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By Mike Johnson on 2016-11-13 09:53:00

EVOLVE champion Timothy Thatcher was released from the hospital early this morning after suffering a concussion in his bout against Drew Gulak last night.  He has been pulled from tonight's EVOLVE event in Joppa, MD.  We are told the scene after the match was pretty scary backstage.   There's no word when Thatcher will be cleared to return to the ring.  EVOLVE announced Tony Nese now has an "open contract."

One of the reasons Joey Styles was let go last night was Gabe Sapolsky specifically instructed the locker room before last night's EVOLVE show not to say or do anything that referenced U.S. politics or the election as he wanted the show to be an escape for fans watching, not a reminder of what was a pretty divisive week for the United States.    

As we noted last night, Styles' comment was not something that he had planned but was more of an off the cuff, improvised line that badly backfired on him.  The idea was to knock Donald Trump while taking a shot at heel manager Stokely Hathaway.  As soon as he returned to the back, Styles was apologizing to everyone in sight, including Flosports.  Gabe Sapolsky, as you can imagine, threw a fit and cut a big promo on Styles.  Styles was also seen apologizing to ring announcer Joanna Rose, who we were told was not offended as she saw it as a comedy bit on Trump, not an attack on her.   After the show, Styles and Larry Dallas took Timothy Thatcher to the emergency room and remained with him until he was released early this morning.

 My initial post stated Styles left the show early.  That was an error on my part.  I misunderstood when the incident occurred during the show initially.  I apologize for that.

The lineup for tonight's EVOLVE event:

*EVOLVE Tag Team champions DUSTIN & TBA with Drew Galloway vs. Fred Yehi & TBA

*Chris Hero vs. Matt Riddle

*Drew Gulak vs. Zack Sabre Jr.

*Ethan Page w/ The Gatekeepers vs. Chris Dickinson

*Darby Allin vs. Jaka

*Tony Nese has an open contract.

*The Gatekeepers in action.

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