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By Dave Scherer on 2016-11-15 10:00:00

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Would you forgive Joey Styles?

I am guessing you mean for the statement he made at EVOLVE on Saturday.  Frankly, in my opinion there is nothing to forgive him for.  He made a mistake and referenced a subject that booker Gabe Sapolsky told him not to reference. He knew he was wrong, apologized profusely and accepted being fired by the company.  He did what any adult would do and that is all you can ask.  There is nothing to forgive him for to me other than going against the wishes of his boss and frankly, I don’t understand the outrage anyway.  He didn’t even say the offensive word.  I don’t get why people are losing their minds over this.  I saw what Chikara posted in their firing of him.  Styles was mocking Trump, not promoting misogyny.  I don’t get the outrage.

With the news that Linda McMahon being considered for a position in Donald Trump’s administration, could this possibly hurt the WWE? With all the protests going on in the USA, could this cause democrat fans to tune out or even try to boycott WWE? As a Canadian its a non-issue to me personally, but watching the news its definitely the biggest issue being covered. 

Could it?  Sure.  People are very angry and on edge right now in the US.  Hell, look at the way the Joey Styles situation blew up.  Tensions are running high and Trump is a “love him or hate him” kind of guy.  I don’t know if it will hurt WWE if she gets the cabinet position but it surely has the potential to.

Is ROH working on some kind of streaming channel like WWE, CZW and others have?

I haven’t heard that they are, but it doesn’t mean that they aren’t.

What are the chances that Vince goes after Ronda Rousey if she loses her next fight and retires?

I would say very good since Stephanie has already said they are interested.  I don’t see Rousey wrestling full time, but I could see her working spots for WWE.

Now that Donald Trump is the President-Elect, does the WWE play up the fact he is the first Hall Of Famer elected President?

As mentioned above, it’s a tenuous time right now in the US because Trump won the election.  As I type this on Monday, I don’t know what WWE will do tonight but if it’s me, I stay away from it right now.  Joey Styles lost three jobs (as of this writing) just for referencing Trump.  I wouldn’t make any references if it were me.

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