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By Jason Harper on 2017-05-11 09:20:00

I attended Wednesday night's ROH War of the Worlds Tour.

Huge crowd.  Standing room only.  I would guess around 1,000.  The Ford Performance Center is a great venue, but if ROH continues to grow, they might have to look for a new venue.  Long show, although it did not feel long.  Pre show started at 7:15.  Show ended at 11:30.

Autograph signing.  The longest line was for Tetsuya Naito.  The line for Cody was also long.  Briscoes and Bully Ray did not sign although they were advertised.

Ian Riccaboni, Kevin Kelly, and Colt Cabana did the commentary.  Riccaboni also doubled as the ring announcer.  Todd Sinclair, Paul Turner, and Tiger Hattori were the refs.  

Pre Show

Kelly Klein won a squash match.  I did not catch the name of the opponent.  She was very petite and very green.  She really needed to sell more since the whole idea was to get Klein over.  Klein continues to improve and has a lot of untapped potential.

Main show

1.  Dalton Castle defeated Bobby Fish.  Great opener.  This featured a ton of comedy and did a great job getting the crowd ready for the night.  Castle won with the Bang A Rang.

2.  Search and Destroy defeated The Rebellion.  This was all out action.  A lot of dives.  They really showcased Shane Taylor's power.  Jay White pinned Rhett Titus after Alex Shelly did a Jimmy Snuka like dive after a Chris Sabin suplex.

3.  Silas Young defeated Kushida.  Another good match that continues the build of Young.  Silas won with his Misery finish.  After the match, Young went to the announcer's table and forced Riccabonni to vacate the table.  Silas joined Kelly and Cabana for the next match.

4.  War Machine defeated Jay Lethal and Hiroshi Tanahashi.  Very physical match.  Everybody got in some of their signature moves.  Hanson has amazing stamina for a big man.  Ray Rowe pinned Lethal, but I didn't see how since Tanahshi and Hanson were fighting outside near me when the finish happened.

5.  The Briscoes and Bully Ray defeated Los Ingobernables to retain the ROH Six man Titles.  Bully Ray grabbed the mic before the match and after leading the crowd with a Extreme Chant, he made the match a No DQ match.  Wild fight with way too much to recap.  . Bushi was put through a table and pinned for the finish.  Bully Ray did more mic work putting over ROH and the Briscoes.  Then he gave away pieces of the table.  The crowd was really into making noise to get pieces of the table.  


6.  Tetsuya Naito defeated Punishment Martinez.  Naito was way over.  Martinez not so much.  Really a shame because he worked hard and deserved a better reaction then he got.  Match was a little slower paced then I expected.  Naito won with Destino.

7.  Cheeseburger defeated Marty Scurll, Frankie Kazarian, Will Ferrara, Beer City Bruiser, Gedo, and Vinny Marseglia in a Mayhem Instant Reward Match.  Marseglia was not scheduled for this match, but came out after the introductions and talked himself into the match.  Good mixture of comedy and action including a human centipede like move with everybody involved.  Cheeseburger pinned Bruiser with the Shotei.  

8.  Marty Scurll defeated Cheeseburger to retain the ROH TV Title.  Will Ferrari stayed at ringside.  Finish came when Scurll attempted to use his umbrella.  Ferrara stopped him which distracted Cheeseburger.  This allowed Scurll to lock on the Chicken Wing for the submission.  Ferrara and Cheeseburger argued to continue their never ending are we together or not storyline. 

9.  Christopher Daniels defeated Matt Taven to retain the ROH World Title.  Vinny Marseglia was at ringside and did a great job interacting with the crowd.  Match built slowly to the finish.  The crowd knew Taven never had a chance and that hurt the match a little bit.  Daniels was  slightly bleeding from the nose after a Taven kick strike about halfway through the match.  Kazarian came out to chase Vinny to the back which allowed  Daniels to hit the Best Moonsault Ever for the pin.  

10.  Chaos (Will Ospreay, Hirooki Goto, and Rapungi Vice) defeated Bullet Club (Cody, Adam Page, and Young Bucks) in an 8 man tag in the main event.  Crazy main event that was all action.  Everything you would expect from these 8 men.  Ospreay is amazing and really shined in this match.  Rapungi Vice also looked good.  Cody even did a couple of dives and of course, The Young Bucks go in all of their spots.  Ospreay pinned Nick Jackson with a springboard stunner like finisher.  

Long, but really fun night of action.  No return date announced for Dearborn.

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