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By Mike Johnson on 2016-10-06 09:35:00

Alberto El Patron (Del Rio) was interviewed by The Record in Mexico to discuss the stabbing incident that he claims led to him missing the AAA Heroes Inmortales event in Mexico over the weekend, claiming that WWE star Paige was on the scene during the incident and was actually assaulted by the perpetrator.  

According to The Record, Del Rio and his girlfriend Paige were in the parking lot of a restaurant when a drunken homeless man approached them.  Del Rio turned his back to the man, who turned pulled out a knife and attacked, causing two wounds to Del Rio.  According to the story, Del Rio managed to take down the attacked, who still wielded the knife and Del Rio again again.  The attacker was able to hit Paige and when Alberto went to check on her, the attacker ran.  By the time, Del Rio was able to file a complaint and get medical attention, it was too late to travel to Mexico for the event.  The article stated that Del Rio's flight was scheduled for 6 PM and by the time he was done dealing with everything, it was 11 PM.

The Record article follows the initial statement from Del Rio, which was posted on Instagram and does not mention Paige being present:


That statement noted that Del Rio presented documentation to AAA about the incident, which led to the lucha libre promotion backing off claims the night before that Del Rio had been unprofessional.  What is extremely odd is that it is seemingly impossible to find any documentation independently that the incident took place.

There is no local media coverage in San Antonio of a local celebrity (or two, if Paige was involved) being attacked by a "drunken, homeless man."  There is also, apparently, despite his statement saying that he went back to the police department, no way to track down whether a police report has been filed. reached out to the San Antonio Police Department yesterday to confirm whether an incident took place and to request a copy of the police report.  However, with the vague information offered thus far, that has proven to be, thus far, an impossible task.

Del Rio himself has, at this point, never stated the actual city where the incident took place but it was narrowed down to San Antonio based on comments made by Court Bauer - who worked with ADR when he was involved with MMA promotion Combate Americas - and Mister Saint Laurent on   The version passed on by Bauer and Saint Laurent indicates that the incident happened after a car accident where the driver and Del Rio got into a confrontation, at which point the other driver pulled a knife.  The other driver is said to have driven off.  That version of the story does not include Paige and again, a stabbing following a car accident would indicate that local police would have been called - especially since Del Rio himself in his statement that he went to the police.

Perhaps the police was called and perhaps Del Rio went to them, but again, it has been impossible to track down a report.

In speaking to the San Antonio Police Department yesterday, was told, "There was one stabbing in our jurisdiction on Oct. 2nd. There are several smaller municipalities within our city that are not our jurisdiction and there's also the Bexar County Sheriff's Office, this is why we need a location of where the incident happened.  If you get that information please send it over and we'll research."

The one stabbing in their jurisdiction did not list Del Rio as a victim.

While will continue to research the incident today, without the name of the restaurant and more of an understanding of exactly the incident took place, tracking down a police report is leaving more questions than answers - and the only ones who can provide those answers are Del Rio or perhaps Paige herself.   One also has to wonder that if Paige   currently dealing with neck issues that could very well lead to surgery - was allegedly assaulted during the incident, whether WWE is now in the loop and checking on her well being.

What we do know is this - Something happened to cause Del Rio to miss the AAA show.   We also know what Del Rio claimed, of his own accord.   Unfortunately, there are now three differing versions of what those claims allegedly are.  Without further information, there is no way to verify those claims, and the only ones who can verify are Del Rio himself...and possibly, if the latest version is to be believed, Paige.  Instead, there is only scrutiny and skepticism on what exactly happened.

Del Rio made the choice to make the statement and release details on the incident that led to him missing the AAA event.  That statement has only opened the door to more questions.  It's on him to release additional details - police report number, the name of the restaurant where Del Rio and Paige were dining before the incident, something - if he wants those questions to go away.

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