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Do you think that Smackdown should prevail over Raw in the main Survivor Series match? If they want to further the idea of equal rosters and shows then I think they should. My guess would be that HHH shows up to screw Rollins and/or Reigns. The only thing that I don't like is Shane McMahon being on a team thats supposed to consist of actual wrestlers who could really benefit from a good showing.
Personally, I would book Smackdown to go over for that reason. Given the discord on Team Raw, they could very easily book it so that them not being able to get along was the reason that they lost. Whatever happens, they need to be very careful with the booking of the show. Very careful, as they don’t want to make Smackdown look secondary to Raw.
There does not seem to be a lot of room between TNA's ring and the guardrails in the Impact Zone, yet some wrestlers, like Eddie Edwards, continue to do suicide dives through the ropes on their opponents where they both hit the guardrail which could hurt a fan. Why not just do those moves near the runway where there is more room?
Good point. If it was me, I would do it. I guess they could make the point it is less obvious if they do it there.
Do you have any idea when AJ Lee's WWE contract expires so that she could possibly wrestle again? Would it coincide with the release of her upcoming book?
I don’t but the only place I have heard she would would want to wrestle again, if she ever did, would be WWE so whatever the status is, the sides could work it out.
Let's say Hulk Hogan stays with the AWA and becomes World Champion. Who does Vince McMahon use for his national expansion?
That is really hard to say. Hogan, Roddy Piper and the MTV connection were huge, huge factors in the expansion succeeding. I don’t know that it would have had they all not been there. The first WrestleMania was in peril until the MTV connection came along. I honestly don’t know who else WWE could have put in Hogan’s spot and made it work. He was the perfect, all time great for that role.
This question is for Dave - how did you get into wrestling and how did you get into your current career?
I started out by writing and interacting on a Usenet news group and the Prodigy service. That led to me writing for a newsletter called, “Chairshots”. When the publisher, Barry Rose, decided to stop producing it, I picked up the mantle and started, “The Wrestling Lariat” newsletter. I did so because I saw things were going on in ECW that were being misreported elsewhere. I originally planned to go every other week, but quickly we became a weekly. Then as the web took off, I joined forces with Bob Ryder at in August of 1997. In January of 2004, I decided I wanted to have complete control and started this site.
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