynn moved and Credible crotched himself on the ringpost.

Lynn hit a short arm clothesline, followed by a traditional clothesline. Credible tried to block a backdrop into a piledriver, but Lynn turned it into a Kryptonite Krunch for a two count. Jason hit Lynn with a chair as he bounced off the ropes, and Credible grabbed him and hit That's Incredible (spinning tombstone) for a two count. A "Let's Go Jerry" chant broke out. Justin went for the piledriver again, but Lynn blocked it and hit a cradle piledriver. Credible barely got his shoulder up at two, and the crowd applauded. An ECW chant broke out. Lynn went to the top rope, but Jason shoved him off and into the ring. Credible went to the top rope, but Lynn fell into the ropes and crotched him. Jason got on the apron, but Lynn gave him a springboard dropkick to knock him down. Lynn then gave Credible a top rope rana through the announcers table on the floor. An ECW chant broke out, followed by a "Holy S***" chant.

Lynn rolled Credible into the ring and covered him, but Jason pulled the referee out of the ring and knocked him out. Lynn went after Jason, but this allowed Credible to attack Lynn. Jason and Credible set up Lynn for a spike piledriver, but Jazz ran in from the crowd and knocked Jason off the ropes, into Credible. Jason and Jazz went at it, with Jazz hitting a neckbreaker on Jason, then doing the old Rick Rude hip swivel. Jason went to the floor, where Jazz followed. Jason grabbed Jazz and kissed her, and Jazz responded by kicking him in the nads. In the ring, Lynn grabbed Credible for a tombstone, but Credible reversed it, only to have Lynn reverse it again and hit a cradle tombstone for the pin at the 23 minute mark.

Winner: Jerry Lynn.

A "New F'N Show" chant rang out, followed by a "Welcome Back" chant. Lynn got on the mic and said he would "toot his own horn for a minute". Lynn said his birthday was this Sunday, and that he "wasn't bad for a forty two year old". Lynn left to a big ovation.

As Justin Credible got up in the ring, he was given a big ovation and an ECW chant.

Sandman vs. Raven.

Raven came to the ring accompanied by his Flock, consisting of The Blue Meanie and The Musketeer. The Sandman then made his famous entrance, the the delight of the crowd, he also dragged out a ladder, which he left at ringside. After the introductions, Raven took the mic, and said he got twice the pop The Sandman did, because he is a "much bigger star". Raven said Sandman's pop was just below that of Jason. A "F*** him up, Sandman" chant started up. Raven said it was an embarrassment for a star of his magnitude to be here, since he had action figures made in WWE, WCW, ECW and TNA. Raven then ripped on the fans and the building, pointing out that they were even too stupid to know they were being insulted. Raven said Sandman wasn't worth his time, and said Sandman couldn't even get through the Musketeer. Musketeer drew his sword, and we had a dual, with Sandman caning both him and Meanie. Raven hit Sandman with the mic, and the match was on.

Raven caned Sandman repeatedly with the cane, and when it had no affect, he hit him in the groin with it. The fans chanted "Johnny Polo" at Raven. Raven hit a series of rights, but Sandman came back with a series of European Savate Kicks. They battled to the floor, and Sandman put on the Musketeer's hat as he pounded Raven around the ringside area. Sandman tried to suplex Raven into the ladder that was lying on the floor, but Raven reversed it and sent Sandman into the ladder. Raven whipped Sandman into the ladder after putting it up against the guardrail, then tossed it into the ring. Raven whipped Sandman upside down into the rails. They made their way back into the ring, where Meanie had tossed in a table. Sandman teeter-tootered the ladder into Raven's face. Raven was busted open, and Sandman set up a table in a corner. Meanie tossed a handful of powder into Sandman's face, and Raven hit a DDT.

Raven went to bulldog Sandman into the table in the corner, but Sandman threw Raven off into the table. The Flock tried to run in again, but Sandman caned them away. Sandman then put the ladder on top of Raven and gave him a top rope somersault senton. Sandman set up another table, ducked a cane shot from Raven, and gave him a Russian legsweep. Sandman put Raven on top of the table, and gave him a top rope senton through it. Sandman covered, but Meanie pulled the referee from the ring. Meanie attacked Sandman and gave him a neckbreaker, then a Meaniesault. Meanie gave him a second, and Raven called for a third. Meanie's pants fell down on the second and third ones, but he still hit the move. Raven covered, but Sandman kicked out at two. Raven set up a chair and went for a drop toe hold, but Sandman stopped him and threw the chair at him. Sandman hit Meanie with the chair as well, then put the ladder on his head and spun around, hitting Raven and Meanie. Sandman then threw the ladder at the Musketeer.

