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By Mike Johnson on 2010-01-30 22:59:00

Welcome to's live coverage of Pro Wrestling Guerrilla's first-ever Kurt Russellmania event as part of the WrestleReunion festivities in Los Angeles, CA at the LAX Hilton.
Scheduled for tonight's card:

*The Great Muta & KAI vs. Scott Lost & Joey Ryan

*Brian Kendrick vs. Kevin Steen

*Davey Richards vs. Super Crazy

*Chris Hero vs. Roderick Strong vs. Rob Van Dam

*PWG Tag Team champions The Young Bucks vs. Human Tornado & Chuck Taylor

*El Generico vs. Jushin "Thunder" Liger

*Brandon Bonham vs. Brandon Gatson.

*The Cutler Brothers (Brandon & Dustin Cutler), Ryan Taylor, & Christina Von Eerie vs. Johnny Goodtime, Malachi "CK" Jackson, Candice LeRae, & Jerome "LTP" Robinson

Pre-Show Notes: Due to the weather in the Mid-West, Chuck Taylor's flight was canceled so there will be a lineup change yet to be announced...I am told there is at least one surprise planned for the show tonight....There is a live band scheduled to play for Rob Van Dam's entrance tonight.

Pro Wrestling Guerrilla Kurt Russellmania opened with WrestleReunion's Sal Corrente coming to the ring thanking everyone for their support.  He reminded everyone of the talents that would be appearing tomorrow and thanked everyone for their support.  He said they were thankful and happy to present a PWG event tonight and feature talents like Great Muta, Super Crazy, Rob Van Dam and Jushin Liger.  He wished everyone a good night and asked them to have fun.

Excalibur came to the ring with the PWG ring announcer.  He said he wanted to welcome everyone to JaMarcus Russellmania before he was corrected and told it was Kurt Russelmania.  He introduced the announcer, John Ian.  Ian welcomed everyone to the event.  He explained the code of conduct for fans tonight.

PWG Tag Team champions The Young Bucks and Brian Kendrick came to the ring.  Matt Jackson said he'd like to introduce themselves.  Jackson said he's tired of being referred to by these "given names" of Matt and Nick Jackson and said they want to use their real names, Max and Jeremy - Generation Me.  He said a few years ago, they started out in Los Angeles and they were naive and didn't know anything about the business.  Two and a half years later, they became bigger than the business and PWG.  He said it took leaving a crummy city like LA for a beautiful place like Orlando.  Max said that hanging out with Vince Russo, Eric Bischoff, Hulk Hogan and The Nasty Boys is the best.  They gave a shout out to Dixie Carter.  They said by going to Orlando, they realized that this generation belonged to them.

They told Kendrick he didn't fit in with them and attacked him.  Paul London hit the ring in street clothes and helped Kendrick clear the ring.  London took the mic and said he just happened to live in Los Angeles.  He said that he's been watching Brian Kendrick from afar and he isn't as motivated as he once was.  He said that he understands, and said that they should put things in a blender and reunite to wrestle Generation Me tonight. 

London led a "F*** the Young Bucks" chant.  Kendrick pointed out Exaclibur and London asked if he was Octagon.  Kendrick demanded Excalibur make the match for tonight.  They headed to the back as London said we'll have to see what happens.

The show is sold out and they had to turn a long line of people away.

The Cutler Brothers (Brandon & Dustin Cutler), Ryan Taylor, & Christina Von Eerie vs. Johnny Goodtime, Malachi "CK" Jackson, Candice LeRae, & Jerome "LTP" Robinson

Team Cutler attacked Team Goodtime before the bell.   LaRae hit a rana off the apron onto Robinson.  Goodtime and Jackson hit stereo dives.  It settled down into Eeire, who has a bgreat CBGB punk rock look, taking on laRae, who is a pretty blonde.  Eeire clotheslined her and tagged out to Taylor.  LaRae caught him in an abdominal stretch but one of the Cutlers kicked her.  The Cutlers stomped her.  They nailed her with a double shoulderblock.   LaRae started mounting a comeback agauinst one of the Cutlers, nailing a rana.  She tagged out to Jackson.

Jackson and one of the Cutlers went back and forth.  Cutler slid out of the ring and tripped him, then the other Cutler nailed a dive to the floor.  The Cutlers worked over Jackson.  Johnny Goodtime argued with the ref and tried to get in the ref.  Eerie tagged in but was cut off with a kick.  She monkeyflipped him out of the corner and got a two count.  She then suplexed Jackson for a two count.   The Cutlers tagged in but Jackson got the better and tagged in Goodtime.

Eiere nailed Jackson with a flip into a DDT.   She held LaRae for Ryan Taylor to kiss but LaRae moved and he planted a smacker on Eerie.  Robinson powerbombed Eerie for a two count.  Robinson stunned Robinson, who snapped back into a sitdown powerbomb for a two count.  They did a Tower of Doom spot in the corner with everyone.  Goodtime cut off one of the Cutlers and hit a top rope Frankensteiner for a two count. 

