I read your column about the Hardy's and where they might end up and you mentioned a possible wrestlemania appearance. Since the Uso's don't have opponents yet, what do you think about a scenario where they come out complaining about not being on the card and issue an open challenge to any team and out comes Matt and Jeff. If you ask me, it would get one hell of a pop. Also, if it does happen, would you have The Hardy's put the Uso's over or vice versa?
I love the idea and actually wrote on my Twitter account last week that if WWE missed that opportunity, it would be a major "moment" missed. I don't think you can have the Hardys come back and lose, so if it's me, they win the belts.
I am surprised Kassius Ohno is not working NXT Takeover Orlando. Does he have any pre-existing, lingering indy dates that he is booked for that weekend? Or left off for any other reason?
As of this writing, he simply hasn't been announced for a match. It may be he isn't scheduled or they are going to use him in a way that announcing what he would be doing would give away the surprise. Time will tell!
In response to you saying that Shaq VS. Big Show in New Orleans wouldn’t mean anything, you are aware of where Shaq went to college aren’t you? Big Show’s career ending where Shaq’s began?
I meant in regard to how and where he made his name nationally. It's been a LONG time since Shaq was in college. I know he means a lot to the city. I just feel that waiting YET another year is a big waste of missing a moment. Sometimes things don't work out and you have to move on.
I've seen that a number of wrestlers suing WWE for brain injuries are still actively performing. Doesn't this hurt their case?
It does in my mind. The court may feel differently, if ever goes to court.
Whatever happened to Simon Dean?
Dean aka Mike Bucci now runs several banks in Kentucky and very, very occasionally performs. He's left wrestling in the rear view mirror for the most part but did work last night here in Orlando for WrestlePro as part of the Wrestlecon event.
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