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Right. I am SO sure Stephanie called The Miz, and gave him any power! And no one doubted him saying she called? Is Vince so set on what he thinks will work that he no longer cares how little logic many of these storylines have? Or does he really believe we have no choice and no minds to know good from bad?
And let’s say she actually did, why would Miz let Ambrose tell him what to do? Why wouldn’t he just say no, I don’t have to do that. Yeah, WWE needs a logic editor. Badly. Really badly.
They have so much in Luke Harper; why do you think they are not doing anything with him?
I know he got hurt but even before that they didn’t use him well. He isn’t alone though. They have a lot of people on that roster that I feel they have misused. It’s sad, but true. Things could be so much hotter for them if they protected their talent better.
What is the deal with Breezango? Are they trying to reproduce Santino/Koslov? With their over-the-top silly gimmick, why are such an obvious lower-midcard act getting such a push, and so much camera time? I don't get it. Any ideas?
I have no problem with trying to elevate an act but it is definitely harder to do when they company has told us for a while that the act is not a strong one. And now on Smackdown, we have Breezango going for the Tag Titles and Jinder Mahal going for the World Title. It’s too much to push two acts like that at once in my opinion. But, that is what they are trying to do.
Does this sound familiar? Someone comes out to start the show, then a short time later someone else comes out to interrupt. And after a number of people come out and interrupt, they go to commercial, and when they return...there is a tag match going on or will be on later! Consistency can be very boring.
You hit the nail on the head. It’s so obvious yet the people that matter most can’t see it.
So Mojo Rawley wins the Andre the Giant what?
Well, he hasn’t been killed. That is a plus. Seriously, I think he is going to be OK. He won the Battle Royal to get the pub that came with Rob Gronkowski getting involved. I see something in Mojo and from what I hear they do to.
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