The Cutlers nailed Goodtime with several doubleteam maneuvers.  The Cutlers grabbed LaRae and hit a spike tombstone piledriver to score the pin.

Your winners, The Cutler Brothers (Brandon & Dustin Cutler), Ryan Taylor, & Christina Von Eerie

I missed a lot of spots here since they were working so hard and I'm not familiar with their nuances, but this was a hell of an opener.  I was especially impressed with the girls who more than held their own with the guys.

Brandon Bonham vs. Brandon Gatson

They did some nice back and forth wrestling to start.  Gatson took over and caught Bonham with a right.  Bonham came back with a dive over the ropes and covered him with a two count.  He chopped away at him.  Gatson was whipped into the corner and did the Flair flop.  He grabbed Bonham in an inverted Tarantula.  Gatson nailed a spinkick.  Bonham came back with a kick to the face.  Bonham charged the corner but Gatson moved. 

Gatson grabbed Bonham and flipped him into the corner.  Bonham whipped Gatson into the corner but it was reversed.  Gatson nailed the space flying tiger drop.  They teased a countout.  Back in the ring, they went back and forth with near falls.  Gatson nailed a sitdown powerbomb and scored the pin. 

Your winner, Brandon Gatson!

Excalibur announced that Chuck Taylor won't be able to make the show due to the snowstorm, so Human Tornado vs. Super Crazy will take place while Davey Richards vs. Kevin Steen was added.  He confirmed London and Kendrick vs. The Bucks.

Human Tornado vs. Super Crazy

Tornado attacked him at the bell.  Crazy slid underneath and caught him with a clothesline.  Tornado nailed a dive over the top and they battled around the ring.  Tornado nailed a suplex, a backhand and a reverse T-Bone suplex.  Tornado hit a twisting dive off the corner for the pin.

Lots of crazy stuff we missed here, but a super fun match.

Your winner, Human Tornado!

Kevin Steen vs. Davey Richards

A fan flipped off Steen so he told the fan he was going to knock him out and "have his way with your body."  Tremendous! 

They faced off.  Steen grabbed a waistlock but Richards grabbed an arm.  Steen kissed him to break it and remarked. "I don't get enough affection at home."  Richards went to the floor.  Richards got back in the ring, they locked up and Richards kissed him back to show he can't be psyched out.  The fans chanted, "Mrs. Wrestling."  Richards began working over Steen on the mat, focusing on the arm.  Richards rebounded off the ropes several times with a shoulderblock but couldn't move Steen.  Steen snotted on him so a pissed off Richards began throwing stiff kicks and spinkicks.  He drilled Steen with a dropkick.

Richards clotheslined Steen to the floor, the followed.  He slammed Steen into the guard rail.  They battled in the crowd.  They battled over by the RVD band.  They returned to inside the ringside area, where Steen was tossed into the rail and then hit with a charging big boot.  Steen lowblowed Richards and worked him over on the floor.  Steen chopped away Richards, then slammed him,  He continued to work over Richards.  He whipped Richards into the corner, then backdropped him. 

Steen continued to control until missing a charge into the corner.  He hit his shoulder in the corner and went to the floor.  Richards hit a monster tope through the ropes on Steen, landing in the crowd.  He tossed Steen back in the ring and nailed a Japanese style dropkick off the top.  Richards tuned up Steen with a series of massive kicks.  Steen was nailed with a leaping leg lariat.  Richards began trying to nail a back suplex but Steen was too fat.  He mocked Richards for not having the strength.

Richards continued to beat down Steen with kicks.  Steen came back with a rolling pinfall attempt.  He killed Richards with a forward flip into the corner, smashing him into the buckles.  The crowd rallied behind Richards.  Richards began slugging away at Steen, who responded in kind.  Richards again went for the back suplex.  Steen reversed and nailed one but Richards landed on his feet and hit a running clothesline. Steen cut him off and nailed a pumphandle suplex for a two count.

Steen went for a swanton but Richards got his knees up.  He charged across the ring, killing Steen with a clubbing clothesline, then nailed the back suplex finally, for a two count.  The crowd chanted for Davey.  He went to the top for a shooting star press but Steen got out of the way.  Richards went for a kick but Steen ducked and rolled up Richards for a two count.  Richards finally caught Steen in a Kimura.

Your winner, Davey Richards!

Really good back and forth match.  Steen's antics were real entertaining.

Richards took the mic and said that at the next show, he was coming for Kenny Omega.

