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By Dave Scherer on 2017-05-02 10:00:00

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If WWE, ROH and TNA were all NFL franchises, which ones would they be and why?

WWE would be The New England Patriots because they are both the Gold Standard.  TNA would be the Cleveland Browns because, well, if you know anything about football you don’t need to even ask.  Neither can get out of their own way and just seem to keep making mistake after mistake.  Right now, I would compare ROH to the Las Vegas Raiders in that they have some decent financial backing behind them (The TV contract money/Sinclair broadcasting) but don’t have the extra revenue sources to go over the top (and that will change for the Raiders when they get their new stadium and the money that comes with it).  Both are putting out a quality product without all of the revenue sources of the Gold Standard.

Today's report of the Ryder/Jarrett argument has me wondering about Karen Jarrett. What is her status within TNA or Impact or whatever it is called? Is she talent, official or just Jeff's wife? 

She is definitely Jeff’s wife and there is some power behind her position.  She is signed to be more than just a talent, hence the interaction with Bob Ryder.

Why wouldn't WWE want to take a different approach as to elevating someone to the top spot? More like say, an ECW approach? Back in ECW, a lot of different guys had a chance at that spot. Have a mid to lower card guy win the Rumble one year. Push another guy up with him a little later on. Don't work out, push him back down a little. No problem. I like the give Jinder a shot. Wouldn't mind seeing Apollo Crews win a Rumble. I think it's better than seeing somebody like Cena or H in that spot for 10+ years, or Orton winning and losing the title a gazillion times and being pushed up and down like a yo-yo. Then they can really see what they have in somebody and if they can run with the ball or create a turnover. Your thoughts?

I agree with you, 100 percent. The product was never hotter than the late 90s-early 00s and that is because there were numerous legitimate Title contenders and much of the talent was protected.  Then, Brock Lesnar left and Vince McMahon made the move to make “the brand the draw”.  He is the boss and has made a fortune, and I respect that, but I also think he could make even more money if he changed his approach to booking and went back to making real stars, the way that he used to.

Hey, brother. Don't you think it's time for the Hulkster to drop the big leg on Braun Strowman, brother? Then Hulkamania could run wild all over Brock Lesnar, jack. Great idea, right?

Sure, you go with that.  Now go take your Meds.  You are way overdue.

With regards to the Raven/Sandman crucifixion angle at the ECW Arena, it's been well-documented that Kurt Angle (as well as many others, rightfully so) was very critical and offended by what took place.  To my knowledge, I've never heard Kurt's take on the similar crucifixion angle that Undertaker & Austin did later on after he debuted in WWE.  Granted, it wasn't as over the top as Raven's from a visual standpoint, as he even went as far as to put a barbed wire crown of thorns on Sandman's head.  Did Kurt ever offer an opinion on this to Vince? 

I can’t say if he did or not to be honest.  I was a few feet away from him at the ECW Arena and saw his reaction up close.  He was as angry as has been described.  But there circumstances were also very different between the two incidents.  In ECW, he was coming off being an Olympic hero.  He hadn’t had much exposure to the business.  And then, he walked in as a mainstream athlete and saw a crucifixion, which was a take off of that of Jesus Christ, with the barbed wire thorn and wood cross.  In the WWF, it was years later and he had been exposed to the business.  Plus, WWF could make the argument (and did) that it wasn’t a “cross” Steve Austin was put on, but rather the Undertaker’s “symbol”. Angle wasn’t in the position to walk out either, as he was in ECW.  

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