How can Cody Rhodes appear for both TNA and Ring of Honor at the same time?
Rhodes isn't under contract to either promotion.
With the return of Don West, can Mike Tenay be far behind?
West is simply back to do to help TNA liquidate their warehouse of merchandise. Whether he has a continued role with TNA remains to be seen.
Any chance of Jim Cornette or the Midnight Express in the WWE Hall of Fame?
This year? I don't see it. Perhaps next year in New Orleans where they certainly had more of a history.
Why does WWE still make movies? I don't get the point.
They make the films because it's a way to expose their talents and now that they have figured out the right formula and partnerships, they can make a little bit of money on each release.
What the hell was that Damien Sandow gimmick in TNA?
It was a character that he pitched to the company. So, if you aren't a fan, the blame lies with him as much as TNA management.
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