Joey Ryan & Scott Lost vs. KAI & The Great Muta

Streamers for Muta, who's wearing a more demonic mask.  Muta and Lost started off.  Lost was taken out by Muta early with a shoulderblock.  Lost came back with several dropkicks.  KAI and Ryan tagged in,  Ryan preened a bit, so the fans got on his case.  KAI and Ryan went back and forth.  Ryan nailed a swinging neckbreaker.  Muta tagged in and rode Lost, who had tagged in, to the mat.  Muta locked in a chinlock.  KAI tagged and nailed Lost across the back.

KAI nailed a spinebuster and turned Lost over into a Boston Crab.   Ryan kicked him to break it up.  Muta tagged in and grabbed Lost with a single leg takedown, then a Dragon Screw Legwhip.  KAI tagged in and continued working over Lost's legs.  He whipped Lost into the corner and nailed him, with a pair of knees.  He nailed a double stomp out of the ropes.  Ryan tagged in and worked over KAI.  Muta tagged in but Ryan dropkicked him. 

Lost nailed a spinkick on Kai.  Kai hit a springboard kick.  Lost tried to use a foreign object but the referee took it away.  Muta blew green mist in his face.  KAI kicked Lost.  Muta nailed the shining wizard and scored the pin.

Your winners, The Great Muta & KAI!

Muta was obviously hobbling from his bad knees but worked as hard as could be expected.  KAI showed some promise.  It was solid for sure and anytime you get to see Muta in the States is awesome.

Jushin Liger vs. El Generico

A fan won a chance to ring announce the match and he was damn good.  Liger controlled the early portion of the match.  The building was chanting Liger like crazy.  Liger used a single leg takedown and tied up Generico in a surfboard.  They crisscrossed the ring and Generico used a Lucha armdrag to take Liger out of the ring.  He faked a dive tease, then held the ropes open for Liger.  Liger was cautious but returned tio the ring without incident.  He shook Generico's hand. 

Liger used head scissors to take Generico out, then faked a dive of his own.  He brought Generico back into the ring and charged him in the corner but Generico cut him off.  Liger came back with a bow and arrow, then cinched him into a rear choke while in the hold.  Liger locked in a Camel Clutch, then an abdominal stretch.  Generico finally made it to the ropes.  Liger chopped away at Generico in the corner.  Generico came back with a leg lariat,

Generico nailed a big dive to the outside on Liger.  He nailed a flying bodypress for a two count.  Liger avoided a suplex and nailed a tiltowhirl backbreaker.    Liger came off the ropes but Generico avoided him.  He drilled Liger with a running Yakuza kick in the corner.  He went for a brainbuster but Liger reversed and nailed it.  They made their way to the feet and exchanged blows.  Liger caught Generico with a beautiful back suplex.

Generico drilled Liger wth a Yakuza Kick but Liger rebounded off the ropes with a clothesline for a two count.  The crowd began chanting, "This is awesome."    Liger placed Generico on the top rope for a superplex but Generico fought him off.  Liger was tied up upside down in the ropes.  Generico nailed the Coast to Coast.  Generico nailed a brainbuster for a two count.  Fans began singing the Ole song.

Generico placed Liger on the top and called for a brainbuster, but was fought off.  Liger nailed a running Ligerbomb for a two count.  Liger drilled Generico with a brainbuster and scored the pin.

Your winner, Jushin Liger!

Great match.  Generico more than held his own against the legend.

Fans chanted "Thank you Liger" after the match.  Liger helped Generico up and raised his hand.  Generico refused and raised Liger's hand.  Finally, they raised the other's hands and hugged.  A really special and nice moment.  LIGER!

Bill Apter came out and plugged all the plans for WrestleReunion tomorrow.  Apter said ROH hit a home run tomorrow and PWG was doing the same.  Gotta love Wonderful Willie.

Generation Me vs. Paul London & Brian Kendrick

Paul London came out dressed like an astronaut.  I have no idea why.  Generation Me came out to Hansen's MMMBop.  Hilarious.   I'm going to call the former Young Bucks by their old names since I can't remember which is Max.  Kendrick and London attacked  at the bell and all four brawled.    Matt Jackson worked over Kendrick.  London broke it up and they exchanged forearms.    London speared him in the center but Nick grabbed Paul in a front facelock.  Generation Me worked them over and stood triumphant.  They chanted TNA to get heat.

Kendrick returned from the floor and attacked both, running them off from the crowd.  London and Nick went for a test of strength but Nick backed off.  Kendrick charged GenMe in the corner.  Nick and London finally locked up.  Nick worked him over his shoulderblocks in the corner.  London hit a bodypress out of the corner, the a running dropkick for a two count.  Matt tagged in and nailed London with several strikes.  GenMe began double-teaming London's arm.  London made a comeback and soon it was he and Kendrick working over Matt's arm.  Real good stuff.

