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By Dave Scherer on 2017-01-29 10:00:00

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Thanks for doing the Q&As. The answers are often quite enlightening. Forgive me if this has already been asked, but as betting on WWE events seems to be a thing, there seems to be a great opportunity for those backstage to make some money for themselves as they would know the outcome in advance. Without naming names (I do not want anyone to run afoul of the authorities or end their income), do you know if this occurs, and what, if anything, would happen to a WWE employee if they were caught by Vince supplementing their income in such a way?

I haven’t heard of anyone doing that in the company and I think if anyone was caught doing it the company would not be happy about it.  Not even a little bit.

After comparing Paul Heyman on things such as his own DVD, Talk Is Jericho and the Stone Cold podcast compared to when he’s doing media work for WWE or their network shows with JBL, there is obviously a great difference in how he portrays himself. The latter he seems to be staying in his arrogant big up Brock Lesnar character compared to the previous of being laid back and showing a great mind and respect for the business. My question is is this at WWE’s request or something Heyman does on his own accord?

Heyman is brilliant and knows how to conduct himself in those situations and what the goal of his appearance is.  When he is doing WWE business, he knows what to do.  When he is free to be himself, he is great at that as well.

How much is John Cena's monster push he has gotten his whole career based on his great promo skills compared to his in ring work?

I think they are about equal.  I think the main factor in Cena’s push, besides his look, was the character of the man and how much Vince McMahon trusted him.  After Brock Lesnar bolted for the NFL, numerous sources have told me that Vince wanted to be able to trust the next guy that he gave that kind of push to and Cena passed that test.

I'm not sure I understood Scherer's point and his line about "celebrating murder charges" of Snuka in the wake of his death. What do 1) dropped charges of an 2) act we have no idea on the specifics of have to do with commemorating his career in the wake of his death? Are we to understand that merely being dragged to court forever makes someone a scumbag?

Well, you should learn WHY they were dropped to get a better idea.  They were not dropped due to lack of evidence, but rather Snuka’s inability to stand trial.  They had a strong case, which is why they brought charges after 30 years.  So there ya go.

Considering the manner in which WWE handled the Hulk Hogan controversy and their ongoing anti-bully campaign, how do they explain their open support of President Trump? I'd say he has shown some pretty blatant prejudices and said far worse on a public stage than anything Hogan said in private at a moment of depression. Not to mention displaying some blatant displays of bullying (mocking a reporter's disability comes to mind). I get Linda wanted a government job at any cost but good grief, the double standards here are insane. If I were Hogan I'd be pretty upset. Thoughts?

Thus far, they haven’t showed support for Trump.  The company has been mum on the new President.  Linda is an ex-CEO.  She is a stockholder but not an executive in the company.    He daughter and son-in-law did go to the Inauguration and Linda’s hearing, but to me they haven’t crossed the company line yet.  I think they would all be wise to stay completely out of endorsing Trump.  For every fan it makes happy it will tick one off.  There is no upside in doing that.

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