Suppose that TNA does go bankrupt; to repay their creditors, I'm sure that whatever assets TNA has (both tangible and not) would be sold or auctioned off. If this were to happen, would the contracted talent for TNA be up for bidding if a promotion were to honor the terms of the contract? Or would the wrestlers with guaranteed pay or late pay be listed as creditors too?
If the company files bankruptcy, the contracts are null and void. Past pay that would be owed would mean the wrestlers would then become creditors and like all other credits, would have to wait and see how the bankruptcy court handles the situation. That is what happened in 2001 when ECW went bankrupt.
Was it just me, or did Mick Foley's promo trying to warn Sasha and Charlette of the dangers of HIAC remind you of his anti-hardcore stint in ECW?
He certainly got emotional but it was not him trying to get heat, so I saw it more as a veteran warning the youngsters not to go down the path that he dared walk. It added some drama to the Cell match, something that was needed because WWE had not done, in my opinion, a strong job of getting over the Cell as one of the most frightening matches a talent could enter. The ECW stuff was him trying to get heat while also ripping on the audience for their bloodlust.
I see in the Pro Wrestling Hall of Fame in Iowa, they have a special Journalism award that has been given out to Bill Apter, Dave Meltzer and others. Do you think you'll ever be awarded it and if so, would you accept?
I am well aware of the award and there are a number of people I have a deep respect for that have been given the award, including Apter, Meltzer and George Napolitano. As far as whether I will ever be a recepient of the award, one, that is not for me to ever say. Two, I don't know that what I have done over the course of my reporting career even would qualify me since I don't know the criteria. The names you and I mentioned are much older than me and thus, have been doing this a much longer time. So, I don't know what the criteria is or whether I have or would ever fit into it. Three, as nice as it is to be recognized for your hard work, my goal from the day the site opened has been to make sure that people who read the site (and even more importantly, subscribe to the Elite section) feel that they are getting more than their money's worth. Awards are nice but being able to continue to do this for a living for 12 years plus, that's been the goal and continues to be the goal. Anything else, as awesome as it would be, would be secondary. So, in short, I don't know if I fall under their guidelines but if it happened, sure.
How much of the stuff that you and Dave or Dave and Eps, etc. on audio is pre-written or worked out ahead of time?
I can tell you, with my hand on a bible, that nothing ever is beyond a few bullet point topics that are newsworthy. Any banter, interaction, ridiculousness that happens on audio is entirely off the cuff. That's just well, the PWInsider method.
Billy Corgan is an avid wrestling fan who did pretty good with his small promotions and anyone plugged into the wrestling business (a lot of readers too) knew that TNA had been circling the drain for a while now. As both sides have admitted, the TNA library is there best asset, do you think that Corgan might have been playing chess while Dixie and company were playing checkers? The language of the contract is very peculiar on its own, such stipulations seem to look like Corgan was playing the long game.
It's possible. I really wonder that, whether he got the company or the money back or not, Corgan was just frustrated to the point he decided to have his "pound of flesh" by exposing the state of the company publicly with the court documents and embarassing Dixie Carter and others in the process. It could also be that Corgan feels he was legitimately defrauded and this is step one in a, as you said, longer game. We will know more on Monday.
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