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By Mike Johnson on 2017-01-27 10:00:00

So you think they'd ever have these WWE conference calls with Triple H on the WWE Network?  They're done during the day and better then Total Divas reruns.

It's possible.  I think if they were going to broadcast them on the WWE Network, we'd see what these calls are change quite a bit, however.

How do you feel about Matt Hardy's "Broken" gimmick? I like it (not love it), but feel that it has been the best gimmick in all of 2016, and in some time. I can't think of a time when entire shows would be dedicated to one person's gimmick. From TNA, to MCW, to even PWInsider, shows are labeled with "Broken". 

I love the gimmick.  Other than Undertaker, I can't think of someone who has done as excellent a job as changing his public persona successfully.  He's become quite the drawing card on the independents and I hope that if and when TNA starts running shows again, they can take advantage of Matt, Jeff, and Rebecca Hardy's hard work.

So if and when Samoa Joe appears on the main roster, which show needs him most? Raw is stacked with Owens, Reigns, Jericho, Rollins, and possibly Balor and Goldberg at the top of the card. Whereas Smackdown only has Styles, Cena and Ambrose. Smackdown makes the most sense, but with Ambrose beefing with the Miz, Cena a part-timer, and AJ as the heel, Joe is left out since he is also a heel. And no way should he not be a main eventer fighting for the top prize.

I think Raw needs Joe the most but I think from an in-ring standpoint (which is what Joe needs to get over as much as his speaking ability), Smackdown provides a lot better fit as Joe vs. Miz, Ziggler, Styles, Cena, Ambrose, etc. all sound great to me.  Either way, all signs are that he'll be on the main roster sooner than later and I am extremely excited as I don't think anyone is more deserving than Joe in all of wrestling right now.  He's put in his time around the world and is a well versed, incredible, unique talent.  It's his time and it's been his time for far too long.

Now that Raw and Smackdown are two separate shows, who are the head writers of each? Other than Vince McMahon, is there any other person that both shows need to filter through, or are they truly separate?

After Vince McMahon, it's Triple H, Michael Hayes and BG James who oversee the creative end of the shows, then it trickles down to the individual writing teams.  They pitch storylines and write the scripts.  The scripts are pitched by the execs to Vince McMahon, who then tweaks thinks to his liking.  At the end of the day, they are writing for Vince and Vince is the final vision.

it was kinda odd when Goldberg came out on Monday, bleeding from his head which obviously made him uncomfortable - and he was so nervous, that he almost forgot his lines. I get it, the guy is human, things like that happen and that’s okay. My question is: Does WWE have a backup plan for every segment on the show, just in case something goes wrong? If Goldberg doesn’t remember a damn thing and he stumbles around for one or two minutes, do they send Heyman out earlier to save Goldberg?

To be fair, Goldberg was never an awesome promo - intense yes, but never a talker in the vein of a Ric Flair, Hulk Hogan, Roddy Pper sense -  and certainly he got lost on Monday.  If something was obviously wrong, WWE would have cut to a commercial and figuted it out.  On live TV, that's always the plan B.  There's no specific "if this happens, then we do this" plan.

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