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By Andrew Twiss on 2017-03-03 22:23:00

- ODB def. Rebel. During the match, Earl Hebner stole Rebel's hat and kissed her. He then took a swig of ODB'S flask and fell down as counted the pin. ODB kissed him after the match.

- Alberto El Patron comes out says he beat the man who couldn't be beaten. He says this is his house and he's not champion because of politics. He says he's a fighter and wants Lashley. EC3 comes out and says Alberto needs to earn his shot.  EC3 challenges Alberto, winner faces Lashley. Alberto turns him down. EC3 says he has no balls. Alberto calls him a bitch. They brawl until Alberto agrees to fight 

- 4 Way X Division match: Trevor Lee def. Suicide, Braxton Sutter, and Andrew Everett after Laurel Van Ness distracts Allie and Braxton. 

Post match: Sienna comes out and says the Romeo and Juliet romances always end tragically. Sienna says she's worse than Maria.

- Bruce Prichard comes out and says titles are won and lost in the ring, not in outer space. No one knows who the tag champs are. In two weeks  the top teams will compete for the titles (note March 30 episode by my math). Decay comes out and says they saved the titles from space and time and want what they deserve. Reno Scum come out and say they deserve the belts for beating DCC. Laredo Kid and Garza come out to stake their claim. They all brawl, but Decay clears them out. LAX appear, with two members coming from the front and three in the back. They lay out Decay.

LAX is comprised of Konnan, Homicide, Angel Rose (a Florida indy talent), Angel Ortiz and Mike Draztic.

- Davey Richards def  Suicide

- Mahabali Shera, Humberto Garza Jr. and Laredo Kid def.  Idris Abraham (sp?), Fallah Baha & Mario Bokara 

- Reno Scum def. Decay

- LAX (Angel Ortiz and Mike Draztic) def. DCC (Bram and James Storm) Before the match: Konnan mentions the Impact White Mafia and how LAX is gonna take it street style.

Post match: Kingston and Storm nearly come to blows and DCC looks close to splitting.

- Xplosion: Angelina Love def. MJ Jenkins 

- Bobby Lashley def. Jake Holmes. Note: Lashley was carrying the Impact World Championship 

- Karen Jarrett is introduced. Jeremy Borash welcomes her back.  She says she's gonna take the high road and is looking forward to the future. EC3 comes out and says he's a locker room leader and the top man. He's going to make Impact great. He says he's not doing it for her last name, but his. Josh Mathews chides Karen for putting the JV team with him. He makes fun of her for bringing all these legends like Dutch Mantel or Bruce Prichard.  Josh says the fans are here because they couldn't afford NXT tickets. He brings up his wife Madison Rayne.  As Josh keeps pressing, Karen slaps him. All of them leave except for Josh. Madison Rayne comes out and thanks Josh for telling the truth.

- Laurel says her opponent slipped and fell in the Knockouts locker room, thus, she doesn't have a match. She wants Earl to declare her the winner. Earl Hebner starts counting, but Rachael Ellering comes out at 9 with her shoulder taped up.

- One Night Only:  Laurel Van Ness def. Rachael Ellering. 

- Rosemary def. Santana Garret 

- Alberto El Patron def. EC3

Post match: Alberto shakes hands with EC3 and thanks the fans.

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