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By Mike Johnson on 2010-01-04 10:21:09
Welcome to the return edition of Nuts & Bolts, which will collect independent notes and news from around the wrestling world regular home here on  Whether it's the international or independent scene, stars who may have moved out of the national spotlight that you've been wondering about or anything else that may fall outside of the auspices of the major American wrestling companies we routinely cover here on the site, it's fair game here.  All of the aforementioned help make up the "nuts and bolts" of the professional wrestling world.  So, here we go:

New England Championship Wrestling will debut this Friday 1/8 on Comcast Sportsnet in New England at 4  PM, which will be their weekly timeslot. Comcast SportsNet is available throughout the six New England states in approximately 4.8 million homes and nationally in roughly 38 million homes, so for those of you with sports packages on your satellites, you may be able to pick up the series.   The series will also be able to be viewed on Comcast's Video on Demand service.  Since the 12/19 debut taping was canceled due to the blizzard that hit the Northeast, the first episode will feature personality profiles and older NECW bouts.  The debut episode will feature Real Natural vs. Twiggy & Stupified, NECW TV champ Kris Pyro vs. Chris Camaro and World Women's Wrestling champion Alexxis Neveah vs. Mistress Belmont.  As part of the Comcast partnership, NECW talent will be appearing at the 1/16 Lowell Devils hockey game.  The first TV taping will now be 1/23 in Quincy, MA.  For more details, visit

The World Wrestling Council in Puerto Rico's next major event will be 1/16.  Titled Euphoria, scheduled is WWE's Carlito Colon vs. "El Mega Campeón de Triple A" (Judas Mesias - the promotion is unable to use that name as IWA Puerto Rico owns the rights),  Primo Colon vs. Orlando Colon, BJ vs. Noriega for the Universal championships, Thunder & Lightning vs. La Amenaza Ilegal for the Universal Tag Title, Carlitos vs. Hiram Tua in a Loser Leaves Town Bout, Shawn Spears vs. Idol Stevens in a battle of former WWE stars and Abbad vs. King Tonga Jr.  Ken Kennedy was originally booked for the show, facing Orlando, but that was later changed.  The original plan had Primo facing Kennedy and Orlando facing Rey Gonzales in a ring surrounded by fire, but the gimmick match was dropped.  Instead they filmed an angle where Orlando and Primo got into an argument backstage at a "WWE event" after Gonzales threw fire in the face of Carlos Colon as Primo was blaming his brother.  WWE has allows the Colons to work for their father's promotion.

The Battle for Rahway, New Jersey will commence later this month as the debut event of EVOLVE promoted by Gabe Sapolsky and Sal Hamoui will be held on 1/16 with Davey Richards vs. Kota Ibushi headlining plus Chuck Taylor, Mike Quackenbush, former WWE star Ken Doane (Dykstra), Jimmy Jacobs, Johnny Gargano and more.  The plan with EVOLVE is to try and create a bunch of new stars from scratch.  I'm going to be really curious to see how they draw.  Meanwhile, the following Saturday on 1/23 Jersey All Pro Wrestling will present their 12th Anniversary event with Homicide vs. former ECW World champion Masato Tanaka on top, plus JAPW champ Dan Maff vs. Eddie Kingston, CZW champ Drake Younger vs. Ruckus, plus Necro Butcher, Brodie Lee, Sara del Rey vs. Madison Rayne, Steve Corino and more.   It appears EVOLVE running the same venue - the Rahway Rec Center - has lit something of a fire under JAPW.

CHIKARA Wrestling announced over the weekend that tickets for their annual three day six man tag team tournament, The King of Trios, are now on sale.  The events will take place this April at the ECW Arena in Philadelphia.  The Trios show usually sees an interesting, eclectic mix of talent booked - last year saw everyone from Glacier to D'Lo Brown to UK wrestling legend Johnny Saint.  For details, visit

The first-ever pro wrestling convention held in Atlanta, Georgia will take placethe weekend of 6/4-6/5 with Lex Luger, Diamond Dallas Page and Kimberly Page appearing.  The first-ever convention promoted by Promolast will feature autograph signings, a Yoga for Read Guys session with the Pages, a Q&A session and more.   I believe there are at least two other conventions, including one promoted by Greg Price in 2011, set for the Atlanta area over the next year.

Former WWF and WCW star Jimmy Powers has joined the staff of the Independent Wrestling Federation training school in New Jersey and will be wrestling for the promotion on their 1/22 event in West Patterson, New Jersey.  The IWF will be holding a clinic with Powers and Tito Santana on 1/23.  For details, visit

Ricky Morton and Kamala have been announced for the 1/31 Tri-State Wrestling Alliance event in Voorhees, New Jersey, which will raise money with Jimmy Cicero for the Autism Speaks charity.  Others appearing include Steve Corino, Nicky Benz (Nick Berk), Glen Osbourne, Cicero, Matt Riviera, Tony Stetson and in a match that will obviously go down in history, "The World's ONLY Wrestling, Breakdancing Robot, SHOCKWAVE THE ROBOT vs. Johnny Calzone".  What more could you want??  For more, visit  I interviewed Cicero about Autism last month.  To listen to the 30 Minute interview in Windows Media, click here.  To stream the MP3 file, click here.

Great Canadian Wrestling (GCW) and will be holding the 2009 Ontario Indy Awards on 1/9 Oshawa, Ontario at the Royal Canadian Legion Hall. The event will feature an awards ceremony and dinner as well as seven matches highlighted by former WWE star Shawn (Gavin) Spears vs. Derek Wylde and Border City Wrestling champion Tyson Dux vs. Jake O'Reily.  For more information, visit

Bushwhacker Luke Williams (who just got over a bad case of pneumonia that caused him to be hospitalized) and Dutch Mantel appeared last night on the Force of Wrestling blogtalk audio show, which you can check out at

George Walsh sent the following....I remember reading that back in August, former ECW champion Justin Credible was fired from Big Time Wrestling out of MA. I attended last night's show (1/2), and during the main event, Justin ran in through the crowd, helped Spike Dudley win the BTW Championship, and then caned the living hell out of Spike, busting him wide open, and went on to completely insult the fans, the company, and promotion on the microphone before he ran back out the front door. Very interesting...hopefully some video will be on Youtube. Website is 

That's all the Nuts & Bolts for now.  Come across something interesting?  Mike Johnson can be reached at

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