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By Richard Trionfo on 2017-08-09 20:44:00

We are at Full Sail University and your announcers are Mauro Ranallo, Percy Watson, and Nigel McGuinness.

Nikki Cross is in the ring and she is screaming.  Alexander Wolfe and Killian Dain come through the crowd and join Nikki in the ring.  

The Authors of Pain and Paul Ellering appear on the stage.

Akam and Rezar make their way to the ring and Eric Young attacks Rezar while Akam is worked over by Dain and Wolfe in the ring.  Young wraps Rezar's arm against the guardrail while Dain and Wolfe continue the attack on Akam.  Young with a boot to Akam.  We see that Rezar has his wrist zip tied to the guardrail while Dain hits a series of back sentons on Akam. 

Rezar pulls the guardrail loose but Wolfe, Young, and Dain attack Rezar.  Dain stands on Rezar's chest and hits a back senton.  Young and Wolfe hit a double team elbow drop and side slam on Akam.

Nikki Cross brings the NXT Tag Titles and Wolfe hands one to Dain.

We take a look back at last week's confrontation between Asuka and Ember Moon.

Next week we will have a contract signing for the NXT Women's Title Match in Brooklyn.

We have a Street Profits video and they are next.

We are back with a video from Billie Kay and Peyton Royce.  They tell us we are going to see an iconic makeup tutorial.  While they talk, we see Ruby Riot in the background.    Billie and Peyton mock Ruby.  Billie says that Ruby has ruined the tutorial and her mood.

Match Number One:  Chris Metro and JC Metro versus Montez Ford and Angelo Dawkins

Chris and Dawkins start things off.  They lock up and Dawkins with a side head lock.  Dawkins with a shoulder tackle and he hits an arm drag and slam.  Ford tags in and he hits a kick followed by a splash from Dawkins.  Ford flips over Chris and then he hits a belly-to-back suplex.  Chris with a punch and JC tags in.  JC and Chris punch Ford.  JC goes for a belly-to-back suplex but Ford lands on his feet and Dawkins tags in.

Dawkins with clotheslines to JC followed by a back elbow.  Dawkins with a spear to Chris and then Dawkins with a spinning splash followed by a spinebuster and Ford with a frog splash for the three count.

Winners:  Montez Ford and Angelo Dawkins

We take a look at what happened last week after NXT when Aleister Black and Hideo Itami had a confrontation.  They will meet at Takeover:  Brooklyn.

We go to commercial.

We are back and William Regal is in the ring.  He brings out the two men who will be wrestling for the NXT Title at Takeover:  Brooklyn.  Out first is Drew McIntyre.  Out next is the champion Bobby Roode.  Roode is flanked by Full Sail security.

Bobby says these gentlemen are his personal security detail.  They are here to protect everyone from a madman named Roderick Strong who is trying to get his hands on him.  Roode says he would hate for Strong to ruin that big money match at Takeover.  Roode says they are here to protect him more than Drew.  Roode officially welcomes Drew back to the WWE.  You came out and talked about the past and the mistakes you made.  You talked about feeling entitled and how Roode feels the same way now.  

Roode tells Drew you're damn right he is entitled.  Bobby says he doesn't need a second chance.  From the moment he walked into this company, he said he was going to make a change and be the face of this brand.  Roode said that he would become the NXT Champion.  Roode reminds Drew that he has done everything he said he would do.  Whether you like it or not, this is his NXT.  It is not yours, it is not theirs, it is not WE.  It is his NXT. 

You talked about how you were christened the Chosen One.  Roode says he did not need to be chosen.  Everybody knows that Bobby Roode is simply The One.

Drew says he has to give Roode some credit.  You are the prototype of a champion.  You have had one of the best years of any NXT Champion.  There is one big problem with Bobby Roode and his title reign.  Drew says that Roode is an ass.  He thought Roode was a facade but Bobby believes all the crap coming out of his mouth.  The higher Roode gets, the harder he will fall when Drew gives him a Claymore.  At the end of the Glorious Entrance, you will be standing across from the new NXT Champion.

Roderick Strong comes out and he wants to say something.  He says he knows what William Regal said.  You can fine him if you want.  Roderick says he is not done with Bobby Roode.  You talk about the NXT Title.  This is not about the NXT Title.  This is about you disrespecting his fiance and his family.  This is about you disrespecting him as a man.  Roderick says he is calling out Bobby.  This is not about the title or Brooklyn.  Roode says this is about a fight.  He says he wants to fight Bobby.  Roderick asks if he is man enough.

Roode tells Strong to shut up.  If you want a fight, he is not afraid of Strong.  Roode says he will put his title on the line.  If you want a fight, you got a fight.  All you have to do is go through Drew McIntyre first.  If you beat Drew next week, he will see him after Takeover.

