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Do you think the Undertaker vs. John Cena will ever happen or will it end up like the Sting vs. Taker match a dream match that never will be?
The word making the rounds is that match is off and Vince McMahon wants to have the men face other people at Mania. Where that means they never face off, that is to be determined.
What do you guys think of Mark Hunt's lawsuit against Lesnar and UFC? Personally, I have to say that it is lined out very well and shows a clear and distinct series of legal wrongs committed by UFC and Lesnar. If UFC had not waived Lesnar's 4 month pre-screening then they might have been able to claim plausible deniability, but I think they definitely screwed themselves there. As far as using the Racketeering Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act (RICO), most people associate this law with organized crime but it is most often used in civil court and the burden of proof is a lot lower in civil court. If Hunt had been seriously or permanently injured during the fight, Lesnar could have been charged criminally like Luis Resto was from an infamous boxing match with Billy Collins Jr.
I don’t enough about it to comment. I do think UFC has at least some liability given that they gave Brock exceptions. I don’t know how they will tie it into RICO but it will be interesting to see where it goes.
I don't get the logic behind having Baron Corbin lose clean to John Cena on Smackdown Live. He's been on a roll and I like his work and it seems like this took some of the air out of his sails. Do you think there is another way they could've booked it to keep both Corbin and Cena looking strong? I sure hope Corbin doesn't go the way of other young talents that have been fed to John in the past only to lose their push.
I think it was a really stupid move by WWE creative as well. Obviously, if Cena wrestles Corbin, with his Title match coming, he has to beat him. But, they didn’t HAVE to book the match. To me, it was a shortsighted and dumb thing to do. They should have kept Corbin strong and waiting for his shot at the Title. I don’t understand their thought process at all.
Recently saw several minutes of RAW (which I had not seen in several years) and I happened to notice one thing that quickly became a pet peeve. Any idea as to why when the wrestlers do interviews backstage they (the wrestler and person doing the interview) tend not to look at the camera that is right in front of them? They come across as shy, tentative, and weak. Doesn't WWE realize the people may buy into what the wrestlers are saying if they actually acknowledge the audience from time to time? Imagine a classic Ric Flair or Steve Austin promo where they seem distracted by something else going on in the room. These people came across as phony and I happily changed the channel.
They try to make it seem like it’s a conversation, as you often see in mainstream sports. It makes sense to look at the person you are talking to. Unless the wrestler is cutting a promo directed at someone, I don’t mind if they don’t look into the camera.
Like so many others, I see big things in Matt Riddle's future and could see him being a big deal in the WWE someday. However, considering he was released from the UFC due to repeatedly failing drug tests because of his medical marijuana use, I was curious how that would work if he were to go to WWE? Obviously recreational use would not be allowed, but what is the Wellness Policy stance on medical marijuana?
WWE doesn’t allow the use of marijuana. From their Wellness Policy: “In the event of any positive test for marijuana, the WWE Talent shall be fined Two Thousand Five Hundred US Dollars ($2,500.00) per positive test, which shall be deducted from the WWE Talent’s downside guarantee.”
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