DONN E. ALLEN then hit the ring, laid out the Sandman, and pulled off his shirt to reveal a shirt that said "49 F'N 8" (a play off his ranking in the PWI 500). Mikey Whipwreck ran down, and knocked Donn E. out of the ring. Sandman moved like he was going to attack him, but Mikey pulled out a couple of beers. They toasted, then Mikey kicked Sandman and gave him a Whippersnapper. Raven covered Sandman and got the pin.

Winner: Raven.

Raven, a now bloody Meanie, and the Musketeer walked off, and the Sandman was given an ovation as he got up.

Terry Funk vs. Sabu vs. Shane Douglas is next. Terry Funk came to the ring, to a huge ovation and chants. Funk took the mic, and asked if the fans would indulge him for 20 minutes. Funk said they wanted to get "wired" tonight. With that, a ring crew came out .... with barbed wire.

The main event will now be a no-ropes barbed wire match.

Or so it seemed. After the ropes were taken down, the crew was ordered to bring the barbed wire back into the locker room. There appears to be a lot of debate going on in the locker room over the situation. The fans have chanted "We Want Wire" but now music is playing, and there seems to be a lot of confusion.

After about two minutes, the crew came back out and started stringing up the barbed wire again! I guess the match is on!

Terry Funk vs. Sabu vs. Shane Douglas - No Ropes Barbed Wire Match

Shane Douglas came out first, wearing jeans and a T-shirt, his arms heavily taped. He pointed to the curtain, and out came the Queen of Extreme, Francine. The two were very careful to avoid the barbs as they entered the ring. Shane took the mic and said "Cut the F****** Music". A "Thank You Shane" chant broke out. Shane thanked the fans, and a "ECW" chant broke out. Shane said the man that owns that company now can "Kiss our hardcore asses". Shane said they had "brought hardcore back to life". Shane said that in every family, there are squabbles, and he and Francine were no different. Shane said that tonight was the night for them to put their differences aside and do things right. Shane said that the last time he wrestled in this building, it was against Terry Funk, and he made a promise that the next time he faced the Funker, he would cripple him and retire him permanently.

Sabu then made his entrance, accompanied by whistle-blowing Bill Alfonso. Sabu was given a "Welcome Back" chant from the fans, and was wearing his usual wrestling gear.

Terry Funk, accompanied by Tammy Sytch, then made his entrance. Funk is wearing his wrestling tights and a T-shirt, and has also taped up his arms. After Funk got into the ring, streamers were thrown in from the crowd, and an "ECW" chant rang out. Sytch then returned to the back.

The ring introductions were made, and a "Terry" chant broke out. The match is on!

All three men circled the ring, and they had a three way lockup. They did a two-way headlock spot, with Shane grabbing Funk, and Sabu grabbing Shane, then running behind Funk and pushing Shane into the barbed wire. Sabu whipped Funk into the barbed wire, then did the same to Shane. Sabu called for a chair, then hit a leg lariat off the chair into Funk, who was against the wire. Sabu covered Funk for a two count, then applied a short-arm scissors. Douglas broke it up, then Funk and Sabu double teamed Douglas. They whipped him into the wire, but Shane slid out of the ring. Funk and Shane started fighting on the floor. Sabu dove off a chair in the ring and hit a plancha on both men on the floor. Sabu and Shane went back into the ring, but Terry pulled Sabu back out and threw him into a table. Shane and Sabu then worked over Terry on the floor, rubbing his head against the bottom strand of wire. Shane then grabbed Sabu and raked his face against the wire.

Sabu and Funk were both bleeding from the forehead now. Shane whipped Sabu chest first into the wire. Funk hit a series of rights on Shane, but stumbled backwards into the wire. Sabu rubbed Shane's face into the wire, then put Terry in a camel clutch briefly. Sabu went for a chair launch on Shane, but Funk pulled the chair away and Sabu went into the wire. A "Sabu" chant rang out. Funk gave Sabu a neckbreaker. Sabu's pants were torn up from the wire. Shane twisted Funk between two strands of wire, but Sabu pulled Shane off and put him in a sleeper. Shane reversed into his own sleeper, then Funk got behind Shane and applied a sleeper. The fans applauded the spot. Funk covered Shane for a two count, then rolled off and covered Sabu for a two count.

