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By Stu Carapola on 2010-01-09 18:45:00


-The building is nowhere near as full as yesterday when it was packed. I would think it probably has a lot to do with the start time being moved because of the Eagles game. 

-John Kermon defeated AJ Chambers. 

-The Bravado Bros defeated Pelle Primeau and a partner whose name I didn't catch.

Episode Four

 -Jim Cornette brings out Tyler Black who said he wasn't aware of Austin Aries' involvement in the finish of the match last week. Roderick Strong comes out and tells Tyler to admit that he didn't really beat him last week. Tyler grudgingly tells Roderick that if that makes him happy, he'll admit he didn't beat him last week. But then he goes on to say that when Tyler's the champion, Roderick's never going to beat him. Can we say screwjob, kids?

-Cheech and Cloudy defeated Sonjay Dutt and Andy "Right Leg" Ridge. Before the match, Sonjay says that nobody in ROH has as much swagger as him, and to prove how awesome he is, he's going to take anyone from the locker room and bring them to the top. Cheech and Cloudy pinned Ridge with the old Quebecers finisher. After the match, Sonjay told Ridge he proved to everyone that he has absolutely no swagger, then beat him up.

-Skullkrusher Rasche Brown squashed one of the ROH wrestling school guys (his name sounded like Christian Dorino)

-Kyle Durden interviews Austin Aries and Kenny King. Aries says he's going to beat Tyler in New York and once again Tyler's going to come in second. Then he references something about Tyler waiting for a girl in Chicago and being stood up because Aries (in his own words) has a bigger package. This brings out Tyler, but the Jobber Patrol comes out to hold him back.

-Kevin Steen defeated Delirious by submission with a Crippler Crossface in a Pick Six Series match. Colt Cabana came out to confront Steen after the match, but Steen and Steve Corino just walked away from him.

Episode Five

-Rhett Titus defeated El Generico with an inside cradle.

-Colt Cabana defeated Bobby Shields by submission with a Billy Goat's Curse.  After the match, Steve Corino came out and warned Cabana to watch out who he sticks up for.

-Necro Butcher and Erick Stevens brawled from the back, around ringside, and into the ring. Stevens and the Embassy ganged up on Necro, but Eddie Kingston ran out to make the save.  

-Austin Aries and Kenny King defeated Tyler Black and Roderick Strong when Black accidentally superkicked Strong, allowing King to pin Strong for the win. A shoving match broke out between Strong and Black after the match, but a parade of referees came out to separate them. I guess the jobbers were busy. Aries had the belt, and since this was taped for the week after the NY show, unless they move it up a few weeks it looks like Aries will have the belt after NY.

Episode Six

-The Dark City Fight Club defeated the American Wolves. This was a great, hard hitting match. The Wolves seemed to briefly argue after the match before heading to the back.

-Steve Corino defeated Bobby Dempsey with a really nice rolling leg cradle. Bobby attacked him after the match, drawing out Kevin Steen for a 2-on-1. Alex Payne ran out for the save, but Steen and Corino destroyed him as well. Payne did a bladejob before taking two cradle piledrivers.

-Skullkrusher Rasche Brown defeated The Set in a handicap match. Prince Nana and Shane Hagadorn came out to scout Rasche during the match and tried to talk to him on his way to the back after the match, but Rasche just walked right past them.

-Jay and Mark Briscoe defeated the Young Bucks with a Doomsday Device to retain the ROH World Tag Team Title. Crowd gave a "thank you Young Bucks" chant after the match.

Results from last night's taping can be found at this link.

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