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By Stu Carapola on 2010-01-08 23:29:47


Pelle Primeau defeated John Kermon with a tornado DDT.

Episode One:

Jim Cornette brings Tyler Black and Austin Aries to the ring to discuss their match at Final Battle. Tyler said he proved Aries couldn't beat him, while Aries said that he didn't need to beat Tyler, Tyler needed to beat him. Cornette said they're going to settle it once and for all at the next New York show as Aries will defend against Black yet again, but this time there will be three judges at ringside to decide who gets the title in the event of any finish other than a pinfall or submission. Each man gets to pick one judge by the end of the episode, and Cornette will name the third. I can't wait to see what kind of reaction the crowd gives this match.

ROH World Tag Team Champions Jay and Mark Briscoe defeated Cheech and Cloudy when Jay pinned Cloudy with a press slam into a DVD. The lights went out briefly during the match. Kyle Durden came into the ring to interview the Briscoes, who call out the Kings of Wrestling. The American Wolves interrupt and tell the Briscoes that they still get a rematch and that the hunt is on. The Dark City Fight Club rushes the ring and attacks the Briscoes, then the Wolves run in and a three way brawl breaks out before being stopped by the usual array of ROH school guys.

Skullkrusher Rasche Brown squashed Bobby Shields in under a minute with the Burning Hammer. Brown got a great reaction from the crowd.

Kenny King defeated El Generixo in a Pick Six series match

Jim Cornette, Austin Aries, and Tyler Black come back out to introduce their judges. Aries introduces Kenny King as his judge, and Tyler brings out Roderick Strong as his judge. Cornette introduces himself as the third judge so he can personally see to it that we get a real winner.

Episode Two:

Sara Del Rey squashed Portia Perez.

Delirious defeated Rhett Titus with the Bizarro Driver. There was no indication that either of them remembered feuding over Daizee Haze (who was in Delirious' corner) just a year and a half ago.

Colt Cabana defeated Sonjay Dutt.

Kyle Durden interviews Shane Hagadorn and Prince Nana about the Kings of Wrestling reunion. Eddie Kingston runs in and demands to know who jumped him a few weeks ago, then Erick Stevens, Joey Ryan and Ernie Osiris run in and attack him. Necro Butcher comes out to make the save and the Embassy hightails it to the locker room.

Tyler Black defeated Roderick Strong.  Austin Aries was at ringside, the finish came when Roderick bumped Aries off the apron and Tyler capitalized on the distraction by hitting a superkick for the win.  Aries attacked Tyler after the match and Roderick ran him off, then Roderick started arguing with Tyler for taking advantage of Aries interfering.  They had a shoving match before Roderick walked off.

Episode Three:

Necro Butcher and Eddie Kingston defeated Joey Ryan and Erick Stevens by countout.  the match started with a ringside brawl that saw Necro put a plastic bag over Ric, Joey Ryan's head and both teams fight over the guardrail into the crowd before finally heading back to the ring for a standard tag match.  Finish came when Necro chased the Embassy off with a chair and the Embassy took a walk to the back and got counted out.

Steve Corino and Kevin Steen defeated Alex Payne and Bobby Dempsey.  Corino looks a lot slimmer than the last time I saw him, but with the dark hair he looks like Randy Marsh from South Park.  Steen seems to have lost a few pounds since Final Battle as well, and worked a much lighter style than he has been.  Steen finished Payne off with a Package Piledriver and Sharpshooter.

The Dark City Fight Club squashed the Bravado Brothers in about a minute.  Kyle Durden interviewed the DCFC after the match and they said that they're not sitting back any more, they're coming after all the other teams in ROH and have their sights set on the ROH World Tag Team Title.

The Young Bucks defeated the American Wolves.  The Briscoes came out before the match and declared that the winners would receive a tag title shot.  Matt Jackson got a jackknife rollup on Davey Richards for the win.


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