Shane then covered Sabu and Funk, but they both kicked out, tossing Shane into the bottom strand of wire. Shane rolled to the floor, and Sabu taped up his leg. Funk gave Sabu a stunner. They went to the floor, and Funk gave Sabu a piledriver on the concrete. Funk tossed Sabu into the crowd, and Funk followed him. Sabu threw a chair at Funk, then hit Shane, who was at ringside, with one as well. Back in the ring, Shane dropped Sabu gut first across the top strand of wire. Terry Funk tossed several chairs into the ring. Funk got back in and threw a chair into Sabu's head. Funk hit Sabu with another chair shot, sending him into the wire, then whipped him across the ring into the opposite strands. Shane attacked Funk, then ripped at the face of Sabu. Funk got his arm entangled in the wire, and it had to be cut free. Bill Alfonso got on the apron and pulled Douglas into the wire, prompting Francine to attack him. The two had a catfight on the floor, with Fonzie yanking up her dress. Security broke them apart.

Funk gave Sabu a hangman in the barbed wire, twisting it around the neck of Sabu. Shane hit Funk with a chair, then hit the referee as well. Sabu was cut free of the wire on the floor, which was tangled in his hair and tights. We got a new referee, as Douglas tried to pin Sabu and Funk. Funk hit the chicken punches on Shane, then threw a chair into his back. Most of the locker room came out on the entranceway to watch the match.

Funk rubbed Sabu's face in the barbed wire, as Shane knocked out referee #2. Shane took a chair and laid out both opponents, then drove the chair into the back of Funk's neck. Shane went back and forth, hitting both men with chairshots. Douglas gave Funk a rolling reverse necksnap. Douglas called for a ladder, then dropped Sabu chest first across the barbed wire. Shane was given a ladder, and set it up in a corner. The ladder was very wobbly. As Shane climbed up it, the lights went out.

When the lights came back on, Cactus Jack was in the ring. The place went ballistic.

Cactus pulled Shane off the ladder, then gave him Mr. Socko, which the fans actually booed. Cactus then gave him a double arm DDT, which was cheered. Cactus, then wrapped Mr. Socko in barbed wire, and gave it to Shane, which got a big pop. Funk put Shane in the Kiwi Roll, and rolled him around the ring. Shane managed to reverse it, but Sabu hit him with a chair, and Funk got him back down. Cactus (who had a ref's shirt over his Cactus Jack shirt) counted the pin.

Shane Douglas is eliminated. Douglas received an ovation as he left the ring.

Funk and Sabu tried reversals in a sunset flip, then Funk catapulted Sabu into the wire. Funk set up a ladder in the ring, and a table. Sabu was placed on the table, and Funk climbed the ladder. The ladder collapsed under Funk's weight, and he fell through the table at the front. The table collapsed, and Sabu fell to the mat as well. They were both down in a heap of broken table and crushed ladder. Sabu got up first, set up a chair and gave Funk an Arabian Facebuster off the chair. Foley counted the pin.

Terry Funk is eliminated.

Winner: Sabu.

The locker room came out and circled the ring, as Sabu, Alfonso and Cactus helped Funk to his feet. A "Terry" chant broke out, followed by a "Sabu" chant, then a "Foley" chant. A "Thank You Shane" chant then started (with Shane not even out). Funk was then applauded as he left, and a "Please come back" chant started. Shane Douglas came back out, took a bow, then returned to the back. Funk and the rest of the crew walked out, as a final "ECW" chant rang out.

Mike Johnson explains the backstory behind the barbed wire match, which was touch and go for most of the day. ... At one point after Terry Funk announced the match to the live crowd, the Pennsylvania State Athletic Commission ordered the wire returned to the locker room. They were able to come to an agreement to have the match, which saved the show on so many levels it's impossible to write in one article. Had they been unable to salvage the barbed wire aspect after announcing it, the show would have been ruined despite anything Sabu, Terry Funk, and Shane Douglas could have conjured up. There was a lot of irony behind the match taking place as well, as Hardcore Homecoming used CZW's promoter Maven Bentley for the license for the show and the last barbed wire bout in Philadelphia was April 2003 at a CZW event. There's no word on what led the Commission to giving the go ahead on the bout, but my feeling is that they loosened up on the rules due to the percentage of the gate they were receiving since the ticket prices were so high. The Commission's Frank Talent actually told several fans after the New Jack match, "You got your blood and later you'll get your barbed wire." The barbed wire match itself was a Terry Funk idea.

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