Reading the reports of Billy Corgan taking legal action action TNA makes me think that if the company does go down it will be due to Dixie Carter's ego. Do you think this is the case, and do you see a way forward for the company??
I can’t say for sure that it’s Dixie’s ego. It could be that she is not a good business person. But given the trail of people being owed money, I think it’s pretty clear that she has not done a good job from the business side and should have been able to see the writing on the wall and sold before it got to this point. Is it ego? I don’t know. It could be bad business acumen as well. In any event, she played her hand badly and now the company is in turmoil.
So, having read the shocking news about TNA's debts and possible fraud, is there any way forward for the company, or are the precious few of us TNA fans going to be left with only memories?
There is one thing in the world that can make problems like these go away, and that is money. The only way I see right now for this to be worked out is if someone with a lot of money comes along and makes it all work out. I don’t have a great feeling that will happen. Frankly, to me it’s good money after bad at this point. The better play for someone wanting to get into the business would be to let TNA die and then start a new company out of the ashes. There isn’t much goodwill left in the TNA brand and they have been on a backward spiral for years now.
I don't care much for Nancy Grace, but she made a fair point on the Sam Roberts / Jim Norton show: There are an inordinate amount of wrestlers who die before the age of 40. Even if she presented it inaccurately, maybe wrestlers are unwilling to see the merit in what she says as, risky or not, it's their livelihood. Is it a fair criticism that the industry doesn't want to deal with (because, really, how can it exist at all if they acknowledge the dangers)? I'd argue the same thing for the NFL.
I think it’s fairer to say that there WERE an inordinate number of wrestlers who died before they were forty. WWE has done a great job of doing as much as they can to address the problem. I give them a lot of credit for that. Through the Wellness policy and doing all that they can to change the “rock star” lifestyle aspect of the business, they have made the situation better for the talent. Just like in football, when there is the degree of physicality involved, people will get hurt. It’s the person’s choice if they want to get into the business. So with that said, I don’t see the point if she was saying there IS a problem. It’s fairer to say that there WAS a problem.
What's happening with Taker, or is he done as was rumored after Mania, is he working 33? Is there any rumors on opponents aside from Cena (that's not a match I'm interested in because lolCenaWins)? Finally, when do you think he'll finally take his rightful place in the HOF; will it be the year he retires, or a few years later?
In both cases, it will be when he wants to. If he feels up to wrestling at Mania, he will. It’s totally on him. At his age, he has control of what he does. The same holds true for the Hall. The second he wants in, he’s in.
When the McMahons are on TV do they get paid as an on-screen talent in addition to the pay for their behind the scene roles, or is it seen as an extension of their role? Did this apply even to Linda when she would be an on-air character, and if so was there ever any resentment when Steph and Shane would get PPV pay days back in the day at the expense of other talent on the roster?
Yes, they get paid for being on-air characters. For example, Stephanie McMahon was under a three year deal where she got a base pay of $325,000 a year according a WWE filing.
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