Regal says he is the one who makes the matches.

Drew says to make the match.  He knows the games that Bobby is trying to play.  Drew says he will fight anybody, anywhere, any time.  You will not have the title after Brooklyn.  He will fight Roderick next week and then four days later, he will beat Bobby Roode.

Bobby says everyone is so enthralled with "We Are NXT"  Drew and Roderick want the match.  Bobby says the people want the match.  We are NXT so make the the match Mr. Regal.

Regal says he is all about giving the NXT Universe what they want so next week, Drew McIntyre faces Roderick Strong and if Strong wins, he faces Roode after Takeover.  

Bobby says it will be GLORIOUS.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Johnny Gargano is congratulated on his return to NXT.  Johnny says he was a little nervous going out there by himself.  Then he thought about going through the curtain at Takeover in Brooklyn last year.  He says he would never be alone after that reaction.  They won the tag titles and main evented a Takeover.  He needs that feeling again.  Johnny says he is not going to miss a Takeover.  Johnny says he wants a match.

Match Number Two:  Oney Lorcan versus Danny Burch

They stare each other down as the bell rings.  They jockey for position and they finally lock up.  Lorcan backs Burch into the corner but they hold on to the collar and elbow tie up.  Burch with a clean break.  Lorcan with a single leg take down but Burch with a snap mare.  Lorcan goes for the leg again and Burch backs into the corner and Lorcan releases the hold.  They tease a Greco Roman Knuckle Lock but Lorcan with a punch.  They lock up again and Burch with a cravate.

Lorcan tries to get out of the hold but Burch holds on as they go to the mat.  Lorcan backs Burch into the ropes and Burch releases the hold.  They lock up and Burch returns to the cravate.  Burch with a snap mare and side head lock followed by a shoulder tackle.  Burch grabs the leg when Lorcan goes for a leap frog and Lorcan goes down.  Burch with a European uppercut and Lorcan fires back.  Lorcan runs Burch into the turnbuckles and Lorcan gets a near fall.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Lorcan with a belly-to-back suplex for a near fall.  Lorcan with chops in the corner.  Lorcan with another chop and then he hits a running back elbow into the corner.  Lorcan runs into boots from Burch and Burch with a missile drop kick.  Burch with a running clothesline into the corner followed by a Tower of London atempt but Lorcan gets to his feet.  Burch with a German suplex followed by a clothesline for a near fall.  Lorcan blocks a suplex attempt from Burch.  They exchange punches and Burch hangs Lorcan from the ropes and he hits Tower of London for a near fall.  

Lorcan with a running European uppercut but Lorcan misses a rolling shoulder tackle.  Lorcan with a European uppercut and a running Blockbuster for a near fall.  Lorcan with a European uppercut and Burch wants Lorcan to hit him.  Lorcan with a clothesline but Burch avoids a second one and he hits a hip lock and knee to the head.  Burch with a forearm and Lorcan goes for a single leg crab and Burch fights out of it but Lorcan with knees to the back and a boot to the chest.  Burch kicks Lorcan in the head and shoulders but Lorcan holds on and applies a Boston Crab.

Burch with a rollup for the three count.

Winner:  Danny Burch

After the match, Burch offers his hand and Lorcan slaps it and starts to walk away but he stops.

Burch tells him to shake his hand.  He wants to know what Oney's problem is, but they do shake hands.

Burch holds the ropes open for Lorcan.

We go to commercial.

Match Number Three:  Andrade Almas (with Zelina Vega) versus No Way Jose

Almas is not ready to lock up at first, but eventually they lock up and Almas with a waist lock.  Jose tries to shimmy out of the hold, but Almas with a side head lock.  Almas is sent to the ropes and Almas wants to be tranquilo.  Vega pulls Almas out of the ring and she tells him to not be tranquilo.  Almas with a kick and side head lock.  Almas with a shoulder tackle but Jose with a flapjack.  Almas with an Irish whip and Jose floats over and hits a flying mare.  Jose has Almas on his shoudlers and then Almas goes to his feet and he hangs in the ropes but Jose kicks him.

Vega yells at Almas about being tranquilo.  Almas with a forearm to the back and he pulls Jose down by the hair.  Almas punches Jose.  Almas with a chop in the corner followed by a kick to the midsection.  Jose with punches but Almas lands on his feet on a belly-to-back suplex attempt.  Almas with a kick and forearms to Jose.  Almas sets for the running double knee strike and he connects in the corner.  Vega tells Almas to finish him.

Almas hits La Sombra for the three count.

Winner:  Andrade Almas

After the match, Vega goes to the announce table and she asks if they just saw what his associate just did?  He deserves that spotlight.  What is the biggest spotlight you can have in NXT?  Takeover:  Brooklyn.  If NXT's golden boy is looking for an opponent, he's got one.


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