The match went back and forth,  The Jacksons worked over London, who finally tagged in Kendrick.  Kendrick nailed a double stomp on Jackson but was soon overwhelmed.  Nick held Kendrick in the corner.  Matt did a cartwheel, stopped and raked Kendrick's back.  Hilarious.  Kendrick almost was able to make a tag but Nick Jackson nailed London.  They drilled Kendrick with synchronized moves.    They continued working on Kendrick and teased doing the Nasty Boys' armpit spot.  Instead Kendrick tricked Matt into taking it.

Kendrick almost made it to a tag, but London was taken down.  They finally made the hot tag.  London backdropped one over the ropes, the dropkicked another.  London nailed a double stomp.  They went into a cool dive sequence.  Kendrick and London drilled Matt Jackson with several moves.  Nick came off with a springboard dropkick on London.  GenMe were back in control.   Matt went for a powerbomb but London escaped and hit a superkick.  Nick came off with a twisting DDT. 

London charged Nick but was kicked.  Nick went for a springboard DDT but Paul escaped.  He tagged in Kendrick who went nuts on Nick.  Matt nailed superkicks on Kendrick and London.  GenMe nailed a wheelbarrow/facebuster combination on Kendrick for a two count.  Matt powerbombed Kendrick into Nick's knees.  Matt moonsaulted onto Kendrick for a two count.

The fans were chanting "This is awesome."

Matt speared Kendrick.  The Bucks covered Kendrick but London broke it up.  The Bucks went for their double backflip into dropkicks but London moved and dropkicked them both.  London went to the top and nailed a diving kneedrop for a two count.  Kendrick nailed Sliced bread #2.  London hit the shooting star and scored the pin.


Your winners, Kendrick and London.

Loved this.  Nice surprise in London appearing.  He was rusty at times but the type of stuff he does requires precision work and he's obviously been out of the ring for quite some time.

Rob Van Dam vs. Roderick Strong vs. Chris Hero

Van Dam had a band doing a song about him for his entrance.  RVD was way over.  Van Dam stepped out of the ring and watched Hero and Strong.  They went back and forth as RVD circled the ring.  Strong nailed a spinkick and RVD replaced Hero in the ring.  He and Strong went back and forth with a great sequence and then faced off.  Hero grabbed Strong and deposited him outside of the ring.

Hero and RVD faced off with dueling chants for each man.  Hero caught Rob with a back elbow.  They took each other down but couldn't get the upper hand and faced off.  Van Dam elbowed Hero.  Strong pulled the rope back and Hero went to the floor.  Van took out Strong and nailed the spinning guillotine legdrop onto the rail.  Back in the ring, Hero chopped away at RVD, then nailed him with a dropkick.  Hero covered Van Dam for a two count.

Hero began cranking Van Dam's neck.  He maneuvered him into the corner and nailed him with a right.  Hero began chopping away and RVD.  Van Dam reversed an Irish Whip and nailed a spinkick in the corner.  Strong snuck in the ring and nailed a backbreaker on RVD.   Strong locked RVD in an abdominal stretch.  He worked over Rob, who came back with the somersault into a monkey flip out of the corner.  Rob went to the top but Hero shoved him off to the floor.

Hero and Strong went back and forth in the ring with near falls.  Strong suplexed Hero, who reversed and dropped him down.  They went back and forth with chops.  Strong nailed a big suplex for a two count.  Hero caught Strong with a kick and a neckbreaker.  RVD returned to the ring with a chair and threw it into Hero's head.  Van Dam turned his attention to Strong, nailing Rolling Thunder.  He covered Strong for a two count.

Van Dam did a leaping surfboard kick into a chair on Strong.  It didn't work, so RVD did it again.  Hero got to his feet so RVD took him out and hit the split legged moonsault for a two count.  RVD went to the top but Strong nailed a leg lariat to the head.  He set up Van Dam for a superplex but Hero attacked him from behind.  They did a Tower of Doom spot out of the corner.  Fans chanted for PWG.  Lots of near falls.

All three battled back and forth inside the ring.  Strong nailed a gutbuster on RVD.  Hero drilled him with a roaring elbow then powerbombed him down.  Hero and String went back and forth, with Strong drilling him with a big kick in the center of the ring.  Strong sunset flipped Hero, who dropped down and nearly got the pin.  RVD returned to the ring and threw a chair at Strong, who caught it.  Hero punched the chair into Hero's face.  RVD nailed the reverse windmill kick on Hero, then nailed the Five Star Frog Splash for the pin.

Your winner, RVD!

Real good match to end the show.  RVD looked as good as ever and Strong and Hero worked great with him.  An excellent show all around.  

Hero ranted and raved that he wants a title rematch against PWG champion Kenny Omega when Omega returns from Japan. He put over the crowd, which was 1,100 fans. He said that he wishes everyone this strong could fit into Reseda and if you weren't a PWG fan now, you are now and to come back soon.

Thank you for logging in with us tonight on!

For more on PWG and background on the matches, visit


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