Does Ziggler book his own appearances on Fox Business' Kennedy show, or is it through WWE?
Ziggler books his own appearances, but with WWE's approval, same as JBL.
When a wrestler backs up to the ropes, wraps his arms around them, and just stands there, waiting, you already know he's getting knocked over the top rope. Why do they insist on doing such predictable moves?
....because....that's the safe way to take that bump.
Is Netflix putting up old episodes of GLOW, too?
No, they have the documentary on the series, which is awesome and will debut their new comedy by the same name on 6/23, but not the old episodes.
Whatever happened to Billy Corgan being involved in wrestling post-TNA? Did they run him off?
I was told that he's focusing on music right now but that TNA did not run him off. He's just not going to start a project for the sake of starting a project.
Does Terry Funk still own the Double Cross Ranch?
In reality? No. He sold the ranch off a few years ago. He does still live in Amarillo, however.
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