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I can see a lot of similarities in the Y2J Owens story that there was in 2013/14 with Daniel Bryan vs Orton and Bryan’s return in 2015. Fans want Y2J to go after Owens and not brush 6 months of story down the drain for come along against the wave (a la Roman Reigns 2015/Batista 2014). My question if they go that route again, do you see that guy getting an adverse crowd reaction and it being a mistake?
I don’t think it will be a problem because if/when Jericho goes after Owens, I see him if not playing the babyface, certainly being the guy who gets the cheers against the heel champ. I don’t see a problem. They pretty much have to have him go after Owens at this point.
I was wondering if you knew why that every time WWE bings back a big names star from the past )i.e. Goldberg, the Rock, Brock Lesnar, etc) they never are put in a program with "younger talent"and instead we get to see a rematch of Of something we saw 20 years ago (Goldberg vs.Lesnar), or something we've already seen a dozen times (Cena vs.Rock). Is it because Vince doesn't care about the younger talent and possibly seeing a potential dream match like Samoa Joe vs.Brock Lesnar or do you think Vince just wants a quick influx of money and books/rebooks the "sure thing" and gives us Cena vs. Rock in a once in a lifetime match for the 5th time.
I think it’s pretty clear that when Vince does that, he feels that the younger talent doesn’t have the same goodwill with the fans that the older talent has. I feel that if Vince and the creative team did a better job of establishing the younger talent in the eyes of the fans (and his own eyes) he wouldn’t constantly find himself in a position where he needs to go back to the past to create what he feels are interesting matchups.
Three times Shane told Dean Ambrose to leave the building. 3 times he didn't. Then he interfered in the match. Yet I have heard nothing more about it, and no sort of disciplinary action or retribution. Is this another case of hoping we don't notice?
Ambrose definitely should have been disciplined for ignoring the boss, no doubt.
What are your thoughts on an all women's Raw and Smackdown pay per view once a year? Do you think it could be a possibility? If so how successful might it be?
I wouldn’t have an issue with it if the company could get over enough of the wrestlers to fill a three hour show. I don’t think they are there yet. If they get enough women and their feuds over to fill a three hour show, I would not mind them trying it. Since they are now WWE Network shows, buyrate isn’t a consideration.
Living here in the UK I haven’t watched a PPV for years as I won’t pay £20 for it in the middle of the night. I sometimes watch Raw & Smackdown. However, I always read your report on the PPV. Now everyone I have seemed to read for sometime now says the PPV is generally excellent with awesome matches. Yet ratings seem to still go down. Why do you think this is? The only reason I can think is there is no reason to get invested in the characters any more.
I think you have hit on one of the reasons, for sure. As mentioned above, WWE needs to do a better job of getting over their younger talent than they have over the past few years. Wrestling is a business that needs three factors to one successful. They need over characters, great storylines and good wrestling. You could argue that to the casual fan, good in-ring wrestling is the least important aspect. Sure, there are also other factors, such as how people watch TV in different ways now via streaming and the web, but still, if the product interests people, more of them will watch it as it airs on TV.
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