Where are Paul Roma and Jimmy Powers?
Roma is living in Connecticut and running a wrestling school and promotion, Paradise Alley Pro Wrestling there with Mario Mancini. Powers underwent a hip replacement a few years back and has retired in Florida. He used to be a regular guest on audios here on but we've unfortunately lost touch with him since he moved to the Sunshine State.
Do you think it's a coincidence that WWE had The New Day at Sony Six right before they are supposed to partner with Impact for TV tapings in Mumbai?
It's never a coincidence when things like that happen. WWE is acutely aware of what is going on elsewhere and always want to make sure they are the ones on top of the landscape as it changes. They are going to do everything they can for the good of their company and hey, imagine this, they just announced a new series for that market that will air on a Sony channel.
So, do you think that Five Star Wrestling tournament ever takes place? It sounds like the wrestlers got ripped off.
Only the promoter knows for sure. They are saying the shows will now take place in February 2018, so we have some time before we see if they actually happen or end up canceled again. It's easy to be cynical, and you might be right to feel that way, but we have to be fair and wait.
Whatever happened to Velvet McIntyre? I always liked her work.
She is retired and living in Vancouver, British Columbia. I always thought she was very good as well.
You were pretty hard on FloSlam recently. I am curious if you ever heard any feedback from them?
None at all and I stand by every word that I said, especially since I am a paid annual subscriber for the service.
Living in Australia, I seem to remember attending a WWF show in the 80s but I really wonder if I am just remembering watching the show on TV. I remember Ricky the Dragon Steamboat vs. The Magnificent Muraco. Did WWF ever run here when I was a child?
WWF regularly ran Australia in 1986 and in April of that year, ran several events headlined by Steamboat vs. Muraco. Unless those shows were aired locally, it looks like you remember attending the show! You can find the results at our friend Graham Cawthon's The History of WWE website at this link.
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