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By Paul Crockett on 2016-09-30 21:02:00

Ring of Honor “All Star Extravaganza”
Lowell Memorial Auditorium
Lowell, Massachusetts
September 30, 2016

Pre-Show Internet Exclusive: Silas Young def. Will Ferrara & EVIL when
he pinned Ferrara.  The crowd was really into EVIL and Young, and they
ended up getting behind Ferrara as the babyface and his high-flying
offense.  Basic three-way match with a lot of one-on-one encounters
while one guy recovered on the outside.  With Young having a title
shot coming up, it made sense to keep him strong going into it.

ROH World TV Champion Bobby Fish d. Donovan Dijak - New England Pro
Wrestling Academy Head Trainer Brian Fury came out with Dijak, along
with his students and fellow wrestlers Mikey Webb (who teams with
Dijak as “American Destroyers” on the indies), “All Good” Anthony
Greene & Scotty Slade.  They remained at ringside to cheer him on and
help with the hometown advantage.

The crowd went ballistic when Dijak hit the Feast Your Eyes and willed
himself to make the cover despite Fish working over the knee.  They
absolutely bit on it and it was fantastic.  Both guys did a tremendous
job meticulously building to that spot.  The crowd was also super into
the kneebar spot with Dijak reaching for the ropes.  They also had a
really loud Dijak chant as he was getting choked out.  Then when he
passed out in the hold, the crowd was respectful toward Fish, but
still booing because they didn’t like the outcome.  Excellent opener.

Dalton Castle & Colt Cabana defeated War Machine, The All Night
Express and Shane Taylor & Keith Lee in a four-corner match - Dalton
Castle got an absolute MONSTER reaction on his entrance.  This guy
should be at a way higher spot in the pecking order at this point.
The crowd was super hot for this match, especially when Dalton was in
the ring.  They also popped huge when War Machine & Taylor/Lee started
going at it at ringside due to their excellent television feud.  The
place became unglued during the endless display of insane spots to end
the match, including the most incredible somersault plancha to the
floor by Keith Lee I have ever witnessed.  Sign him up New Japan!
Castle got the win the the Bang-A-Rang and the crowd erupted.  A
tremendous four-corner match.

Dragon Lee d. Kamaitachi - If you don’t care about psychology and just
want to see an endless array of insane spots, then you’re in luck.
This match was absurd on a lot of levels, but these guys deserve
credit for going the extra mile in this showcase match.  The crowd was
absolutely electric for this one and they received a standing ovation.
I’m not sure what I just watched, but it was physically impressive and

Kyle O’Reilly d. Adam Page - These poor guys.  After that over the top
Dragon Lee-Kamaitaichi match, there was no one anyone could follow it.
O’Reilly and Page still went out there and gave maximum effort and did
what they could, and to their credit, the crowd responded well when
they needed them to.  Page really stepped up his game against one of
the better workers in the world in O’Reilly.  While it didn’t blow the
crowd away, they did react a lot better than I thought they would
following the insanity that came before it.

ROH Six-Man Tag Team Tournament Round One: ACH, Jay White & KUSHIDA v.
The Briscoes & Toru Yano - It was great to finally see Yano live.  It
was also good to see all of his comedy spots get over to a live crowd.
They did a very good job building the heat to allow ACH to run wild.
He seems to have a lot more confidence since his tour of Pro Wrestling
NOAH this summer, which is really great for his future.  Very
entertaining match that deserved the great reaction from the crowd
that it got.  Really well done.

Jay Lethal d. Tetsuya Naito - Next to Castle, Naito definitely got the
biggest reaction of the night.  It seemed like the crowd was starting
to lose a little bit of steam during parts of the match, but they got
loud again toward the end of the match, especially the Lethal false
finish following the ref bump.  They especially got loud when Lethal
finally scored the win at the end.  I’m personally stunned New Japan
let that finish happen, but that’s a great win for Lethal and
hopefully we’ll get a title match out of it.

ROH World Champion Adam Cole d. Michael Elgin - you can definitely
tell the crowd is starting to wear down, although I would say Cole is
in the running with Naito for the second biggest crowd reaction during
his entrance.  He also got a great reaction upon his victory.  This
was a very good World Title match, and still managed to keep the crowd
interested despite the fact that everyone seemed to know what the
outcome was going to be.

The Young Bucks d. The Addiction & The Motor City Machine Guns to
become the new ROH World Tag Team Champions in a Ladder War - And
that’s the only way to describe it.  An all out war.  This was an
absolutely incredible performance from all involved.  This is worth
the price of buying the pay-per-view.  Want the crowd reaction?
Electric.  Endless energy.  Total respect.  This was tremendous.

Overall, this was an outstanding pay-per-view and the crowd was really
great throughout.  I was happy to be here to experience it.


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